
seven the youth (ultraseven for adults) #32 wandering planet

#32 wandering planet

The hot talk of the whole world is
"a wandering planet, Mandas."
It appears above one country like a moon,
disappearing after a while.
And it appears again above another country, 
disappearing, to above another again.

wandering planet

Each country's Defense Force tries to examine it, 
only to fail to find out what it really is.

When it has once appeared above the US,
V3 (#13) approaches it and gets some data.

  1. It teleports every 24 hours.

  2. It is like an island without sea.

  3. It contains explosive materials.

"Russian roulette might explode above Japan."
"Professor, don't talk about that.  Bad luck."
"If it visits Japan, shall we land on to examine?"

After some countries, it appears above Italy, Russia, to Hungary,
when KIRIYA says,
"Might be Japan, next.  Let's prepare for it."

As KIRIYA says,
the planet shows up above TOKIO, Japan.
and MOROBOSHI get on HAWK 1
and leave for the planet floating in the night.

The urban illumination is flashy and filthy,
when you see it nearby, but from far away
it looks beautiful and peaceful.
The distance always makes you blind.

HAWK 1 lands on the planet's sand beach,
but it is not waves but clouds that come and go.
There is a mountain at the center of land,
about as high as Mt Takao.
The radar responds to the mountain.

Three persons step into the unexplored forest.
Three androids Rigger-type A are the first enemies,
repeatedly shouting "Rigger!  Rigger!"
They are powerful giants like Gigantes, 
two meters tall, each of whom attacks
each member of the Youth from above the trees.

FURUDA throws one over his shoulder.
AMABE shoots one head with a ray-gun.
MOROBOSHI with glasses on easily beats one.

There appear opponents one after another.
Next, three sorcerers, one meter tall,
Pagos-type A show up from behind the trees.
They have no arms with black robes on,
and breath fire, appearing and disappearing.

FURUDA has to fight with the shorty hard.
Once he holds one, he can play judo.
AMABE and MOROBOSHI are easy beaters.

They gradually approaches the top. 
The third enemies are armed warriors,
one point five meters tall, Agira-type A.
They appear, swinging a sword around
with a shield in the other hand.

FURUDA, shrugging off the sequential attacks, 
gives a roundhouse kick into the back of head.
And taking the sword, he slashes off the others
that are attacking AMABE and MOROBOSHI.

Reaching the top of Mt Mandas,
they find an artificial cube house with no windows.
Then, KIRIYA gives a call and tells them  
that the planet has stopped wandering around
and started slowly falling down to Mt Takao. 

"Huge Bomb, as expected," says FURUDA.

Opening the metal door, without hesitation,
three members go into the cube.

The isle is so narrow that one can barely pass it.
In a few minutes, they get to the open hall,
at the center of which places a large machine.
It is a bomb, and also has teleported itself.
The monitor equipped with it shows
unknown symbols of decimal system,
counting down at different rate from the Earth.

AMABE understands the system and says
the countdown would end at noon.
"Try to examine if we can change the setup."

in the cube

An evacuation advisory has already been issued
around Mt Takao.

During his examination, the androids attaks again. 
"AMABE, leave them to us," shouts FURUDA.

However, Rigger-type B is stronger than type A.
Three androids attack in a perfect sync.
Moreover, they combine to turn into Riggerd,
six meters high, with six arms.
FURUDA is on the defensive only,
held by the arms, beaten up,
and thrown away to the wall.
MOROBOSHI shoots BEAM from the dead angle
that FURUDA cannot see.
A flash runs around inside Riggerd's body, 
which divides into three bodies, blown up.

"FURUDA san, are you Okey?"

"OGey, oGey.  CareDess of me. 
What'Z are Ju going, AMABE?"

"Takes some time, but I'll mamage to.
Three keys.  
First, prventing its remote controllig system.
Second, finding its detonator, or trigger device.
Third, remove this planet to the outer space."

"There might be combatants left.
Is HAWK 1 all right?"

"It's barrier on, so maybe alright."

