
メタバースで金儲けする方法[投資なしで]-月5,000ドルを稼ぐ                  HOW to make MONEY in the Metaverse [Without INVESTMENT] — EARN $5000/m

HOW to make MONEY in the Metaverse [Without INVESTMENT] — EARN $5000/m

How to make MONEY from METAVERSE without INVESTMENT!

Gautam Menariya
ゴータム メナリヤ著


Aug 29

One question that comes to mind when we think about the Metaverse is, how can we make money in the Metaverse?

The idea of having a second way to make money through technology interests us all, especially when it is done without investment.

Since Facebook said it would change its name to Metaverse, everyone has been talking about it. People have been thinking about how to make money in the Metaverse for a lot longer than the last few months.
フェースブックがその名前を メタバースに変えるであろうと言ったときから、皆が(今まで)それについて話をしてきています。人々はこれまでの数カ月間よりずっと長くどのようにメタバースで金儲けすべきかについて考えてきています。

These are the most important things to know about metaverses, whether you’ve known about them since they first appeared or you’re looking for ways to make money in the Metaverse and don’t know much about it.

So, in this article, we will look into some of the businesses we could run on the side in the Metaverse to see how much extra money we can make.

Make sure to stick around until the end to find out how much money a Metaverse ambassador can make in a month.

People can buy or make interactive items with unique looks in any metaverse.

Bring people together. This includes digital stores, restaurants, clubs, movie theatres where a lot of people can watch the same movie, and a stock market where you can buy and sell real money.
人々を集めてください。 これはデジタルの店や、レストランやクラブ、大人数が同じ映画を見ることができる映画館やあなたが現金を売買することができる株式市場を含みます。

It’s a unique way to talk to people online and feel like you’re there. Even though it has been built for 16 years, the new Metaverse will feel like the Wild West of creativity and change.
それはオンラインで人々に話をして、そしてあなたがそこにいるように感じるユニークな方法です。 それが16年間構築されてきているけれども、新しいメタバースは創造力と変化のアメリカ西部地方のような感じがするでしょう。

Metaverses aren’t games. These are real economies where you can take a chance and make a lot of money.
メタバースはゲームではありません。 これらはあなたがチャンスをとらえて、多くの金儲けができる実体経済です。

If you want to keep up with the latest updates about the Metaverse, make sure to follow me and subscribe to my emails.

Investing in Metaverse takes time and effort and can be risky; however, if done correctly and with patience, it can lead to great wealth.

Here are some ways to make money on the Metaverse, along with how much you can make.

1.Taking part in the Metaverse stock market:

On average, each stock makes at least $10 per month. Even though the Facebook Metaverse platform doesn’t exist yet, metaverse stocks are already a hot topic.
平均して、それぞれの株が1カ月に少なくとも10ドルは儲かります。 フェースブックのメタバース・プラットホームはまだ存在しないけれども、メタバース関連株はすでにホットなトピックです。

When dealing with digital stocks, you have to think about not only the Metaverse but also the company that hosts it, NFTs, and different kinds of Cryptocurrency.

You can also invest in virtual reality creators’ companies or products on the Metaverse stock market.

2. Get paid to play:

Between $200 and $1,000 can be made each month. Play to win is a simple game format that has become more popular over the past few years.
200ドルと1,000ドルの間で毎月稼ぐことができます。 勝ち取るために遊ぶのは過去数年にわたっていっそう人気が高くなっている単純なゲームフォーマットです。

You can get paid to play games while watching ads or to mine Cryptocurrencies in these.

Every play-to-earn game is different, and in some Metaverses, play-to-earn games also refer to in-game jobs like waiting tables or performing.

Think about what you want to get out of the game, what kind of work you won’t get tired of, and how much money you want to make.

This kind of job is hard to make a living from, so it’s best to do it as a side business.


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