
IELTS/英検1級 ライティング CSR

TOPIC: Is Corporate Social Responsibility very important for our society?

Corporate Social Responsibility can be deemed an indispensable factor for our society, as numerous companies play a crucial role in supporting our lives by developing commercial products that enable sustainable living. I will examine this issue from the following three perspectives.

Firstly, the proliferation of new mobile devices developed by leading corporations has had detrimental effects on us in various domains. Many young people today are so enticed by the convenience of personal computers and mobile phones that they suffer from multiple health crises, such as sleep deprivation. While individual responsibility plays a role, companies should implement measures to prevent improper usage of these devices.

Additionally, some companies in today’s society exploit workers in their pursuit of financial gain. In particular, foreign workers often endure harsh working conditions, including long hours and low wages, which hinder their professional development. Such exploitation can significantly contribute to deteriorating national economic situations. Hence, companies cannot shirk their responsibilities in improving societal conditions.

Lastly, some corporations have recklessly devastated ecosystems in the process of developing their products. While the quality of products is undeniably important in the market, the destruction of forests and animal habitats in the pursuit of high-quality ingredients is unjustifiable. Considering this environmental impact, it is imperative that companies bear their responsibilities.

In conclusion, the three reasons outlined above underscore the vital importance of Corporate Social Responsibility in our society.

所要時間 25分
