Toru II Toru通信(2022年12月17日)
Selection & Text by Toru Hashimoto (SUBURBIA)

(1)Sault『Untitled (God)』
(2)Little Simz『NO THANK YOU』
(3)Makaya McCraven『In These Times』
(4)Nosaj Thing『Continua』
(5)Kendrick Lamar『Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers』
(6)Bruno Berle『No Reino Dos Afetos』
(7)Carlos Niño & Friends『Extra Presence』
(8)Tom Gallo『Vanish And Bloom』
(9)The Weather Station『How Is It That I Should Look At The Stars』
(10)СОЮЗ (SOYUZ)『Force Of The Wind』
(11)Sessa『Estrela Acesa』
(13)Charles Stepney『Step On Step』
(14)Sam Wilkes & Jacob Mann『Perform The Compositions Of Sam Wilkes & Jacob Mann』
(15)Duval Timothy『Meeting With A Judas Tree』
(16)Cisco Swank & Luke Titus『Some Things Take Time』
(17)Wilma Vritra『Grotto』
(18)Mary Halvorson『Amaryllis & Belladonna』
(19)Lydia Persaud『Moody31』
(20)WizKid『More Love, Less Ego』
(21)Somi『Zenzile: The Reimagination Of Miriam Makeba』
(22)Melody Gardot & Philippe Baden Powell『Entre Eux Deux』
(23)Sibusiso Mash Mashiloane『Music From My People』
(25)Beth Orton『Weather Alive』
(27)The Orielles『Tableau』
(28)William Basinski & Janek Schaefer『. . . on reflection』
(29)Vegyn『Don't Follow Me Because I'm Lost Too!!』
(30)Bitchin Bajas『Bajascillators』
(31)Joel Ross『The Parable Of The Poet』
(32)Chris Brain『Bound To Rise』
(33)Big Thief『Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You』
(34)Pierre Kwenders『José Louis And The Paradox Of Love』
(35)Sudan Archives『Natural Brown Prom Queen』
(36)Sean Nicholas Savage『Shine』
(37)Manuel Linhares『Suspenso』
(38)Michelle『After Dinner We Talk Dreams』
(39)Tomberlin『I Don't Know Who Needs To Hear This...』
(40)Diaspora Dreams『Diaspora Dreams』
(41)Justin Orok『Kanata』
(42)Sam Gendel & Antonia Cytrynowicz『LIVE A LITTLE』
(43)Yaya Bey『Remember Your North Star』
(45)Ghostly Kisses『Heaven, Wait』
(47)NNAMDÏ『Please Have A Seat』
(50)Kokoroko『Could We Be More』
(51)Moor Mother『Jazz Codes』
(52)Allison Wheeler『Winterspring』
(53)Kenny Beats『Louie』
(54)Flwr Chyld『Luv N Chaos』
(55)Laufey『Everything I Know About Love』
(56)Jeremiah Chiu & Marta Sofia Honer『Recordings From The Åland Islands』
(57)Ana Gabriela『Degradê』
(59)Saba『Few Good Things』
(60)Barney McAll『Precious Energy』
結果はご覧の通り、2020年〜2021年に引き続き、我が家で愛されてやまないSault、というかInflo〜Cleo Sol〜Little Simzのトライアングルが、ワン・トゥー・フィニッシュとなった。コンセプチュアルな冴えたカッコよさにもさらに磨きがかかったSaultは、今年発表されたアルバム6作+シングル1曲(組曲)の総合力で、やはりNo.1に推さずにはいられない。Little Simzの新作は、リリースされてまだ1週間も経っていないのに惚れこんでしまった(妻がやはり熱烈に愛するSZAは、僕は3回しか通して聴けていないので来年エントリー予定)。
上位15作はとりわけ愛聴したことを特筆しておきたいが、影のMVPはKendrick LamarやNosaj Thingらの諸作にも貢献したDuval Timothyだろうか。「dublab.jp suburbia radio」の選曲同様、ジャズ/ソウル/ヒップホップ/ビート・ミュージック/ラテン〜ブラジリアン〜アフロ/フォーク〜ロック〜SSWなどを横断しながら、レコード/CD/配信を問わずバランスの取れたリスニング・ライフを楽しめた一年だったが、2010年代に比べるとかなりアンビエント色が強まっているのは、彼の活躍とも符合すると思う。
「usen for Cafe Apres-midi」の2022年ベスト・セレクション特番のために選んだ、この一年間に好んでよくセレクトしたベスト・トラック900曲を集めた曲目リストも、12/26の放送開始に合わせて、アプレミディ・ホームページのブログに掲載するので、併せてチェックして聴いていただけたら嬉しい(2020年〜2021年に続いてサブスクリプションで聴ける曲のプレイリストを作成してくださる方がいればと願う)。また、“2022ヴァイナル・ベスト”という感じのDJプレイを生収録した(レコードの値上がりは死活問題ですね)、Hamon Radioのためのライヴ・ミックスもMixcloudで公開されているので、ぜひぜひお聴きください。
Abc Dialect / Feels Right
Adam Blackstone & Laurin Talese feat. Robert Glasper / My Winter
Adi Oasis feat. Jamila Woods / Red To Violet
Adrian Knight feat. Timo Andres / Abide With Me
Adriana Vasques & Bembe Segue feat. Da Lata / This Is Me
Affonsinho / O Violão Do João
Afra Kane / Building
Afternoon Bike Ride / Summertime
Agnes Nunes & Neo Beats / Cabelo Baguncado
Akemi Fox / See You Soon
Alabaster DePlume / The Sound Of My Feet On This Earth Is A Song To Your Spirit
Alamay & Omar Cassius / Guidance
Aldous Harding / Tick Tock
Alela Diane / Moth In The Light
Alessandro Penezzi & Fábio Peron / Chorinho Pra Dominguinhos
Alex Ho / Mark
Alex Isley & Jack Dine / Square Zero
Alex Kassian / Strings Of Eden
Alex Siegel / Charlie
Alexis Ffrench / Canyons
Alice Auer / Maybe I Know You
Alice Boman / Space
Alice Markham / Powerful Lady
Alina Bzhezhinska & HipHarpCollective / African Flower
Alina Bzhezhinska & HipHarpCollective / Afro Blue
Alina Bzhezhinska & HipHarpCollective / Soul Vibrations
Aline Frazão / Luz Foi
Alison Shearer feat. Miranda Joan, Kevin Bernstein, Marty Kenney & Horace Phillips / Breathe Again
Allen Stone & Swatkins feat. Eric Krasno / More To Learn
Allison Wheeler feat. Daniel Bulatkin / Dawn
Alulu Paranhos / Bicicletinha
Amalie Bryde / Found Love
Amanda Whiting / Too Much
Amber Mark / Cosmic
Ambroise / Vous
Amie Blu / This Time
Amir Bresler, Nomok & Nitai Hershkovits / Good Will Shipment
Amos Lee / But Not For Me
Ana Gabriela / Degradê
Andrea Motis / I Had To Write A Song For You
Andrew Tuttle feat. Padang Food Tigers, Claire Deak & Tony Dupe / Filtering
Andrew Wasylyk / The Confluence
Annahstasia / Power
Anthony Strong feat. Emmaline / Don't Dream It's Over
Ari Lennox / Pressure
Arima Ederra / Dual Skies
Arlo Parks / Softly
Armandinho feat. Ana Gabriela / Sabe
Arthur Nogueira / Cabeça Nas Nuvens
Artur Araújo / O Som Do Pensamento
Artur Araújo feat. Lucas De Moro & Natália Mitre / Nas Entrelinhas
Aṣa & The Cavemen. / Good Times
Asake / Nzaza
Asha Imuno feat. Amaria / Perfect Pace
Assanhado Quarteto feat. Maíra Manga, Natália Mitre & Sergio Santos / Fitas E Turbantes
