
ドナルド・トランプ氏、彼自身の仮想通貨ベンチャーを立ち上げる(Donald Trump Set to Launch His Own Cryptocurrency Venture)


〜10月21日 17:30

Donald Trump Set to Launch His Own Cryptocurrency Venture

Cryptocurrency Development 暗号通貨開発

Jennifer Kate

Published in Coinmonks

Sept.17, 2024

It’s not every day you hear about a former U.S. president diving headfirst into the world of cryptocurrency. But Donald Trump has never been one to follow the norm. After dominating headlines as a real estate mogul, reality TV star, and politician, Trump is now adding a new title to his list: crypto entrepreneur.

That’s right. The same man who once called Bitcoin a “scam” is now preparing to unveil his own crypto platform, World Liberty Financial. The move has left many scratching their heads and wondering how Trump plans to navigate this digital frontier. And as with anything Trump does, it’s already stirring excitement, speculation, and, of course, controversy.

A Surprising Move: From Politics to Blockchain

So, what exactly led Trump to transition from politics to blockchain? The timing is unusual, to say the least. Most presidential candidates are laser-focused on their campaigns in the run-up to elections, but Trump is doing things differently, as usual. In a video posted on X (formerly Twitter), Trump announced his plans for World Liberty Financial, which he says will revolutionize the finance industry by embracing the future with crypto. Bold, right?
では、トランプ氏が政治からブロックチェーンに移行したのは、具体的に何だったのでしょうか? 控えめに言っても、タイミングは普通ではありません。ほとんどの大統領候補は、選挙に向けて自分たちの選挙運動に全力を注いでいますが、トランプ氏はいつものように違ったやり方で物事を進めています。X(旧Twitter)に投稿された動画で、トランプ氏はワールド・リバティ・ファイナンシャルの計画を発表し、仮想通貨の未来を受け入れることで金融業界に革命を起こすと述べています。大胆ですよね?

But this move into the crypto space isn’t just another business venture for Trump; it’s a clear statement. He’s positioning himself as a modern leader, ready to break free from the “slow and outdated big banks” and embrace the digital economy. It’s classic Trump — taking an unexpected leap and shaking up the status quo.

How Trump’s Venture Shakes Up the Crypto Landscape

Trump’s entry into the cryptocurrency world is bound to cause ripples. While there are already thousands of cryptocurrencies in circulation, none have been launched by a figure with such a significant political and cultural presence. Imagine the kind of clout that brings. His fanbase? Massive. His critics? Equally large. Regardless of where you stand, you can’t deny that World Liberty Financial will draw eyes, and lots of them.
トランプ氏の暗号通貨の世界への参入は、波紋を呼ぶに違いありません。すでに何千もの暗号通貨が流通していますが、これほど政治的・文化的に重要な存在感を持つ人物が立ち上げたものはありません。それがもたらす影響力の種類を想像してみてください。彼のファン層は? 分厚い。彼の批評家は?同じくらい大きい。あなたがどこに立っているかに関係なく、ワールド・リバティ・ファイナンシャルが目を引きつけることを否定することはできません。

But this isn’t just about attention. Trump is no stranger to controversy, and his business ventures often stir debate. World Liberty Financial could have a similar effect. Some crypto enthusiasts are optimistic, seeing his involvement as a signal of the industry going mainstream. Others, though, are more cautious, questioning the long-term viability and whether this is just a publicity stunt. Either way, the crypto landscape just got a whole lot more interesting.

Launch Your Own Cryptocurrency Like Trump 😱

Why the Crypto World Is Buzzing with Excitement and Caution

Here’s the thing: Cryptocurrency is already a volatile industry. Adding Trump into the mix is like throwing a match into a powder keg. The potential rewards? Huge. But the risks? Even bigger. Crypto investors are eagerly awaiting more details, but they’re not without their reservations. Some see Trump as the high-profile figure who could finally bring cryptocurrency into the mainstream, while others fear that this new venture might attract negative attention, including from hackers and scammers.
ここで問題なのは、暗号通貨はすでに不安定な業界であるということです。トランプをその混在に加えることは、火薬樽にマッチを投げ込むようなものです。潜在的な報酬は? 巨大。しかし、リスクは?さらに大きい。仮想通貨投資家は詳細を待ち望んでいますが、躊躇がないわけではありません。トランプ氏を、ついに暗号通貨を主流に持ち込むことができる知名度の高い人物と見る人もいれば、この新しいベンチャーがハッカーや詐欺師などからも含め、否定的な注目を集めるのではないかと恐れる人もいます。

The Rise of World Liberty Financial: What We Know So Far

A Bold Declaration: Trump’s Vision for the Future of Finance
大胆な宣言: 金融の未来に対するトランプ氏のビジョン

Trump’s announcement of World Liberty Financial was short on specifics but heavy on ambition. In his video, he declared that his platform would “leave the slow and outdated big banks behind,” positioning it as a game-changer for the future of finance. The goal? To harness the power of cryptocurrency to create a financial system that’s faster, smarter, and more accessible than anything the traditional banking sector has to offer.
トランプ大統領のワールド・リバティー・ファイナンシャルの発表は、具体的な内容は少なかったが、野心に重きを置いていた。彼のビデオで、彼は彼のプラットフォームが「遅くて時代遅れの大手銀行を置き去りにする」と宣言し、金融の未来のためのゲームチェンジャーとして位置付けました。目標は? 暗号通貨の力を活用して、従来の銀行セクターが提供するものよりも速く、スマートで、アクセスしやすい金融システムを構築すること。

It’s a bold promise, and if there’s one thing Trump is known for, it’s making big promises. Whether he can deliver on this one is still up in the air, but for now, the vision he’s pitching is compelling. In a world where traditional finance is often seen as clunky and slow-moving, the allure of a sleek, digital alternative is hard to ignore.

Unpacking the Announcement: “Make Finance Great Again”
発表の紐解き方: 「金融を再び偉大にする」

Yes, Trump is bringing back one of his favorite slogans, but with a twist. This time, instead of focusing on politics, he’s focused on shaking up the financial system. His slogan, “Make Finance Great Again,” plays on the same themes of disruption and change that defined his 2016 presidential campaign. And just like then, the message resonates with people who feel left behind by existing systems.

For many, the promise of a more inclusive, decentralized financial system is appealing. After all, cryptocurrency has long been touted as the future of finance, offering the potential to break free from the restrictions and fees associated with traditional banks. With World Liberty Financial, Trump is aiming to tap into that sentiment and position himself as a leader in the crypto space.


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9月21日 17:30 〜 10月21日 17:30
