
Blog in English

Here are some thoughts to share from the daily life of a translator...


What are they keys to success as a freelance?

That was a question asked to me at an online get-together for freelances hosted by the German-Japanese Professional Women's Network (GJ-PWN) the other day. Although somehow flattered by the question, I could not come up with the right answ

Cultural Connotations in Looking at the Harvest Moon

Tonight, many people will be marvelling at the perfect full moon over the Japanese sky. 🌝 September's full moon has been cherished for centuries as an aesthetic object for public (nowadays family) viewing in Japan. 🍡 I am all ready for

金平糖状 vs confectionery shape

“Substances shaped like Konpeito” is an expression I came across in #translating a chemical #patent from Japanese into English recently. While searching for this word in PCT applications readily accessible on the Internet, I came across a g

Hiromi Ito@Cologne

As the young up-and-coming feminist poet that she then was, I got to know her in my student days in the late ‘80s in Japan. After relocating to Germany, I had the opportunity to attend her poetry reading session in Düsseldorf – if I remembe