
カナダ→福井→医学部→研修医 / 水泳歴21年 / 医療統計 / 英語 / 元トビタテ…


カナダ→福井→医学部→研修医 / 水泳歴21年 / 医療統計 / 英語 / 元トビタテ12期 / 世界で活躍するスポーツドクターになる!


  • English Diary

    日々のEnglish Diaryを綴っていきます。

  • NEJM Case Record

    The New England Journal of Medicineに毎週掲載されるCase Records of The Massachusetts General Hospitalから学んだことや学んだ英語表現をまとめていきます。

  • Today’s Sentences

    English Diaryを書いて、毎日口に出してから寝ている、Today’s sentenceをまとめました。勉強用です。

  • CNN 10 Summary

    CNN 10を見て、そのTransctiptを元に要約を作って英語の勉強にします。気が向いたときに更新します。

  • 医療の情報発信



  • 固定された記事


初めまして!カナダ生まれ福井育ちの医学生スイマー、ウィリアムです。 先日、医師国家試験を終え人生最後(?)の長期休みに入りましたが、コロナでなかなか外出や遊びができないですね。皆さんはいかがお過ごしでしょうか? 僕はいまわくわくしながらこのnoteを書いています。 まずはこのnoteを書き始めたきっかけをお話ししたいと思います。 きっかけ コロナがこの世界に現れて一年、実にたくさんの出来事がありました。思い通りにならなかったことは多いけれど、逆に思いも寄らないことが多く

    • English Diary #98

      2021.07.25 I'm writing this diary for the first time in more than two weeks. I've been busy with my work at the ER department, but it's a challenging job, and I'm enjoying it very much! I experienced a lot of things since I last wrote my

      • English Diary #97

        2021.07.06 Today I got in charge of a new patient with pelvic fractures. The patient is in the ICU, so the whole body control is very important, and it is so meaningful. Tomorrow, the patient is going to receive surgery for the fracture, s

        • English Diary #96

          2021.07.04 Today I went to Hitachinaka for the rescue activity for the diving competition with my boss. Diving athletes gathered from all over Japan, including Olympic athletes. This was the first time for me to watch the diving competitio

        • 固定された記事



        • English Diary
        • NEJM Case Record
        • Today’s Sentences
        • CNN 10 Summary
        • 医療の情報発信


          English Diary #95

          2021.06.28 I was in charge of my last spinal anesthesia today. There were many audiences, so I was a bit nervous, but it went well. I'm happy to finish my last spinal anesthesia in success! The operation cases were a few today, so I finis

          English Diary #95

          English Diary #94

          2021.06.27 Today I made a draft for the presentation in July. I became in charge of the presentation at the junior resident meeting. The theme is "What you messed up during your residency." I wrote an incident report once and also messed u

          English Diary #94

          English Diary #93

          2021.06.26 It's been a while since I wrote the last English diary. I've been busy these days, but I don't know why, maybe because I was writing an English paper. From July, I'm going to rotate the emergency department. I have to say goodby

          English Diary #93

          English Diary #92

          2021.06.17 Today I took a day off and attended an online conference. I was able to listen to more than 10 presentations and they were so meaningful. It seems that the main members are gathering in Sapporo, so I'm a little bit frustrated, b

          English Diary #92

          English Diary #91

          2021.06.16 Yesterday was my mother's birthday! My family gathered using Skype and celebrated her special day. I wrote a message card with my siblings, and she looked so happy. These days, I'm busy and unable to talk to her so often as befo

          English Diary #91

          Case 11-2021: A 39-Year-Old Woman with Fever, Flank Pain, and Inguinal Lymphadenopathy

          April 15, 2021 N Engl J Med 2021; 384:1448-1456 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcpc2100273 要約39歳女性、4週間前に両側鼠径部の圧痛を伴う浮腫が出現 発症2日後から右鼠径部の間欠的な鋭い痛み(NRS 5/10)を自覚 その後3日間、嘔気・食欲不振が続き、悪臭を伴う尿を自覚 発症1週間後に前医を受診し反跳痛や筋性防御を伴わない右側のCVA痛と腹痛があり、両側鼠径部の多数の2cm大までの腫脹したリンパ節を認め、大量

          Case 11-2021: A 39-Year-Old Woman with Fever, Flank Pain, and Inguinal Lymphadenopathy

          Today's Sentence #81~90

          #81 I went shopping in the morning and hung out Futon in the sun. #82 I learned many expressions, including persistent cough, finger clubbing, tar staining, and chain smoker. #83 Last week, I had some plans and study meetings after work e

          Today's Sentence #81~90

          English Diary #90

          2021.06.11 Today I got an interview for the public relations magazine. The main questions were "What did you use your first salary for?" and "What are you going to use your first bonus for?" For the first question, I answered that I sent a

          English Diary #90

          English Diary #89

          2021.06.10 It's getting hot these days. I feel as if the rainy season has already passed. But, thanks to the iontophoresis, I don't think I'm sweating compared to other years. Today I was in charge of two operations with my scary boss. I'

          English Diary #89

          English Diary #88

          2021.06.09 Today I was in charge of just one operation and was feeling boring, but a new case emerged and I was able to be in charge of two operations. Both were orthopedic operations, so I was happy. In those two operations, I was with m

          English Diary #88

          English Diary #87

          2021.06.08 Today I met my junior in the operation room. He is rotating the orthopedic department for two weeks as a student. I'm in charge of the anesthesia of orthopedic surgeries from Wednesday to Friday this week, so I'm excited! I wann

          English Diary #87

          English Diary #86

          2021.06.06 Today I wrote an English paper about spondylolysis. It'll almost be completed, but I have some questions I wanna ask some person familiar with medical statistics. The part-time doctor in the anesthesiology department is said to

          English Diary #86