
【禅語Zen Words】一月浮万水(いちげつ ばんすいにうく)The countless moons on the surface of the water

一月浮万水(いちげつ ばんすいにうく)




The countless moons on the surface of the water

This Zen expression describes a scene in which a single moon shining in the sky is reflected (floating) on countless surfaces of water everywhere on earth.
Just as the moon in the heavens is reflected on every surface of water on earth, so everything exists because it is affected by the workings of other things, and because it relates to and affects other things and each other. In other words, nothing can exist alone. I believe that this Zen phrase expresses the idea that everything is one.

It may be difficult to realize that ‘everything is one’. Imagine, for example, that you have a cup of tea in front of you. And let's say that you are about to drink this cup of tea.
The tea placed in front of you is not ‘you’. You will perceive the tea as something else that is not you. But what if I put this tea in my mouth and swallow it? It will be taken into me, absorbed, and become a part of my body. At this time, is the tea absorbed into my body me or is it still tea? And after a while, it will also be expelled from my body.
So when does the tea in front of you become you? And at what point does it cease to be itself? Is it the moment you put it in your mouth? The moment it is absorbed in the stomach? Does it cease to be itself the moment it leaves the body? Is it when it is stored in the bladder?
If time stops forever with the tea placed in front of you, then the tea and you may be different things. But time does not stop. Therefore, we can say that the tea in front of you is both "something that will become you" and "something that will soon cease to be you”.
By the way, what was the state of this cup of tea before it became tea? For example, let's say it was well water and tea leaves. Where did this well water come from? It could have come from the rain that fell on the mountains, soaked the ground, and flowed underground. Then, before it fell on the mountain...? It was probably a cloud. Before it became clouds...? Was it water that evaporated from the ocean, the ground, and everything else?
On the other hand, where did tea leaves come from? The sun, water, soil, microorganisms, etc., all had something to do with it, just like water, before it took shape as a tea leaf.
If we trace the relationship in this way, this cup of tea in front of our eyes must be the result of the relationship with all the things in the world. This relationship is infinitely far beyond the scope of what human beings can trace even with modern science. That is to say, to the ends of the universe, which cannot be verified. And I drink a cup of tea that seems to condense all the relationships in the entire universe. I am part of the connection. I believe that this reality of all things influencing each other helps us to understand what I said at the beginning, that everything is one.

Now, I am a mammal, about one to two meters long, living in a herd, a creature that will probably end its life within a hundred years. Unfortunately, I always try to see, hear, feel, and understand things only from the perspective of a creature of that size. But thankfully, the mind is capable of endless imagination. In order to understand with a sense of gusto that ‘all is one’, I first practise looking at things from different perspectives in my imagination. The perspective of a 2,000 year old tree, the perspective of a bacteria that has no life span, and so on.
This practice is interesting and I recommend it. How about as an accompaniment to zazen?
