

Should investment in technology be a bigger priority for governments?

Considering the potential of technology to contribute significantly to solution of infectious diseases, alleviation of environmental degradation and elimination of inequality, I strongly believe that governments should attach importance to investment in technology.

Technological advancement has played a pivotal role in eradicating infectious diseases. For instance, numerous scientists the world over have relentlessly conducted scientific experiments through the use of medical technology in order to contain the outbreak of COVID-19. Had it not been for such an endeavour, vaccines which are capable of combating this virus would not be available for us, possibly exacerbating devastating impacts caused by deadly diseases.

Environmental disasters stemming from global warming are one of the serious problems that can be tackled by the utilisation of technology. A case in point is unpredictable weather patterns such as flood and intense heat. Such meteorological phenomena can be measured by the state-of-the-art infrastructure thanks to the development of new technology. Therefore, it is highly probable that we escape the vicious cycle of disastrous effects.

Furthermore, widespread implementation of technology can be a viable solution to inequality. In modern society, the rapid emergence of new applications such as zoom have served as an effective tool to rectify educational disparity in that it can provide academic knowledge without any geographical restrictions. Given that many people in less developed nations have suffered a sheer lack of ideal opportunities to gain access to high-quality education, these technological paraphernalia greatly help them develop their academic abilities.

In conclusion, three factors mentioned above such as solution to deadly viruses, mitigation of environmental problems and elimination of inequities make it apparent that goverments should prioritise investment in technology.

所要時間 40分。