Atom Eyes / Building Blocks
Aubrey Johnson & Randy Ingram / Didn't We
Avery*Sunshine / Don't Count Me Out
Avishai Cohen / Intertwined
Aviv Peck / געגועים
Axel Boman / Hold On
Babebee / Dead
Babeheaven feat. Navy Blue / Make Me Wanna
Babyfather feat. Tirzah / 1471
Bacao Rhythm & Steel Band / Juicy Fruit
Bala Desejo feat. Lucas Nunes, Zé Ibarra, Julia Mestre & Dora Morelenbaum / Dourado Dourado
Barney McAll feat. Gary Bartz, Rita Satch, Jace XL & Belle Bangard / Stevland - Homage To Stevie Wonder
Barney McAll feat. Rita Satch & Julien Wilson / Precious Energy - Homage To Leon Thomas And Pharoah Sanders
Baro Sura & SilentJay / Goodmorning
Barrio Lindo & Ignus / Periferia
Bart Davenport / Easy Listeners
The Beans And Cracker feat. Men I Trust / ((Numb))
Beatriz Azevedo & Moreno Veloso feat. Jaques Morelenbaum & Marcelo Costa / Canto
Beau Diako feat. Emawk / Birthmark
Beauty Queen & The Nicholas / Texaco
The Beloved / Awoke
Ben Robertson / Punchline
Benjamin Clementine / Last Movement Of Hope
BenjiFlow & Juls / Ready
Benny Sings / The World
Beth Orton / Weather Alive
Between Friends / Laurel
Beyonce / Plastic Off The Sofa
Bibio / Sharratt
Big Thief / No Reason
Big Thief / Simulation Swarm
Bill Callahan / First Bird
Billie Eilish / The 30th
Billie Eilish / TV
Billy Valentine And The Universal Truth feat. Immanuel Wilkins / We The People Who Are Darker Than Blue
Billy Woods & Messiah Musik / All Jokes Aside
Bitchin Bajas / Geomancy
Björk / Her Mother's House
Black Flower feat. Meskerem Mees / Morning In The Jungle
Black Nile / Sleezeball
Blood Orange / Jesus Freak Lighter
Blue Lab Beats feat. Tiana Major9 & Kofi Stone / Labels
Blundetto / Mama Genso
Bobby Oroza feat. Cold Diamond & Mink / Real Connection
Bonobo / Counterpart
Brad Mehldau / Maybe As His Skies Are Wide
Brandon Coleman / Be With Me
Braxton Cook feat. Masego / 90s
The Breathing Effect / Week 10
Brent Faiyaz & DJ Dahi feat. Tyler,The Creator / Gravity
Brijean & Poolside / Better When We're Close
Brin, Dntel & More Eaze / Glowing Dome
Bruce Hornsby & Ezra Koenig feat. Blake Mills / Sidelines
Bruno Berle / É Preciso Ter Amor
Bruno Berle feat. Batata Boy / Querno Dizer
Bryan Behr / Travessia
Butcher Brown / Git Along
Buttering Trio / Come Hither
Buttering Trio / Desert Dream Romance
Buttering Trio / Good Company
Caity Gyorgy feat. Daniel Barta / I Feel Foolish
Caity Gyorgy feat. Kyle Pogline / It Might As Well Be Spring
Caity Gyorgy feat. Laura Anglade / The Feeling Is Mutual
Calvin Harris feat. Charlie Puth & Shenseea / Obsessed
Camilla George feat. Sanity & Daru Jones / The Long Juju Slave Route Of Arochokwu
Carlos Aguirre Quinteto / Va Siendo Tiempo
Carlos Niño & Friends feat. Deantoni Parks, Jamael Dean & Nate Mercereau / Actually
Carlos Niño & Friends feat. Jamael Dean / Youwillgetthroughthis, I Promise
Carlos Niño & Friends feat. Laraaji, Surya Botofasina, Photay & Will Logan / Commend, NYC Peace 4 (Live)
Carlos Niño & Friends feat. Thandi Ntuli / Thandi Piano Edit (From 080619, With Additions)
CARM feat. Maya Hawke / Song Of Trouble
caroline / Dark Blue
Catarina Rossi & André Mehmari feat. Jaques Morelenbaum / Valsa Antiga
Catey Esler feat. Becca Stevens / If
Cecile McLorin Salvant / Moon Song
Celeste / To Love A Man
Chance The Rapper / Child Of God
Chancha Vía Circuito / Vedanta
The Charles Géne Suite feat. Bunny Majaja & Rams / Light Aire
Charles Stepney / No Credit For This
Charles Stepney / Step On Step
Charlotte Dos Santos / Angel In Disguise
Chase Ceglie / Hold On
Chassol / I Figli Morti
Chelz Danielle / Infatuation
Chico Cesar / Flor De Figo
Chip Wickham / Astral Traveling
Chris Brain / Bound To Rise
Chris Brain / Chance To See
Christian Lee Hutson / Triple Axel
Chronixx / Never Give Up
Chrystelle Alour / New York, Une Nouvelle Vie
Cisco Swank & Luke Titus / Could It Be You
Cisco Swank & Luke Titus / Joint 7
cktrl / yield
Claire Rousay, More Ease & Bloodz Boi / Sad Gondola
Clara × Sofia & Moons / Let's Do It All Again
Clarice Assad feat. Johan Dynnesen, Jesper Bodilsen, Francesco Cali & Rodrigo Assad / Clube Da Esquina N2
Cloudchord feat. Janet Guenther / Waterfalls
Coco & Clair Clair / 8 AM
The Commonheart / All I Ever Wanted
Conor Albert / Keep Your Faith
Conor Albert / Piano Joint
Conor Albert feat. Maya Delilah / I Think You Should Know
Contour / Crowded Afternoon
Corn On My Dinner Plate / Where You Dwell
Cosma Joy / Boy Boredom
Cosmo's Midnight / Can't Do Without (My Baby)
Couch / Saturday
Couch feat. Jackson Lundy / Autumn
СОЮЗ (SOYUZ) feat. Kate NV / I Knew It
СОЮЗ (SOYUZ) feat. Sessa / How Are You
Cruel Santino feat. Amaarae / Born Again
Dal / Control
Dana Gavanski / Letting Go
Dani Black / Sublime
Daniel Lanois / Eau
Daniel Ögren / Rakkasjokk
Danny Scott Lane / Sequence
Davante Devaughn / Be Thankful For What You Got
David Versace / The More We Love
Dearest Sister / Collective Heart
Delaney Bailey / Love Letter From The Sea To The Shore
Delaney Bailey / Oh Love
Delfina Mancardo / Hago Lo Que Siento:)
Denzel Curry feat. Saul Williams & Bridget Perez / Mental
De'sean Jones & Ideeyah / Pressure
Devin Morrison / P.B.J.
