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Will Smith Hits Chris Rock on Stage at Oscars

-partially (adv.) not fully or completely,
 (ex)He's partially responsible for what happened. 
-file (v) to submit a document in an official way
 (ex)These forms need to be filed at the courthouse by five o'clock.
-condone (v) to accept behavior considered morally wrong
 (ex)The school does not condone bullying of any form and will take action in response to the incident.
 *morally(adv.) according to principles of good behavior and what is considered to be right or wrong.
 (ex) He felt morally responsible for the accident.
-cut off (v) to interrupt someone who is speaking
 (ex)Oliver cut me off about 12 times during that meeting!
-tearful (adj.)crying, or about to cry. / at which people feel emotional and cry.
 (ex)She suddenly become very tearful.
-slap (v)to hit somebody/something with the flat part of your hand
 (ex)She slapped his face hard.
-reveal (v)to make something know to somebody
-alopecia (n) loss of hair from the head and body often caused by illness.
-expletive (n) a word, especially a rude word, that you use when you are angry, or in pain.
-acceptance (n) the act of accepting a gift, an invitation, an offer, etc. / the act of agreeing with something and approving of it.
-police (n)an offical organization whose job is to make people obey the law and to prevent and solve crime; the people who work for this organization.

Actor Will Smith slapped comedian Chris Rock on stage and had people talking too, because Rock made a joke about his wife who is Jada Pinkett Smith's. Pinkett Smith revealed in 2018 that she has alopecia, Caused by that, she shaved her head.
After had slapped Rock, Smith returned to his seat and shouted for Rock to leave Pinkett Smith alone.
While he partially defended his actions in his tearful acceptance speech, he apologized to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and those present at the ceremony.
Rock hasn’t filed a police report, but Academy shared a statement saying it “does not condone violence of any form.”

What recent films from your country would you recommend watching?
I recommend watching JIUJITSU KAISEN ZERO in recent films from Japan. As most people know, Japanese animation is famous around the world.
I think Japanese animations are made for diverse people to enjoy from child to adult. This movie is the previous story from the current animation series. That’s why, if you haven’t seen the animation, you can enjoy this movie.
