
seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #07 prisoner 303

#07 prisoner 303

Inogashira Park, Kichijoji, midnight.
Absolutely silent, no wind, no one but one.
A drunken businessman on his way home
lying under a newspaper on the bench.

With a sudden whirlwind,  discharging of electricity,
appeared a young lady with nothing on.
Everything about the affair, the drunk was
watching the beautiful figure from the beginning.

No time, approached and choked with one hand.
The more deeply three claws stuck into his neck,
the less conscious the drunken man became, 
when he wondered where sushi for my family was.

After the woman with claws left there,
another figure appeared as the former did.
The man put on the clothes and the cell phone
of the drunk and disappeared the same way.

One morning news of the naked injured man.
The other news, before the dawn, a good amount
of gasoline stolen in a near by gasoline station.
KIRIYA thinking of the relation of both news.

"This is not the end but the beginning.
And what does this anonymous email mean?"
He had got the similar email again.
MYSTERIOUS, the address was the drunk's.


a gas station near jindai-ji

That night, moreover, near Jindaiji, Chofu
a gasoline filling station was attacked
and two workers were severely wounded.
Next Nishifu, Fuchu, the next Manganji, Hino.

Day by day, accidentally or intentionally, 
closer and closer to the Youth hideout.
The criminal had left some footprints,
Numbers 303 were curved on the sole.

The course led to the next goal around Hachioji,
where the curfew was issued all over the city.
KIRIYA got another email, which said:

The Youth members were specially allowed
to patrol and investigate around the city. 
Hachioji is one of the largest cities in TOKIO.
MOROBOSHI was driving from Matsugaya to Kitano.

(If the criminal is an extraterrestrial (ET),
the ET radar will respond and catch it.
Though, the radar hasn't gotten it yet.
is the criminal an alien or a human?)

The emails had something to do with the criminal,
KIRIYA had already solved the MISTERY.
"They must have been expressed as were imaged
by someone that isn't accustomed to emailing."

KIRIYA looked at the codes from every angle.
Once an idea flashed to his mind suddenly,
they were even easier for KIRIYAMA to decode
than HIEROGLYPHs, "Eureka! (Bingo!)"

prisoner 303 quraso wanted
prisoner 303 earth now

∂N1Ⅼ∆5∀6∂∧∀H ∑♢∑r∂N∆51r∏
prisoner 303 have gasoline

Takakuramachi, Hachioji, TOKIO, one night.
Heavy traffic on the Koshu Kaido all day long,
Almost no one was to seen the back alley.
Almost every family were at home every night.

The Ishikawas, Father, Mother, Brother and Sister
relaxing after supper, watching  the TV news.

"Neighborhood.  Is it OK?"

"It's OK.  The security is tightened up around here."

"Not a gasoline station, isn't it? www." 

"We cannot be attacked."

Then they heard some sound from the garage.

"What's that?" 

"I'm seeing it,"

Brother stood up.
When he shone around the garage with flashlight,
the sharp eyes woman hid face with hand claws.

She was drinking gasoline from the car
through her long thin red tongue like a snake.
Refrexively, he fell and stepped back indoors.
All the Ishikawas would not move, panicking.

HAWK 1 wagon KIRIYA drove, was passing
under Hino Station, when something was in his way.

[[[ Ya Yuth? ]]] 

"Who are you?"

[[[ Alien QURASO, Polis Ya Word ]]]

"You are NOT responding to my radar."

[[[ Koz QURASO clos ta Erth ]]]

"Ya afta prizna 303?  Go with mi."
(That's why it has no response…troublesome)

The other Ishikawa second born Brother, upstairs
studying for exams, was watching the whole thing.
He successfully escaped along the roofs and  
came across HAWK 3 vehicle mode.

When the members but YURI broke into the house,
alien QURASO had already disappeared there.
YURI waiting for them to come back, suddenly,
was choked by the claws from behind the back.

alien QURASO

[[[ Bak hom, ya ∫ip, ta ya hom ]]]

"No, never!  If ya wanna kill me, as ya like."

[[[ Kil ya! ]]]  

Just when YURI managed to get out of the door, 
a lightning from yellow Beetle went past the claws.
Being surprised, the prisoner got out in a hurry.
At the momemt a forehead beam from MOROBOSHI hit it.

ULTRA BEAM ignited the gasoline inside its body
and burned it down to the ash.

The problem was solved.

[[[ Thanks Yuth fa  prizna 303 kila ]]]

"Why did ya email mi?"

[[[ Koz mi kno Yuth pawa.  Ya COMRADE ]]]
The alien cop pointed to MOROBOSHI.

"Anyway, we are going to help each other 
when there happened something emergent."

[[[ Si ya agen ]]]

The alien QURASO went into the darkness of night.

"Why did he see MOROBOSHI as COMADE?"

"As you say, MOROBOSHI cannot be an alien."

"Yes.  If so, ET rader would show it."

He felt relieved.
('Cause I'm as close to humans as alien QURASO.)

#07 the end

