

Agree or disagree: The benefits of immigration control outweigh its disadvantages.

It cannot be argued that immigration control produces more positive outcomes than negative ones because it exacerbates the issue of shrinking population, restrain our abilities to digest other cultures and lead to chronic shortages of workers in service sectors.

In recent society, some countries across the world have been bearing the brunt of sharp decrease in population. Japan and China are cases in point in which gradual decline in birthrate is a serious problem in these two countries. Were it not for any measures to accept immigrants, not only would this demographic issue aggravate their economic pictures but also increase financial burden of their public citizens, potentially leading to situations in which they cannot live in society sustainably.

The absence of immigrants deprives us of ample opportunities to gain better understanding of other countries' cultural uniqueness. Foreigners with different ideas and languages can foster the ideal environment in which we can expand our horizons toward international cultures. By doing so, it is highly probable that mutual understanding of traditions and values has the potential of creating amicable relationships with one another.

Another cogent reason to support my stance is that encouraging countries to welcome more immigrants alleviates the problem of workers' shortages. More often than not, service sectors such as nursing and construction tend to suffer from shortages of personnel owing to their harsh conditions such as low remuneration and long working hours. Given the fact that immigrants with low skills are always willing to work, it is reasonable for them to be hired in service sectors in terms of both mitigating a sheer lack of workers and satisfying foreigners' desire to work.

In conclusion, although immigration control brings about beneficial points, resulting in more decrease in population, preventing us from understanding other cultures and aggravation of a lack of workers make it clear that downsides of immigration control are greater than its advantages.
