
English Diary #94


Today I made a draft for the presentation in July. I became in charge of the presentation at the junior resident meeting. The theme is "What you messed up during your residency." I wrote an incident report once and also messed up several times, so I'll introduce those failures to my colleagues.

After that, I went to the gym. I trained myself as always. I haven't gained weight, so I was relieved, haha. I worked up a good sweat.

I also made presentation slides for the online alumni party of my swim team in July. The details of the alumni are getting concrete little by little. I'm so excited! I want a lot of people to join!

A new week will start from tomorrow. Monday comes again! This is my last week rotating in the anesthesiology department. I wanna bring it to a successful conclusion!

Three good things happened today:
1. I went to the gym
2. I made 2 drafts for the presentation in July
3. I cleaned my room

Today's sentence
I messed up many things during my rotation in the anesthesiology department, but I wanna bring it to a successful conclusion!
