
English Diary #87


Today I met my junior in the operation room. He is rotating the orthopedic department for two weeks as a student. I'm in charge of the anesthesia of orthopedic surgeries from Wednesday to Friday this week, so I'm excited! I wanna impress him😆

I emailed my senior doctor yesterday about the anti-doping activities. I may be able to join the activities from the latter half of the year. I emailed my boss in the hospital about the activities and requested him to let me join.

After work, I taught the procedure of spinal anesthesia to my colleague who is rotating together with me. I hope there will be many cases of spinal anesthesia so that both of us can experience the procedure.

Three good things happened today:
1. I met my junior in the operation room
2. I taught the procedure of spinal anesthesia to my colleague
3. I asked  my boss to let me join the anti-doping activities

Today's sentence
I wanna show my anesthesia to my junior and impress him!