As expected, Pagos-type B,
three sorcerers combine into Pagodas,
the magic master, three meters tall.
It uses magics freely: fire, blizzard, and thunder, 
what is more, appearing and disappearing.
Where FURUDA avoids Thunder, 
he receives Fire.
"Aaaauch, auch, aauch!"
His leg gets frozen.
"Coooold, cold, coold!"

While FURUDA is thrashing about,
MOROBOSHI shoots BEAM into the hood,
which also divide into three parts,
blown up just like Riggerd.

"FURUDA san, are you alright?"

"Of Gourse, alDight.  But no more."

"Yes, this could make the planet lift up.
MOROBOSHI, give a call to Professor."

It is avoided that both planets touch each other,
so next, the huge bomb should be deal with.

"What's neGst?  Anything Deft?"

Agira-type B, three swordsmen are left.
As well as the others, they combine 
into Dagiras, the sword master,
four and a half meters high, with a magic sword
and a magic ax in each hand.

FURUDA, the great fighter, passes out 
to see Dagiras, due to wounds all over the body.
Seeing him lose consciousness,
MOROBOSHI crosses wrists in front of eyes
and grasps right knuckle tightly.
When he opens arms,
the sword of light has been hold
in right hand.

The magic sword is slashed down at him,
and the light sword receives it.  Next moment,
the magic ax is slashed horizontally,
and he steps back.  Next moment,
the sword and ax attack him at once,
and he has the light sword receive both,
slashing up the swordsman back.
Dagiras falls down to the floor.

"AMABE san, how's it going?"

"Cannot find the detonator.

It should've been some place.
Not here, anyway, get out."

MOROBOSHI carries FURUDA on his back.

They climb down the mountain.
It will take them two hours to HAWK 1
and it will be three hours to the explosion.
The planet bomb has not yet risen up enough,
so if it were to explode now,
it would do damage to TOKIO.

When it is a little more to HAWK 1,
MOROBOSHI feels something approaches,
which has the greatest energy of all.

"What's the matter, MOROBOSHI?"

"AMABE san, help FURUDA san, please."

"Wait!  Where are you going?"

MOROBOSHI goes into the forest again,
when he is surrounded by three things.
They are typed C of Rigger, Pagos, and Agira,
combine into the final form, Mandas.
The android is five hundred fifty centimeters tall,
and has six arms: in addition to sword and ax,
with spear, bow, gun, and shield in each hand.
One head has three faces,
each of which breathes Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder.
Four legs enables it to move quickly, right and left,
back and forth, appearing and disappearing.

(No way, too much.  But if only I finish it,
alien Mandas would give up INVADE.)

Putting eye glasses back on
and watching its moving, he finds something.

(Its head is the inductor of planet
and the detonator of bomb.)

MOROBOSHI measures the timing 
of its appearing and his attacking.

(Regular rhythm of time and place, absolutely.)

Meanwhile, FURUDA, awake now, and AMABE
are waiting for MOROBOSHI to return to HAWK 1.

"What's he doing?"

"Wait and see until the last second."

Time goes by to the limit

(Got the timing.  Not in a hurry.  One by one.)

Each time the monster appears,
ULTRA BEAM destroys one arm after another.
But its last hand is protected by the shield.
So, he teleports to behind, shooting the last one.
The monster is literally disarmed.
(Yes, it's now.)

The head, each of which gives magic breath off, 
has been cut off by the invisible knife of light,

The moment he grabs the head,
MOROBOSHI teleports to the outer space
and throws it away from the Earth.

Then, the planet begins to accelerate its rising up.
The countdown to explosion has started.

60  59  58


"Hurry up…" AMABE

31  30  29

They do no other choice but leave the planet.

17  16  15

The planet teleports to the monster's head,
that is to say, to the space far from the Earth.

7  6  5  4  3  2  1

end of the planet


"I'm sorry for being late. 
And thank you very much 
for waiting to the last moment."

MOROBOSHI has teleported to HAWK 1-α,
which FURUDA is steering.

"OK, just live you," says AMABE.

"YES HOPE, to HAWK 1-β.  Exactly I live."

Two HAWKs combine to one,
above TOKIO, in the clear sky.


"By the way, how could Professor predict
when the planet would appear above TOKIO?"


#32 the end


