









Watch the life gently

As I enter my fourth week of working from home, my mind is changing a lot. Somehow, it's also stressful.
I was talking to an old friend and she said, "You should write something, and start when you get an idea," so I'm going to do that.

I hung up Skype, "Well, it's been three years... let's go for a bike ride!" I think,so move quickly. It took to inflate the tires for 30 minutes. I couldn't get air in, I thought it's in and it's out, I tried again and it's not... I’ve been already tired.
Although I managed to get in and out. I started out and thought, "Did the bike have such a heavy handlebars? When I checked the air in the tire, the rear wheel was already deflated. (The front wheel was almost perfect.)
...I was disappointed in my clumsiness, but I decided to just go to the nearby park and move on.

The heavy tires didn't advance at all. I was already sweating on the crosswalk to get to the park. It might be faster to walk. A man was checking the condition of his bicycle before the bridge, "I wonder if this man has used his bicycle for the first time in a long time..." I thought as I pasted by him and approached the park.

So many person...there.

Are you kidding me? I muttered without thinking. There were many tents. Playing badminton was next. My steps and feelings were heavy, so I made a U-turn in front of the temple and went back home.

It was about 20 minutes. There was a 10m headwind in front of my house and I got off if I could. Just from that, my whole face was sweating and my legs were staggering.
Even though I'm doing over 100 sit-ups on the sit-up machine every day with too much free time. Even though I've pushing it with my legs. What's with my low mobility?

There was something I really wanted to write about in the first installment, but I was too tired to do so. Inflating tires ~getting home, it's about an hour.

I'd like to start what I'm starting to watch the life gently, which can be done at times like these.

This text was mostly translated by DeepL.
