



お題 Some children spend hours every day on their smartphones. Why is this the case? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?


The prevalence of smartphones has altered the way we communicate, entertain and obtain information fundamentally. In modern days, it is not uncommon to see children spend huge amount of time on the use of smartphones every day. There must be several reasons why youngsters are obsessed with smartphones. In my opinion, I firmly believe that such a case is a unfavorable tendency.

One of the main reasons is that smartphones have become an essential tool for social interaction. In this increasingly fast-paced society, it is easier to be contactable with friends and family through instant messaging apps and social media platforms. For instance, children can participate in online gaming communities, which offer a sense of belonging and a chance to meet new people. This interactive activity fosters their communication and friendships, thereby expanding their human relationships.

Furthermore, thanks to the sheer volume of entertainment options available, children can enjoy using smartphones for wider purposes. Streaming services and mobile games stand out as the case in point. Through such a never-ending variety of leisurely activities, children can absorb a wealth of historical knowledge and learn social norms which they cannot acquire in school classes. Therefore, it can be argued that smartphones provide ample opportunities for exploring children's sense of independence and personal development.

Despite these advantages mentioned above, the excessive use of smartphones exerts harmful impacts on children's mental health. For example, in recent years, online bullying and defamation have been rampant in social media. Youngsters are especially vulnerable to these pernicious acts committed by anonymous perpetrators. In worst-case scenario, they commit suicide or withdraw from society. In order to wrestle with this serious issue, parents should educate their children clear rules and boundaries regarding their smartphone use, such as limiting screen time, monitoring online activity, and encouraging alternative activities. Additionally, school can also promote digital literacy and teach children about the moderate use of smartphones.

In conclusion, the rapid emergence of new technologies has catapulted smartphones into permanent fixture among many children. However, moderate intervention by parents and schools should be indispensable in order for children not to fall victim to the vicious cycle of negative developments caused by the excessive use of smartphones.
