
英語日記 Challenge_2

Today, I went to the English conversation café to get some speaking practice.

These cafés provide a space where I can chat in English with people that coordinated schedules in advance.

I was a bit nervous because it was my first time joining such an event.

However, all participants I spoke to at the café was so kind and friendly, that makes me relaxed and I can speak English restfully.

We were talking about our goals that they want to realize after acquiring English and our current hobbies and so on.

English conversation café can enjoy speaking in getting on our level by grouping people that has the same conversation skills.

That system was so important and glad for me since I was anxious that if I have to talk people that has advanced English skills, I probably couldn't follow their story and lost my confident.

Of course, I understand that to improve my English level rapidly, I have to challenge the conversation spoken by native speakers or people good at speaking.

But, if I misjudge my current English level and underestimate the importance of the basic, I think there is a little to be gained.

I want to continue enhancing my English level by cherishing the balance between basic and application.

Thank you!



