





TOPIC: Should developed nations encourage immigration from other countries?


In this increasingly interconnected society, the issue of whether or not countries across the globe should accept immigrants has sparked a controversy among us for a long time. While some people maintain that acceptance of immigrants causes a host of problems such as miscommunication, cultural clashes and strain on public services, it is my personal stance that developed countries should accept immigrants.

One beneficial factor in welcoming immigrants is that they can be of substantial benefits to the prosperity of developed nations. For example, immigrants can provide valuable skills and knowledge that may not be readily available within the domestic workforce. This can help us make a foray into uncharted territories, boosting innovation and productivity. Furthermore, such accomplishments have the potential to act as an effective solution to ongoing international problems like infectious diseases and climate change, which can be crucial for sustainable society.

Another reason to support my viewpoint is that immigration can bring diversity and cultural exchange. Given the current situation in which our society becomes more globalised, this can play a pivotal role in fostering greater understanding between various cultures and communities. Additionally, through interactive activities with immigrants, it is possible that we advance proficiency in second language, which can be a contributing factor in expanding our horizons.

Finally, supporting immigration can help to alleviate labour shortages. In recent times, many developed nations such as Japan and South Korea are facing graying population and declining birthrate, all of which must be attributable to chronic lack of workforce. In terms of this issue, our tolerance of welcoming immigrants greatly helps introduce younger generation and more diverse population, addressing these demographic challenges and guaranteeing productive growth and economic development of nations.

In conclusion, for the above-mentioned three reasons, I firmly support my stance that developed nations should encourage more immigration. It is about time that we considered promoting diversity by acculturating wide variety of immigrants' cultures and beliefs.
