
The Interview with Unknown People:A person who is musician with the entertainment bug in her DNA/無名人インタビュー:エンターテインメントバグをDNAにもつミュージシャンの人

The second English interview is ABSYTE. She is a hip-hop artist.
I thought the environment is important. ABSYTE grew up in music since she was a child. The interview was filled with a passion for music.
Please enjoy!

今回ご参加いただいたのは ABSYTE さんです!

qbc:So Absyte, what do you do?

Absyte:That’s a loaded question but in a nutshell I’m a emcee, songwriter, and executive producer/arranger - I recently also began flexing my writing side and was recently published in a Anthology by the author Kevin Powell (& The Kevin Powell’s Writers Workshop called “2020: The Year that Changed America”.

qbc :When did you start music? And, what made you start?
いつ頃音楽を始められたんですか? 始めたきっかけは?

Absyte:Well, I actually started when I was four years old. My grandmother used to have me sing and dance at family functions like Thanksgiving and Christmas, it was super fun and I loved it. Over the years, she noticed I had a real passion for it and continued to get me involved in The Arts via programs at school like choir, drama club and the academic olympics which really expanded my reach poetically. I was published in the paper as young as 8 and my hunger for the arts never stopped.

qbc :What kind of music were you playing at that time?
What was your favorite artist at the time?
当時はどんな音楽をされていましたか? 当時好きだったアーティストはいますか?

Absyte:Mostly Hip Hop & R&B In the early years KRS1, The Jungle Brothers, Rakim later ppl like Tupac, Biggie, Black Moon, ATribeCalledQuest, TheRoots, Erykah Badu, MusicSoulChild all the way to Jayz & Beyoncé (Destiny Child Days)
ほとんどがヒップホップ、R&Bです。初期のKRS・ワン、ザ ・ジャングルブラザーズ、ラキム、後はトゥパック、ビギー、ブラック・ムーン、ア・トライブ・コールド・クエスト、ザ ・ルーツ、エリカ・バドゥ、ミュージック・ソウルチャイルドのような人たちから、ジェイ・Z、ビヨンセ(ディスティニーズ・チャイルド時代)まで。

Favorite Artist Rakim & Wutang hands down

qbc :かっこいい! You grew up in a rich musical culture
かっこいい! 豊かな音楽文化の中で育ったんですね。

Absyte:Yes my mother loved all types of music right along with my grandmother .. rich musical culture indeed💖

qbc:What is music like in your life?

Absyte:Music is like a savior, a voice of God, a spirit of energy I have never been able to adequately describe but it feeds me, fuels my soul and aides in my greatest time of pain ... it uplifts me like nothing else in this world ... i see music when i sleep, i see music and poetry when I daydream .. it’s everywhere constantly letting me know no matter what it would always be there for me, so much so at times it truly was my best friend.

qbc:ありがとう I'm glad to know you.
I have interviewed more than 100 people in Japanese so far, but this is the first time I have interviewed in English.
I want to have a fun and exciting interview.

1, What kind of music do you make?
From a session with friends? From the lyrics? From the melody?
1, どんな種類の音楽を作っていますか?
ご友人の方とセッションから? 歌詞から? メロディーから?

2, I understand that you love music.
However, there are many people who just listen to music.
Why do you make music yourself?

3, I like your song "Care". Thank you for producing a nice song. The balance between rap and melody is comfortable.
What is your most important song right now?
Please tell me the reason.

Absyte:Q1 Answer: I love creating, participating and watching the process of arrangement of a well crafted song. From the base sound composition to the vocal harmonies, melodies & interpolations of sound - I really enjoy the building blocks of a great song. I love hibernating in a studio to see this process unfold - it’s the puzzle pieces all coming together to make this beautiful tapestry of sound that gets me excited to repeat the process again and again.
Q1の答え:私は創作したり参加したり、作りこまれた曲のプロセスや編集が大好きです。ベースの音の構成から声のハーモニー、メロディーそれから interpolations(既存曲のサンプリングではなく再録音)など、すばらしい曲のブロックを組み立てるのが好きなんですよね。スタジオにこもってこのプロセスが展開されるのを見るのが好きで。こういう美しい音のタペストリーを作るのって、バラバラのパズルのピースが1つの絵になるようで、そのプロセスを繰り返し何度も何度もやるのがワクワクするんですよ。

Absyte:Q2 Answer: Making music is like birthing a child. The process from inception to the final creation generates such good energy and supports my desire to continuously improve myself as a human being through the creation of sound, song and poetry. I dream vividly, my thoughts are expansive in scope at time’s over a wide array of topics from love to politics to fun vibes. Making music creates this protected zone where all of these divergent topics can coexist peacefully no matter how different, thought provoking or simplistic they may be. All of my thoughts in music have a home, a true sandbox to exist and grow... therapeutically it soothes my mind and allows me to explore difficult topics in a safe non-judgmental way. It’s like breathing for me, mandatory for the growth of who I am and who I ultimately have the potential to be.

Absyte:Q3 Answer: Thank you that means a lot for me to hear. That was the intent to allow the listener to experience our story of remembrance and growth while at the same time providing that “feel good” experience that allows the user to develop a relationship with the storytelling. Identification, authenticity, relatability and vulnerability are for me the cornerstones of a great song.