Dexter Story & Carlos Nino with Laraaji & Sibusile Xaba / Chadwick Edit
Deyah / Part 4
Dezron Douglas / Rosé
Diaspora Dreams / Like Heaven
Diatom Deli / Sonrisa
Diatom Deli / Sunday's Dying Light
Didier Sustrac & Roberto Di Ferdinando / Izaura
Diggs Duke / Cotton Candy
Dina Ögon / Oas
DJ Python / Angel
DOMi & JD BECK / Smile
DOMi & JD BECK / Whatup
DOMi & JD BECK feat. Anderdson .Paak / Take A Chance
Dominique Fils-Aimé / Go Get It
Don Glori / Commodore
Don Olimpio feat. Hugo Fattoruso / Mi Cancion
Dope Lemon & Winston Surfshirt / Every Day Is A Holiday
Dora Jar / Bumblebee
Dorian Concept / Friends
Drake & 21 Savage / Circo Loco
Drake / Falling Back
Drugdealer feat. Kate Bollinger / Pictures Of You
Duval Timothy / Ash
Duval Timothy / Up
Duval Timothy feat. Yu Su / Wood
Dylan Moon / Fortuna
Ebi Soda feat. Yazz Ahmed / Chandler
Ed Mount / It Might Be Something
Eddie Chacon / Holy Hell
Eddie Chacon feat. Logan Hone / Comes And Goes
Eden Samara / Ultimatum
Edmund Paquin, Lofty & Owen Chow / Down This Path
Eduardo Gudin & Léla Simões feat. Naila Gallota & Ronen Altman / Jacob
Efajemue, Olivia Jane & Zephyr Avalon feat. Horace Bray / Beauty
Ego Ella May / Introvert Hotline
El Michels Affair feat. Bobby Oroza / Stack The Deck
El Pájaro Pez / Hoy
Ela Minus & DJ Python / Kiss U
Elena Flury / Burning Questions
Eli Degibri / Henri And Rachel
ELIZA / In A Minute
Eloi / Embarrassed
Eloise / Pretend
Elujay / Switchsides
Elujay feat. serpentwithfeet / Luvaroq
Emil Otto feat. Karmen Rõivassepp / Anything For You
Emily Jane Roberts feat. Alice McCarthy / The Persistence Of Memory
Emma Frank / Steady
Emma Noble & Nick Corbin / Back On Track
Emma Peters / Le Temps Passe
Emma-Jean Thackray / Sun (Jitwam & EJT Remix)
Emmaline / I'm In The Mood For Love
Eric Chenaux / Say Laura (abridged)
Erika Denae J / Beautiful Scars
Eriksson Kaner & Nectar Woode / I'll Remember
Esa & The Invisible Hand feat. Special Touch / I See You
Ethan James / Flatwound Funk
Ethan P. Flyinn / Superstition
Evan J Cartwright feat. Ambroise & Lune Très Belle / Walk U Through It
Ezra Collective / May The Funk Be With You
Ezra Collective / Smile
Fabiano Do Nascimento feat. Vittor Santos e Orquestra / Fonte
Fabiano Do Nascimento & Itiberê Zwarg Collective / Starfish
Fabrizio Colombo feat. Bruno Cavallaro, Lucas Altamore, Matias Longo, Enzo Paolo Rossi, Joaquín Guevara & Mariano Colombo / Celedonio
Fatima & Joe Armon-Jones / ♯1
Fatlip & Blu feat. Madlib / Gangsta Rap
Faye Webster / Car Therapy
Federico Arreseygor Trio / Jardinero
Felivand / Way Out
Fievel Is Glauque / Go Down Softly
Fievel Is Glauque / Take It Away
FKJ / Sundays
FKJ / Way Out
Flanafi / Many Places You Could Be
Flanafi / On 0
Flo Blue / Stranger Passing By
Flo Naegeli / In My Mind
FloFilz feat. Jerome Thomas / Sensitive
Florist / Red Bird Pt.2 (Morning)
Florist / Sci-Fi Silence
Flwr Chyld / Feel Your Love
Folly Tree feat. iogi / On & On
Fonteyn / Savannah
Fonteyn / These Days
The Foreign Landers feat. Ethan Ballinger / Waves
Fred Hersch & Esperanza Spalding / But Not For Me
Fresh Pepper, Joseph Shabason, Andre Ethier & Destroyer feat. Dan Bejar / Seahorse Tranquilizer
Fug / From Little Seeds We Grow (4hero Folk Soul Remix)
Gaba Cannal feat. Russell Zuma & Moscow On Keys / Amaphutha
Gabriel Da Rosa / Bandida
Gabriel Da Rosa / Jasmim Parte 1
Gabriels / One And Only
Gabriels / Remember Me
Garrett Saracho, Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad / The Gardens
Garrett Sparrow feat. Frank Sativa & Max Leonard / Just A Friend
Gas-Lab / Voyage
George Riley / Running In Waves
George Riley / Sacrifice
Gérald Toto / Dérivé Larel La
Ghostly Kisses / Heaven, Wait
Ghostly Kisses / Play Dead
Gianni Brezzo / Torino
Gilsons / Pra Gente Acordar
Ging / Miracles
ginla feat. Adrianne Lenker / Carousel
Giovanni Mirabassi & Christos Rafalides / Overjoyed
Girlpuppy / Revenant
Girls Of The Internet / Sound Asleep
Giuliano Eriston feat. Carlos Malta / Teu Beija-Flor
Giuliano Eriston feat. Pretinho Da Serrinha / Todo Amor
Gloria Scott / There's No Cure For Me
Glue Trip feat. Arthur Verocai / Lazy Dayz
Glue Trip feat. Otto / Bessa Beat
Gogo Penguin / Ascent
Goth Lipstick / Grey Sheets
Gotts Street Park feat. Rosie Lowe / Summer Breeze
Green-House / Still Waters
Greg Spero feat. Joel Ross & Marquis Hill / Cloud Jam
Grégory Privat / Tonalité
grentperez / Cherry Wine
Grimm Lynn / Sun + Moon
The Growth Eternal / The Remains
