
英検1級ライティング Capitalism

お題 Agree or disagree:The benefits of capitalism outweigh its disadvantages.


In recent years, despite capitalistic society's downsides like widening gulf between rich and poor, capitalism has become a commonplace among many nations all over the world. In my viewpoint, I firmly believe that advantages of capitalism are eclipsed by its disadvantages in views of social inequality, economic instability and unreasonable social accountability.

First and foremost, capitalism has the potential to aggravate polarization between the affluent and the impoverished. In this capitalist economy, free competition fosters the environment in which individuals or companies can increase their benefits in the absence of governmental intervention. Thanks to this system, some companies or people with tremendous economic activity can expand their financial wealth, thus contributing to national prosperity. However, the abject failure in setting up business has devastating impacts on our lives, potentially leading to huge amount of debt in the worst-case scenario.

Furthermore, it cannot be guaranteed that capitalism is a stable form of economic system, which can be a main cause of economic instability. The US has traditionally given private firms ample chances to engage in economic activity freely with little governmental interference. However, the global financial crisis in 2008 has eroded people's confidence toward capitalistic society. For instance, despite the massive scale of this financial disaster, China under the form of socialist economic system has greatly developed to the point where it is on a par with the US. On the other hand, the US has struggled to recover from economic malaise, consequently leading to massive loss of workers and weakened national resilience.

Another factor to support my opinion is that some people tend to disproportionatly bear the brunt of social responsibility in the wake of general citizens' capitalistic belief. Japan stands out as the case in point in which Japanese people are subject to criticism if they fail in entrance exams and job hunting activities. Some Japanese people always claim that under any circumstances can people with various abilities or talents lead to fulfilling lives. This parochial idea  precludes the possibility that people with mental illnesses or physical challenges integrate into social community. Such an obtrusive imposition on accountability should be eliminated in order for our society to be more vibrant.

In conclusion, for three above-mentioned reasons, I refute the stance that the benefits of capitalism outweigh its downsides.