The most important song right now for me is Truthseeker - while it is my ode to the vibes of classic Hip Hop and R&B soul, it tells this journey many ppl are on right now. The journey of life is often tough enough to bare, but when you add dishonest leadership globally, potential wars / rumors of wars and geopolitical/ social unrest, the journey to find truth not only in our own personal lives but anywhere - oh and not to forget a global pandemic... then yes a song like “Truthseeker” stands as motivation for many today that maybe afraid to speak truth to power or the power and magnitude of the times we are all viscerally living through right now. It’s important to remain centered and as clear as one possibly can in extreme times of growth and change so it was my hope to have created a heartfelt song that identified with the least of us to the best of us in realizing how much we all have in common as opposed to not. This song picks me up and gives me the strength to keep going, strive for more, reach higher, commune with gr8 ppl and get very clear on our true purpose in this life individually and communally. I can only hope that we continue to see the opportunities before us to make things right in times like these.Hopefully this song can be one of many to heal and advance positive affirmations we all at one time or another in this life truly need.

qbc:Thank you for the beautiful answer.
I want to make a tapestry of your life in this interview.
For you, music has turned out to be fun, healing, and a place to grow.
You call it "a home, a true sandbox".

Finally, I would like to ask you about your future.
1,What kind of future do you want to create?
2,In this interview, I also hear about other future possibilities.
What would you be doing if there was no music in your life?

Absyte:Answer to Question 1: I want to create a future where the things we hold against ppl today are no longer a divider of human being connectedness such as race, gender, sexual orientation, class, status, etc. I think everyone shares this common goal in theory but application in everyday life is extraordinarily hard for most of us. Through my primary focus on Music, Family/Friends and IT - I feel like i’ve found this creative center to remain focused on advancing technologies and events that impact our daily lives but i also found my souls purpose. Some of us never get the chance to define those things or make them real in our lives in a real way. Through sound and sonic application of multidisciplinary genres and musical talents, i find that my pathway to being the change i want to see is fundamentally easier while also not allowing me to see like a fake activist on the things i care about in this life... no more like a real person dealing with the same crap as everyone else but finding a very fruitful and meaningful way to be a part of the solution instead of the problem so to speak. This plus my love for family and social connectedness is the essential ingredients of how I’ve been able to be technically sound, environmentally aware and creatively inspiring to those i love and new fans that are on this journey of the mind and life with me.

Absyte:Answer to Final Question (#2): If I were not in music, hmm i think i probably wouldn’t have been born lol. my mom was a backup singer for some very famous artists as a teen like smokey robinson and she graduated from the same high school as Chaka Khan in Chicago, Il - the music roots were laid deep in my mother’s soul long ago and in mine as i grew up. Being in a family that by marriage was tied to one of the most famous black actors in america in the 1960s and 70s, Greg Morris of Mission Impossible and later his son Phillip Morris (both I never met btw - crazy long weird story of being related by marriage and only meeting 1/16th of the family members YOU ACTUALLY have is a longer story I won’t bore you with here, but let’s just say the entertainment bug was laid deep within the DNA of my soul well before I was born (thank the heavens) - if I never got introduced to the ARTS. I would have probably went into some sort of public service not sure a politician so to speak but some sort of community outreach and public service level communication development or journalism without a doubt. One of the aspects i absolutely love about being a musician is being able to put together multilayer content platforms from blogs, to videos books, music to allow the things i want to discuss with the world to have a true place to rest and be in my life. I cherish the ability to help others succeed and to flourish in ways that may have been harder for me to achieve - just to be able to see them move forward is a wonderful gift for me personally something in which i’ve been able to achieve through music but even if music was never involved the spirit of my family would have most likely propelled this purpose driven goal in my life no matter what i did with my life professionally. Great question, thanks for asking it!

Absyte:New music coming soon plus new collaborations with amazing artists all over the world plus touring coming down the pipeline for 2022 so very exciting times ahead musically - so thank god for music thank the universe for blessing me with this gift since the age four and i'm eternally grateful to for once in my life see this talent fully mature and get realized in a major way... unbelievably humbled and grateful for the gift i’ve been given - thanks for your time in interviewing me - this was fun!!!
もうすぐ新曲がリリースされるのに加えて、世界中のすばらしいアーティストとの新しいコラボもあります。ツアーも2022年にありますよ。音楽界でとってもエキサイティングな時代になります! 音楽に感謝、4歳からこの才能を恵んでくれた宇宙に感謝、そして一度きりの人生でこの才能が完全に開花し、大きな道で実現できたのを見れて永遠に感謝...本当に私が授かった才能には恐れ多く感謝しています。

qbc:I am honored to be able to interview you too.
Thank you.
I'm happy with the maximum.
Your "the entertainment bug" is exciting to me too.
あなたの"the entertainment bug"が私を興奮させているんだ。


What did you think!
It was an insanely rich interview! If I made this volume by voice call at my English level, it might have collapsed. I'm glad it was a chat interview!

The answer to the last question, if there was no music, was interesting. I knew it was inseparable, but when I asked, I wondered how she would answer. I think it was worth interviewing her because I drew out her phrase “the entertainment bug in her DNA.”


最後の、もしも音楽がなかったらの質問の回答はおもしろかったです。切り離せないと分かっていたけど、聞いてみたらどう回答するんだろうかと思って聞きました。“the entertainment bug in her DNA”というフレーズが引きだせただけでも、このインタビューの価値はあったなと思っています。

Editorial cooperation:saki

You can also read past interviews in the Tag