Gustavo Baião feat. Alfredo Bochicchio, Fabio Tullio, Francesco Puglisi, Luca Trolli, Marcello Sirignano, Massimo Guerra, Papik, Peter De Girolamo & Simone Talone / Um Sol A Dois
Gyedu-Blay Ambolley / Footprints
HALINA / On My Skin
Hamond / Badget
Hanah / Solo
Harry James / Tiny Steps
Healing Potpourri / Truly Good
Henry Franklin, Ali Shaheed Muhammad & Adrian Younge / The Griot
Henry Solomon & Allie Kelly / Menthol
Henry Wu / Phone Call
Here It Is feat. Gregory Porter / Suzanne
Here It Is feat. Sarah McLachlan / Hallelujah
Hermon Mehari / Who Dared It
Hernan Jacinto / Outro
HIVI!, Gerald Situmorang, Ify Alyssa & Sri Hanuraga / Terbit
Hohnen Ford / Infinity
Hope Tala / Leave It On The Dancefloor
Hope Tala / Party Sickness
Hope Tala / Stayed At The Party
Human Error Club feat. Logan Kane / Honesty
Hush Kids / It's Christmas
i///u / Waiting Test
Ian Lasserre / Eu Vim Para Cantar
ILLAJOY / Something Over Nothing
iogi & Rejoicer / Speeding Slower
i-sef u-sef / Alone Again
Isik Kural / Pillow Of A Thought
Ivan Ave / Gear
Ivy Sole / Bamboo
J.Lamotta Suzume / Do Good
Jack Johnson / Meet The Moonlight
The Jack Moves / Six Ways
Jack Will feat. Toninho Horta / Minas Sambando Em Pernambuco
Jackson Mico Milas / Don't You Think Of Me Once In A While
Jacob Collier feat. Lizzy McAlpine & John Mayer / Never Gonna Be Alone
Jacob Mann Big Band / The Soy Lentman Show
Jake Milliner feat. Tane / Did It Yesterday
Jalen N'Gonda / Just Like You Used To
James Blake / 11th Soundscape
The James Hunter Six / Mm-Hmm
James Tillman / Running Around
Jamie Drake / Easy Target
Jamie Drake / Lettin Go Feels Like Dying
Jamie Drake / New Girl
Jana Vasconcellos / Solar Da Lagoa (Acústica)
Jarrod Lawson / Footsteps In The Dark
Jasdeep Singh Degun / Nadia
Jasmine Myra / Horizons
Jason LaPierre & mokina / I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes)
Jaydonclover / Dreamhotel
The Jazz Butcher / Sea Madness
Jazzanova feat. Sean Haefeli / Face At My Window
Jembaa Groove / Aawoya
Jenevieve / Deep In The Shallow End
Jensine Benitez feat. Thee Sacred Souls / Sparkle In Your Eyes
Jeremiah Chiu & Marta Sofia Honer / Stureby House Piano
Jeremy Cunningham feat. Dustin Laurenzi & Paul Bryan / A Better Ghost
Jerry Paper / Shaking Ass
Jesse Barrera, Michael Carreon & Albert Posis / Maybe We Could Be A Thing
Jesse Gold / Slow Dance In The Morning
JID feat. Johnta Austin / Better Days
Jim Alxndr / Leaving You Behind
Jimetta Rose / Ebb & Flo
Jimetta Rose & The Voices Of Creation / Let The Sunshine In
Jimi Tenor / Birthday Magic
Jimpster feat. Cairo / Beautiful Day
Jitwam / India
Jneiro Jarel feat. Hiroto Uyama / Viberian Queen
Joan Shelley / Forever Blues
Joaquin Joe Claussell / Subtle Light
Joe Armon-Jones & Mala / All Ways
Joe Barbieri / Retrospettiva Futura
Joe Hertz / Flowers Deep
Joel Lyssarides / St. Joseph
Joel Ross / Prayer
Joey Bada$$ / Written In The Stars
Johanna Linnea Jakobsson / Blue
Johanna Linnea Jakobsson / She's Leaving Home
John Beltran / Mallorca
John Carroll Kirby / Pan's Dance
John Finbury feat. Mestrinho, Michael Pipoquinha, Cainã Cavalcante, Celso De Almeida & Léo Rodrigues / Talismã
John Legend / Memories
John Roseboro / Coke
John Roseboro / I Took The L
Jonah Yano / Always
Jonny Faith / Lifted
Jonny Kosmo / Rolodex
Jono McCleery / Moonlit Parade
Jorge Drexler / Duermevela
Josh Fudge / '98 Nissan
Joshua Burnside / Late Afternoon In The Meadow (1887)
Joy Guerrilla / Big Trees Trail (Noon)
Joyce Moreno / Todo Mundo
Joyce with Mauricio Maestro / Descompassadamente
Juan Fermín Ferraris / Festa
Juanita Euka / Camarades
Judit Neddermann & Vernat / Tu
The JuJu Exchange / Walk Cycle
Julian Lage / Auditorium
Julie Kuhl / Lonley Freaks
Julietta & Raphael Futura / Estate
Julius Rodriguez / Dora's Lullaby
Justin Orok / Kanata
Kadhja Bonet / Wonderful Christmas Time
The Kahil El'Zabar Quartet / Urban Shaman
Kaidi Tatham feat. The Easy Access Orchestra / We Chillin' Out
KAINA / It Was A Home
Kairo / Anymore Anyway
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith & Emile Mosseri / Brush
Kansado / El Neo Songo
Kansado / Sombra Bajo El Limero
Kansas Smitty's / Sunday Davidson
Karl Jannuska feat. Cynthia Abraham / Rabbit Hole
Katalyst, Adrian Younge & Ali Shaheed Muhammad / Daybreak
Kate Bollinger / Who Am I But Someone
Kathryn Joseph / How Well You Are
Katie Tupper / Danny
Katzù Oso / Don't Ask Why
Kay Young / Feel Like Making Love
KeiyaA / Camille's Daughter
Kelela / Washed Away
Kendrick Lamar / Auntie Diaries
Kendrick Lamar / Mirror
Kendrick Lamar / The Heart Part 5
Kendrick Lamar feat. Beth Gibbons / Mother I Sober
