
可能性を解き放つ:次の強気相場で50倍-200倍の可能性を秘めた未発表の暗号トークントップ10 Unleashing Potential: Top 10 Unreleased Crypto Tokens with 50x — 200x Potential in the Next Bull Run

Unleashing Potential: Top 10 Unreleased Crypto Tokens with 50x — 200x Potential in the Next Bull Run

Shantanu Gupta

Published in Coinmonks

Aug 10, 2023
2023 年 8 月 10 日

As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, there’s an air of excitement around tokens that have yet to be released. These hidden gems could be the next breakout stars, offering potential gains of 50x to 200x during the upcoming bull run. In this post, we’re uncovering the top 10 unreleased crypto tokens that are poised to make waves in the crypto space. Let’s dive into the details and explore the potential of these projects.

**Layer 1 Projects: Powering the Foundation**
**層1 プロジェクト: 財団の強化**

Shardeum ($SHM): Scaling for the Future
Shardeum ($SHM):将来に向けたスケーリング

Shardeum’s sharding technology promises to revolutionize blockchain scalability. With over 100,000 followers on Twitter, a solid team led by Nischal Shetty and Omar Syed, and a $508 million supply, Shardeum ($SHM) holds the potential to reshape the crypto landscape.
Shardeumのシャーディング技術は、ブロックチェーンのスケーラビリティに革命を起こすことを約束します。Twitterで10万人以上のフォロワーを持ち、Nischal Shetty氏とOmar Syed氏が率いる堅実なチーム、5億800万ドルの供給量を持つShardeum($SHM)は、仮想通貨の状況を再構築する可能性を秘めています。


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