
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.01.25]

PBS NewsHour Jan. 24, 2023
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  • PBS NewsHour Jan. 24, 2023の字幕ファイルのダウンロード

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[02:46]★今日のおすすめ★ 続く銃撃事件

[03:39] Less than 48 hours after a gunman's rampage shook the sleepy Southern Californian city of Monterey Park, a mass shooting in Northern California, 30 miles outside San Francisco, left a second trail of devastation.[* to leave a trail of devastation = 破壊の跡を残す・破壊の爪痕を残す]

[03:53] I mean, you hear about this on the news all the time, but when it comes home to you like this in a small town like this, it really does bring it home. [* to bring home = to make clearer]

[05:49] Why is it so important to provide that in-language service? [* in-language service = 英語のコミュニケーション力が十分でない人に、母国語で提供するサービス]

[14:12] 今日のその他のニュース

[18:35]★今日のおすすめ★ ペンス前副大統領の私邸からも機密文書

[22:32] It happens enough that we have a term of art. [* term of art = 専門用語 ]

[24:05] 上院司法委員会公聴会 Ticketmasterの独占状態を批判

[24:02] The U.S. Senate has bad blood [* bad blood = A serious feud or long-standing grudge (wiktionary)] with Ticketmaster after the company botched ticket sales for Taylor Swift's upcoming tour.

[28:39] because there was so much unity on taking on a company that has a monopoly on ticketing, 70 to 80 percent, depending on how you look at it, does the promotions and, the third part of the triangle, owns the arenas or makes them take three- to five- to seven-year contracts to get their services, acing out any competition. [* to ace out = To defeat others in a contest]

[34:41] FBIの元防諜幹部職員がロシアに内通か

[40:47]★今日のおすすめ★ 地熱塩水からリチウム資源 地域社会を潤すか

[42:05] Today, the U.S. sources most of its lithium from South America and processes it in China. But what if the supply chain could all be right here? It's a natural twofer? [* twofer = something that satisfies two needs simultaneously. 一石二鳥]

[42:59] Is the process scalable? [* scalable = capable of being easily expanded on demand]

[48:50] Mikaela Shiffrin スキー史上頂点へ

[50:46] And the way she met that, the way she talked about it, the class [* class = admirable behavior; elegance] and the dignity, she described the honesty of how difficult it was, I think endeared her to people.




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