Kendrick Lamar feat. Sampha / Father Time
Kenny Beats / Drop 10
Khruangbin & Leon Bridges / Mariella
Kibrom Birhane / Merkato
Kiefer & Braxton Cook / U Already Know
Kiefer feat. Luke Titus & Pera Krstajic / Montara
King Garbage / Busy On A Saturday Night
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard / Ambergris
KingKlave feat. DJ Harrison & Stacy Dillard / Soul Conga (For Candido)
Kingsley Ibeneche / Asked For Light
KIRBY / Pineapple Cognac
Kleber Lucas & Caetano Veloso / Deus Cuida De Mim
KMRU / Just
KMRU / Mood
Kokoroko / Dide O
Kokoroko / Home
Kolinga / Ca Va Aller (Mbo Buba)
Kota The Friend / Boy
Kudu Joy / Sweetly
Kwesi Yvorra feat. Heidi Vogel / Give Go Scenario
Kyle John Blaze feat. Colin Hogan, Reese Bullen & Adriana Marrero / She Told Me
Kyle John Blaze feat. Renee Bullen, Ami Molinelli & Colin Hogan / Dreaming Of You
La Lá / Paracas Cavernas
Lady Wray / Joy & Pain
Lake Street Dive / Nick Of Time
LambC feat. Sarah Kang / Feathers
Laroye & Abi Flynn / Rise
Latanya Alberto / Miss Chance
Laufey / Falling Behind
Laufey / Fragile
Laufey / Valentine
Laufey & dodie / Love To Keep Me Warm
Laura Budreckyte / Vidinis Vaikas
Laura Misch / Lagoon (Earth Variation For Saxophone And Voice)
Laura Prince / Scared Of Dark
Lauren Henderson feat. Joel Ross, Sean Mason, Eric Wheeler & Joe Dyson / I Wish You Love
Lee Clarke / Decide
Lee Sugar / What I Don't Know
Leland Whitty / Awake
Leon Phal / Soulful
Leonardo Marques / Nas Águas De Um Sonho
Les Mamans du Congo & Rrobin / Loango Weaver
Letieres Leite & Orkestra Rumpilezz feat. Caetano Veloso / Nanã
Lewis Taylor / Being Broken
Leyla McCalla / Vini We
Lily Lyons / Slow Motion
Lindsey Webster feat. Nicholas Payton / I'm OK
Liquid Saloon / Bear Walk
Liquid Spirits / Story Of A Lifetime
Little Simz / Angel
Little Simz / Control
Little Simz / Who Even Cares
Liv.e / Wild Animals
Lizzy Dutton / Lullaby
LNDFK / Smoke - A Moon Or A Button
LNDFK / Takeshi
The Loch Ness Mouse / Life In The Datsche
Logan Farmer / Cue Sunday Bells
Lola Cobach feat. Ainda / El Rayo
Loris S. Sarid / Solder-Unsolder
Lotte Kestner / Colors That Did Not Exist
Lou Turner / Smallest Mercy
Louis Cole / Not Needed Anymore
Louis Culture feat. Halina / Together
Loyle Carner / Polyfilla
LUAH / Deeply Blue
LUAH / Hippocampus Blues
Luca Minor / A Rainy Day In Paris
Luciana Viana & Eddy Andrade feat. Edu Guimarães, Gabriel Peregrino & Lucas Andrade Da Silva / Mercúrio (Raízes nas Nuvens)
Lucien Moon / Fallen
Luedji Luna feat. Mereba / Pele
Luis Salinas & Lito Vitale / La Pomeña
Luísa Sobral / Amo Como Eu Sei
Lutalo / Little Chance
Lydia Persaud / Good For Us
Lydia Persaud / I Got You
Lydia Persaud / Let Me Be There For You
Mac DeMarco / She's Really All I Need
Mac Wetha feat. Biig Piig & Lord Apex / Don't You Go Falling In Love
Macarena Robledo & Quique Sinesi feat. Loli Molina / Color Cielo
Mack Keane & ESTA. feat. Joyce Wrice / Thought Of You
Mad Keys / Adjustments
Madison McFerrin / Stay Away (From Me)
Madone / Peche
The Magic Lanterns / No One's Fault
Magic Source / Genius Of Love
Maglore / A Vida E Uma Aventura
Maglore / Amor Antigo
Makaya McCraven / Seventh String
Makaya McCraven / So Ubuji
MALIA / More Than Love
Mansur Brown / Touch
Manuel Linhares / Marcha Lenta
Manuel Maio / E Assim Ficou
Marcela Passadore feat. Carlos Aguirre / Santa Cecilia
Marcos Valle feat. Moreno Veloso / Redescobrir
Mariah Colon & Ric Wilson / Fav Girl
Mario Biondi / Would You Believe In Me
Mario Biondi / You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine
Marion Rampal feat. Archie Shepp / Calling To The Forest
Mark De Clive-Lowe feat. Dwight Trible / Love Is Everywhere
Mark Winkler / Bossa Nova Days
Marker Starling / Out Of This Mess
Marquis Hill feat. Jeff Parker / The Rainbow Waters
Marshal Herridge feat. Caity Gyorgy / A Day Too Late
Marta Arpini / Desire
Martina DaSilva & Dan Chmielinski feat. Joel Ross / My Universe
Mary Halvorson / Night Shift
Matilda Mann / Margaux
Matt Dorrien / United States Of Nothing
Matt Wilde / Clap Clap
Matte Juno / August
Matters Unknown feat. Olivia Bhattachrjee / Other Side
Matthew Halsall / The Temple Within
Max Helgemo / Pretty, Pretty
Maxine Funke / Eternity
Maxine Funke / South Dunedin
Maya Delilah / Harvest Moon
Maye / Descifrar
Maylee Todd / Grab Your Guts
megiapa feat. Salami Rose Joe Lewis & Ian Chang / Sway
Mejiwahn / Anima
Mejiwahn feat. hrlum / Lumaby
Mel Blue / Driveway
Melanie / Nausica
Melody Gardot & Philippe Baden Powell / This Foolish Heart Could Love You
