
英検1級ライティング space exploration



お題 Agree or disagree:Space exploration is important in society.


It is sometimes argued that whether or not exploring space plays pivotal roles in society. In my opinion, I refute the stance that space exploration is directly proportional to social prosperity.

First and foremost, there are countless international problems that we should tackle squarely. Climate change is a case in point. For instance, the devastating impacts caused by global warming wreak havoc on our lives. One such a classical illustration is that numerous species of animals are left behind without their inhabitants and developing countries suffer from sheer lack of basic infrastructures like water, food and electricity. It is evident that halting such environmental repercussions entails huge financial contribution. Therefore, in terms of financial perspectives, overspending on space exploration cannot be judicious.  

Gone are the days when we rest our laurels on lunar landing achieved by Apollo 11. In recent times, chaotic situations like dissemination of conspiracy theories, political mayhem or even street protests have been prevalent in many parts of the globe. If we overconcentrate on developing technologies of space exploration for the sake of advancement of humanity, nor will it be possible for us to cope with these grave issues mentioned above.

In light of the situation in which democracy is on the verge of disintegration, there are negative ramifications that could upend our lives in negative ways. At the height of international conflicts such as worsening relationship between China and the US and Russia's atrocious assault on Ukraine, ignorance of these events compromises society. Accordingly, we should put space exploration on the back burner lest measures to counter such global pandemonium look just great on paper.

In conclusion, given the fact that pressing international problems are flooded with society, it is imperative that we put less emphasis on the development of space exploration. It is about time we considered tackling the crux of the matter that can be attributable to corrupting social order.
