
Reading an article, 62

-spokesperson (n)広報担当者、報道官
-bond (n)絆、結束
-approachable (adj.)近づきやすい、親しみやすい
-keep away (v)遠ざける
-named after (v)〜に因んで名づける 

Jill Biden, who is the current first lady, invited a cat named Willow in White House in January. They first met in 2020.
It was the first time a cat lived in White House since 2009, when President George W. Bush’s cat died. Willow is expected to help to make the White House feel more approachable.

Do you think owning cats and dogs will make the Bidens more popular with the American public?

I think it won’t connect owning cats and dogs with becoming Bidens more popular. Because it doesn’t matter with politics.
Even if lovers of dogs or cats, it is difficult to consider they change their thinking against politics only the condition of president's family have animals.
(46 words)