Mhaw Keys / Bheja (Tribute To Black Motion)
Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band / Broken Beauty
Michael Head & The Red Elastic Band / Kismet
Michael Seyer / Manila Sunset
Michelle / Fool 4 U
Michelle / My Friends
Michelle Willis feat. Michael McDonald / How Come
Micky More & Andy Tee feat. Angela Johnson / Do I Do (Extended)
Migration / Human Nature
Mike Cooper / Oceans Of Milk And Treacle
Milla / Respira Fundo
Mina Okabe / Take It Further
Mirla Riomar / Canto Do Mar
Misha Panfilov / Baltica Calls Me
Mitch & Mitch Con Il Loro Gruppo Etereofonico / Metti Una Sera A Cena
Mocky / Conduction
Molly Lewis / Cabana De Mel
Monica Martin with James Blake / Go Easy, Kid
Monica Salmaso & Dori Caymmi / Estrela Da Terra
Monsieur Periné y Vanesa Martín / Tú y Yo
Monty Alexander feat. Roy Hargrove / Faith Can Move Mountains
Moon Mullins / Villa Nova
Moonchild / What You Wanted
Moonchild feat. Lalah Hathaway / Tell Him
Moonchild feat. Tank And The Bangas / Get By
Moons / Let's Do It All Again
Moor Mother feat. Wolf Weston & Aquiles Navarro / Dust Together
More Eaze / Crii
Morten Ankarfeldt, Caio Marcio Santos & Edu Neves feat. Mathias Heise & Cassius Theperson / Bim Bom
Mount Kimbie (Dom Maker) feat. Choker / dvd
Mr. Fingers / Around The Sun
Msaki & Tubatsi Mpho Moloi / Subaleka
Mthunzi Mvubu / In The Wake Of Your Song
Mundo Bita & Emicida / O Amor É Tudo De Bom
Muwosi / Find Your Way
Mxmtoon / Haze
Mychelle feat. ENNY / Forbidden Fruit
Myele Manzanza / Two Chords & The Truth (David Mrakpor Remix)
Myele Manzanza feat. Rosie Frater-Taylor / Falling Fast
N Kramer / Closing
N Kramer / Treadmill Patterns
Nacho Casado / ¡Qué Maravilla!
Nafets / Cul De Sac
Naima Bock / O Morro
Nala Sinephro & Lyle Barton / Ada
Natalia Lafourcade / Caminar Bonito
Natalie Cressman & Ian Faquini / Already There
Natalie Duncan / Let Go Release
The National feat. Bon Iver / Weird Goodbyes
Nduduzo Makhathini / Senze' Nina
Nduduzo Makhathini feat. Anna Widauer / Re-Amathambo
Neil Frances / Every Day With You,
Neo Arc feat. Eliana Veinberga / These Days
Netsky feat. Daddy Waku & Chantal Kashala / Everybody Loves The Sunshine
Niall Mutter / I Wonder
Nicholas Payton feat. Ron Carter & George Coleman / Big George (Karriem Riggins Remix)
Nick Hakim / Happen
Nicolás Carou feat. Julirod & Kerko / Ofiuco
Nicolás Pauls feat. Mati Tamborelli & Karim / Know
Nicole McCabe with Logan Kane, Myles Martin & Paul Cornish / Portsmouth
Nightmares On Wax feat. Pip Millett & Sabrina Mahfouz / Isolated
Niko Bokos & Mark Whalen / Love You've Shown
Nikos Chatzitsakos Tiny Big Band feat. Alexandria DeWalt, Will Mallard & Salim Charvet / I Didn't Know What Time It Was
Nina Kraviz & Moodymann / This Time (Moodymann Remix)
NNAMDÏ / Armoire
NNAMDÏ / Benched
Noa Lauryn & Benjamin Fro / Summer In Amsterdam
Noam Kleinstein / נאהבת
Nobuhle feat. Caiiro & Kenza / Indlela
Nora Brown / Flowery Girls
Nosaj Thing / Process
Nosaj Thing feat. Duval Timothy / Continua
Nu Genea / Bar Mediterraneo
NxWorries (Knxwledge & Anderson .Paak) feat. H.E.R. / Where I Go
Obongjayar feat. Nubya Garcia / Wrong For It
Oded Tzur / The Lion Turtle
Odeeno / Naharelward
Ohma / Seeing Beyond What Is Here
Okvsho / Jusqu'ici Tout Va Bien (Moomin Remix)
Oli Howe / Avocado
Omah Lay / i
Omar Apollo / Waiting On You
Omar Sosa & Tiganá Santana / Bloco Novo
Ordinarius feat. Matias Correa / Querelas Do Brasil
The Orielles / Honfleur Remembered
Orion Sun / Concrete
Orlando & Conor Albert / Loner×10
Orpheus / A Farewell Song
Oscar Anton & Ana Gabriela / Saudade
Oscar Jerome / No Need (Remix)
Oshun / Nourish
Oslo Ibrahim / All My Friends Are Fallin' In Love
Other Lands / Braidbit
Otis Kane / Free
Otis Kane / Wanna Love You
Otis McDonald / Karriem
Otooto / Cherry Icecream
Paco Versailles / Entangle
Paname Vintage / Chanson Des Jumelles
Papik feat. Francesca Gramegna / Alone Again (Naturally)
Parthenope / Don't Know Why
Pássaro / O Que O Pássaro Cantou
Pastel feat. Tequisha / Window Pain
Pau Vallvé / El Més Difícil Que He Fet Mai
Pau Vallvé / Tu Deixa't Portar
Paul Bender / Summer Fool
Paul Cherry / Between Me And Chicago
Paul Grant / Too Much
Pedro Gomes / Mosaico
Pena De Pavão De Krishna & Raphael Sales feat. Tiganá Santana, Gustavito & Leopoldina / Águas
Perfect Angels feat. Gaspard Sicx / The Meaning Of Love
Perfume Genius / Pop Song
Peyton / Make Me Say It Again, Girl
Phife Dawg feat. Rapsody & Renee Neufville / Fallback
Phoebe Bridgers / Goodbye To Love
Phony Ppl / dialtone.
