
What are they keys to success as a freelance?

That was a question asked to me at an online get-together for freelances hosted by the German-Japanese Professional Women's Network (GJ-PWN) the other day.

Although somehow flattered by the question, I could not come up with the right answer on the spot and ended up “mumbling” something about my passion for writing. But it takes much more to stay in business for years as a freelance.

After contemplating the subject, I arrived at the following list:

1⃣ Sense of calling / 天職だと信じること
Loving your craft

2⃣ Core competence /コアコンピテンス
Ongoing capacity building essential

3⃣ Having a scrutinizing mind, consistency, staying power /
No compromise in output quality

4⃣ Flexibility, being opportunistic (in a positive sense) /
柔軟であること ・ 時代の潮流を伺う
Watching out for business opportunities

5⃣ Prioritising your resources / 馬力を利かせること
Going full blast when needed

6⃣ Networking / ネットワーク
Staying in touch with colleagues and clients

Or am I missing a point?   With this list, I wish to provide some food for thought for other self-employed people in the German-Japanese community.
