クボタ 対 NTT docomo レビュー (ジャパンラグビーリーグワン 2022)


クボタ 34 - 3 NTT docomo


NTT docomoはアタックを継続してフィニッシュゾーンまで攻め込むこともあったが、相手のディフェンスが堅くトライは奪えなかった。

NTT docomoが大量失点を防げた要因について

得点が大きく動かない印象を受けたのは、クボタが(前節までと比べると)得点を奪うのに少し時間がかかっていたためだと思われる。NTT docomoが失点を防げたのは以下の要因によると思う。







NTT docomoのアタックとディフェンスについて





Kubota vs NTT docomo (Review)

Japan Rugby League One
Division 1 (Interleague game), Section 11

Kubota 34 - 3 NTT docomo

Kubota scored 2 Tries in 1st half, and scored 3 Tries in 2nd half, which got point difference bigger. Even though Kubota scored steadily, impression was stable game which was not scored much.

NTT docomo kept attacking and sometimes got in finish zone, but could not score Try because of opponent hard defense.

Factors that NTT docomo prevented from being scored many points

Kubota took a time to score (compared to other sections). This seems to be why the game looked stable. NTT docomo could prevent from being scored many points by following factors.

-Did not lose area possession at having punts each other
   →They tended to have long punts against opponent in play punts. When they had long punts, they made opponent running backwards, so that they didn’t lose area much.

-Fought evenly at breakdowns by participating many players in them
   →They tended to participate breakdowns more than 3 players in attack, and more than 2 players in defense. In attack, they kept attacking without being turned over. In defense, they could stop opponent ball carrier in front of gain-lines, or slow down recycling speed of breakdowns.

-Kept attacking which did not give a ball to opponent
   →They took a time away from opponent to attack.

Attack and Defense of Kubota

-Used many punts at early stage of the game, but used less punts after middle stage of the game and kept attacking
-Penetrated gain-lines by bringing a ball from an edge to another
    (Examples of attacking edge: counterattacks against opponent punts, attacks after turnovers, and attacks from set pieces (scrums and line-outs))
   →They had 9-shapes or 10-shapes in most cases after bringing a ball to either edge, which seemed to be aimed by opponent. Sequent 9-shape/10-shape was put pressures, so that a ball carrier tended to be stopped without penetrating gain-lines, and taking a time to recycle breakdowns.

-Used rush up-defense from set pieces, and put pressures where opponent brought a ball after 1st attacking phase. (It was not seen intense rush out of BK lines.)
-Participated to breakdowns within 2 players

Attack and Defense of NTT docomo

There were characteristic plays as below.

-Made 9-shapes by players who were in line-outs, and had contacts after receiving passes from SH
   →SH passed to either shape of outside (which was out of line-out) or shape of inside (which was in line-out), which could slow down opponent chase a little
-Used consecutive 9-shapes in attacking/finish zone, and had decoy runner in most 9-shapes
   →Although they could keep attacking by having decoy runner and participating many players to breakdowns, they could not make overlap

There were modified points in defense system, although they mainly used defense system such as “having rush up-defense around breakdowns, and slide-defense at outer BK lines” which was seen in last section
-Changed players range of rushing out in each defending phase, which was up to opponent attacking formation
-Had tackles with stepping forward when opponent ball carrier got close to a player who had slide-defense and marked ball carrier