Photay with Carlos Niño / C U R R E N T
Picastro / Pale Blue Eyes
Pierre Kwenders / Papa Wemba
Pierre Kwenders feat. Africa Intshiyetu Choir / Church Likambo
Pierre-Gérard Verny & Graffiti Groupe Vocal / Arrivée Des Camionneurs
Pierre-Gérard Verny & Graffiti Groupe Vocal / Chanson Des Jumelles
Piers Faccini / Paradise Fell
Pip Millett / Downright
Pip Millett / Heal
PJ Morton / Ready To Love
PLQ / Reflections
Pomplamoose / High And Dry
Pomplamoose feat. Benny Sings / It Will Come In Time
Poppy Ajudha / Holiday From Reality
Poppy Ajudha / Mothers Sisters Girlfriends
PREP / As It Was
Priori / Oyl (DJ Python Remix)
The Pro-Teens / Doomsday
Quelle Chris feat. MoRuf & Pink Siifu / The Sky Is Blue Because The Sunset Is Red
Rachael & Vilray / Is A Good Man Real?
The Randy Paserntes Trio feat. Sam Gendel & Gabe Noel feat. Topanga Paserntes / Waterfalls
Raveena feat. Asha Puthli / Asha's Kiss
Ravyn Lenae feat. Mereba / Where I'm From
Raw Poetic feat. Damu The Fudgemunk / Cadillac
Rebecca Vasmant feat. Nadya Albertsson / Broken Biscuit
Reckonwrong / Personal Growth
redveil feat. Mekdelawit & Renaissance Mic / Shoulder
Reginald Omas Mamode IV / Right On
Reginald Omas Mamode IV / Trippin
Relyae / Cambio
Relyae & Amelia Rose / Midnight
Renato Motha e Patricia Lobato / Espantosa Realidade
Renato Motha e Patricia Lobato / Sou Do Tamanho Do Que Vejo
Reuben James feat. Vula & Vanessa Butler / Wings Of A Butterfly
Ricewine / How Strange
Richard Spaven feat. Jordan Rakei / Nova
RichDKid feat. Tochi Bedford, Octavian & Cruel Santino / Alpha
Richie Goods & Chien Chien Lu (Connected) feat. Jamison Ross / Someday We'll All Be Free
Ricki Monique feat. Yourbeautifulruin / Immortal
River Tiber / Hypnotized
Robert Glasper feat. D Smoke & Tiffany Gouche / Shine
Roberta Sá / Sem Avisar
Rodrigo Carazo / Lo Vivido
Rodrigo Moreira / Lochsa River Love
Rogê / Existe Uma Voz
Ronald Isley & The Isley Brothers feat. Beyonce / Make Me Say It Again, Girl
Roxana Amed feat. Niño Josele / Flamenco Sketches
Rozi Plain feat. Alabaster DePlume / Agreeing For Two
Ruru / Chewing Gum
Ruru / It Matters Until It Doesn't
Ryan Keberle's Collectiv Do Brasil / Clube Da Esquina 2
S. Carey / Break Me Open
S. Raekwon / Tall
Saba feat. Krayzle Bone / Come My Way
Sabrina Claudio / Subtle Things
Sacha T / Sunshine In My Pocket
Sachal Vasandani & Romain Collin / Washing Of The Water
Sadurn / Moses Kill
Salomão Soares & Vanessa Moreno feat. Renato Braz / A Vida Do Viajante
Sam Evian, Mild High Club & Hannah Cohen / Sold Me A Dream (Terry Tracksuit Edit)
Sam Gendel / Blue In Green
Sam Gendel / Toridasuki (Interlaced Circles Of Two Birds)
Sam Gendel & Antonia Cytrynowicz / Clouds In Me
Sam Prekop & John McEntire / A Ghost At Noon
Sam Wilkes & Jacob Mann / Siri, How Do I Know If I Have Commitment Issues?
Samara Joy feat. Pasquale Grasso / Sweet Pumpkin
Samia / Desperado
Samm Henshaw / Thoughts And Prayers
Sampa The Great feat. Mwanje / Lo Rain
Samthing Soweto / Amagents
Satchy / Against The Words
Sault / Air
Sault / Angel
Sault / Champions
Sault / Colour Blind
Sault / Fight For Love
Sault / God Is In Control
Sault / I Surrender
Sault / My Light
Sault / Never Feel Fear
Say She She / Prism
Saya Gray / Seedless Fruit (S Of My Labour)
Scary Pockets feat. Eloise / Thinkin Bout You
Scott Orr / You'll Never Get To Heaven With That Attitude
Scrimshire feat. Cleveland Watkiss / The Pile (Acoustic Version)
Seahawks / Beams Of Love
Sean Khan feat. Heidi Vogel / Naima (Atjazz Remix)
Sean Nicholas Savage / Feel Like A Child
Sebastián Macchi / El Reino De Este Mundo
Sessa / Gostar Do Mundo
Sessa / Que Lado Você Dorme?
