
英検1級ライティング Globalisation

お題 Agree or disagree:Globalisation is a positive force in society.


Not a day goes by without us being exposed to the effects of globalisation as the world becomes increasingly interconnected. Thanks to the fact that countries in many parts of the globe have become borderless, the 21st century has witnessed unfettered movement of ideas, cultural exchanges and invaluable knowledge. Nevertheless, I am of the belief that globalisation cannot be a positive trend in modern society.

One cogent reason to support my idea is that globalisation exacerbates exiting inequities. For instance, globalisation operates mostly in favour of wealthy countries, which continue to dominate commercial activities at the expense of developing counterparts. An absence of judiciously implemented international laws regarding world commerce means that large corporations from developed countries recklessly make forays into local economy, thus polluting the environment and imposing harsh working conditions on local people.

Additionally, globalisation is regarded as a grave threat to the world's cultural diversity.
It is possible that it attaches less importantance to local traditions, sets of value and languages and even recasts our society in the mould of the capitalist western cultures. One classical example of this is that clothes manufactured in the US or European countries tend to be far more popular worldwide than ones made in India or Vietnam regardless of their attractiveness or quality. With such a distorted commercial dominance, nor will it be possible for us to gain better understanding of numerous types of cultures.

Although globalisation has enabled us to move across the globe, it can be a contributing factor in worsening ongoing international problems to point where our halcyon lives become a thing of the past.
Covid-19 is a case in point. Increased mobility with the development of transportation system has fostered our transfer of communication and information, but it has simultaneously expanded the ripple effects of this infectious disease. Owing to this significant problem, many people across the world were left behind without work, houses, or even parents and friends. These insurmountable challenges have ruined our daily lives, which we have taken them for granted for a long time.

Admittedly, globalisation has enriched our society through encouraging us to exchange diverse array of cultures and lifestyles, thereby raising our awareness of the importance of diversity. Despite this fact, I cannot support the stance that globalisation plays important roles in society in views of these three reasons mentioned above. Since it is almost impossible to stem the rapid tide of globalisation, having proper thoughts or beliefs toward it must be an indispensable component in modern society.
