
英検1級ライティング overpopulation

お題 Agree or disagree: Global overpopulation is a serious threat to the future of humankind


Overpopulation is a serious issue that has garnered significant attention in recent times. This demographic issue arises when there are too many people in many parts of the globe, and the resources available to sustain them are limited. Personally, I am of the opinion that overpopulation can lead to dire consequences for humanity in views of environmental degradation and social and economic unrest.

First and foremost, it is unavoidable for us to take environmental impacts of overpopulation into consideration. The more the world's population grows, the more our demand does for resources such as water, food and energy. This causes poverty, deforestation and water pollution, all of which can have detrimental impacts on the environment and the planet as a whole.
Another factor to bear in mind is that increasing number of people are forced to live in crowded and unsanitary conditions, thus resulting in the increased risk of disease outbreak and other health hazards.

Furthermore, overpopulation can also bring instability into our society and economy. As resources become scarce, competition for them can metastasize across the world, leading to social chaos, conflict, and even war. It is a poignant reminder that those who are less fortunate tend to be forced to suffer from poverty and deprivation in this capitalistic society. Consequently, the gap between the rich and the poor widens, further degrading social and economic inequality.

Another major justification to support my view is that overpopulation can aggravate the effects of climate change. The fact that more consumptions of resources greatly contribute to sharp increase in carbon emissions is undeniable. Such a case surely accelerates the rate of global warming and is attributable to extreme weather events, massive floods and other environmental catastrophe.

As I mentioned above, a dramatic shift has been taking place as the proportion of people in the world has been increasing in modern times. Given this, gone are the days when we think of overpopulation as a peripheral relevance that poses a serious threat to humanity. Without a disciplining mechanism, overpopulation will be even more insurmountable challenge for us.