Shabaka / Call It A European Paradox
Shabason & Krgovich / Templeton Field
Shane Cooper & MABUTA / Finish The Sun
She & Him / Darlin'
Shine feat. Grimm Lynn / Always About U
Shirley Hurt / Empty Hands
Show Dem Camp feat. Victony / Head Over Heels
Sibusiso Mash Mashiloane / 1976
Sidibe feat. MonoNeon / Tellin' U
Silva Thordardottir & Steingrimur Teague / Try Your Wings
Silvana Estrada / Brindo
Silvana Estrada / Ser De Ti
The Silver Panda / Summer Babe
Sinesis Duo (Quique Sinesi & Augusto Sinesi) feat. Carlos Aguirre / Sin Tiempo y Sin Distancia
Sino Msolo feat. Jessica LM, Leroyale & Jay Sax / Igama
Sleepy Soul / Bad At Being Alone
The Smile / The Smoke
Smino / Blu Billy
Snarky Puppy / Belmont
Sofie Birch & Antonina Nowacka / Sudany
Sol Set / Pour Le Moment
Somi / House Of The Rising Sun
Somi / Lakutshon'ilanga
Son Lux feat. Chris Pattishall / Clair De Lune (Pied Au Piano)
Son Lux feat. Mitski & David Byrne / This Is A Life
Son Of Dan feat. The Lost Choir / Hymns From The Sun
Sona Jobarteh / Gambia
Sona Jobarteh / Ubuntu
Song Yi Jeon & Vinícius Gomes / Albany
Sons Of The James (Rob Milton & DJ Harrison) feat. Georgia Anne Muldrow / Things I Should Have Said (Emmavie Remix)
Spoon / Astral Jacket (Adrian Sherwood Reconstruction)
Staircase Paradox / By The Sea
Stephanie Poetri & gnash / Breakfast In Bed
Stone Foundation feat. Sheree Dubois & Laville / Heaven Knows Why
stories feat. Bruno Major / My Funny Valentine
STR4TA / When You Call Me
Studio Bros feat. Freddy Da Stupid / Culture (Guitar Version)
Sudan Archives / Milk Me
Sunni Colón / Provide
Superpitcher / Hollywood
Surya Botofasina feat. Swamini Satsang / Surya Meditation
Sven Wunder / Stars Align
Sydney Bennett feat. Kehlani / Out Loud
Sylvie feat. Marina Allen / Further Down The Road
SZA / Good Days
SZA feat. Phoebe Bridgers / Ghost In The Machine
Taken By Trees / Caroline Good Bye
Tanika Charles / Frustrated
Tanika Charles / Hold Me (Like A Grudge)
Tank And The Bangas / She's A Rainbow
Tank And The Bangas feat. Jamison Ross, Trombone Shorty & Rachel Robinson / Cafe Du Monde
Tara Clerkin Trio / Exquisite Corpse
Taura Lamb feat. edbl / Beat Kicks In
Taylor McFerrin / Original Sun
Tennyson / Torn
Teno Afrika feat. Leyla / Where You Are
Terence Etc. / In Contemplation Of Clair's Scent (Edit)
Thandi Ntuli / Izibongo
Thanya Lyer / Leave The Room And Face The Waves
Thee Sacred Souls / Easier Said Than Done
Thee Sacred Souls / Love Is The Way
Theo Bial feat. Mart'nália / Remelexo
Theo Bial feat. Moacyr Luz / Beijo e Sal
Theo Bial feat. Pedro Bial / Azul
Theo Croker feat. Ego Ella May / Somethin'
Theo Parrish / Stop Lite
They Hate Change / Stuntro
Thundercat / Fly Like An Eagle
Thundercat / Thousand Knives (Thundercat Remodel)
Tim Bernardes / Beleza Eterna
Tinyumbrellas / A Small Village
Tinyumbrellas / Please Don't Make This Weird
Tom Gallo / Only The Blue
Tom Gallo / The Drumming
Tom Skinner / The Journey
Tomasz Bednarczyk / Real Adventure II
Tomberlin / Sunstruck
Tommaso Moretti feat. Natalie Lande / Redefine The Purpose
Tori & Bruno Berle / Descese
Toro y Moi / Déjà Vu
Toro y Moi feat. Salami Rose Joe Louis / Magazine
Toyin Ores feat. The Cavemen. / Kokose
Triathalon / Floating In Love
Trio SR9 feat. Camille / Happy
Trio SR9 feat. Malik Djoudi / Super Rich Kids
Tulipa Ruiz feat. Joao Donato / O Recado Da Flor
Two Another / Let Me In
ulla / song
Uwade / Do You See The Light Around Me?
V.C.R / Trip
Valerie June / Godspeed
Vansire & MUNYA / Vivienne
Vegyn / Petty Buisness (115.913 BPM)
Venna, Yussef Dayes & Marco Bernardis feat. Rocco Palladino / Sicily' Box
The Vernon Spring feat. aden / Unassigned II
Victoria Victoria / Hardware Store
Vienna feat. Ryan Nadin & Prizm Wizard / 10,000 Dreams
Village Of The Sun feat. Simon Ratcliffe, Moses Boyd & Binker Golding / Cesca
Vooo feat. Braxton Cook / Heartstrings
Vulfmon feat. Monica Martin & Hailey Niswanger / Alone Again, Naturally
Vulfpeck feat. Vulfmon / Earworm
Walker / I'll Be Right Here
Wax Machine / Guardians Of Eden
The Weather Station / Endless Time
The Westerlies / Dover
Westerman / Idol; RE-run
Westside Boogie feat. Mamii / Nonchalant
Weyes Blood / God Turn Me Into A Flower
Whatever The Weather / 14℃
Whitney / Blue
William Basinski & Janek Schaefer / . . . on reflection (one)
William Fitzsimmons / Your Song
Wilma Vritra / Every Evening
WizKid / Balance
WizKid feat. Don Toliver / Special
Wolfgang Lackerschmid feat. Myslaure Augustin, Bänz Oester & Samuel Dühsler / Five Stones
WOOM / Skinny Love
Work Money Death / Song Of Healing
Wu-Lu / Slightly
Xênia França / Magia
Yaya Bey / Alright
Yaya Bey / Meet Me In Brooklyn
Yaya Bey / Reprise
Yazmin Lacey / Bad Company
Yosef Gutman Levitt / Family (Folk Vibe)
Yoshi T. / Why (Jack's Joint)
Young Friend feat. Ella Jane / Arizona
Your Grandparents / Pootie Tang (G.T.K.Y)
Your Old Droog / Mind Your Business
Yussef Dayes / Raisins Under The Sun (Desert Version/Live)
Zalagasper / Break All My Guitars
Zé Manoel / Quando Eu Era Sem Ninguém
Zé Miguel Wisnik feat. Na Ozzetti / O Jequitiba
ZelooperZ feat. SuperCoolWicked / Head 2 The Sky
The Zenmenn & John Moods / Into The Heart Of The Matter
Zretro / Superpower
10.4 Rog & Brother Portrait / The Lighthouse