
5月は買い!とTom Leeは仰います


米国株は4月の調整を無事にいなしたようですが、4月CPI発表を明日に控え、Tom Leeがゴーサインを出しました


今回のリンク先はCNBC Closing Bellという番組のXへのポストとなります。
それでは、以下にTom Leeの発言を列挙します。

I think it is time to get bullish. Stocks really have been consolidating for a last couple of months. And I think the conversation you had is correct.
The data has not convinced hawks or doves, which way inflation is breaking. I think once we get a decisive data point, potentially tomorrow, I think that 6 trillion dollars of cash comes out off the sideline, and I think the stocks break out of this range. That is our bed that May ends up being very strong month for stocks, even better than it's already been.

Interview on CNBC television @5/14/2024


6兆ドルの現金というのは、Tom Leeが昨年から指摘しているMMFなどの超低リスク資産運用に流れている現金のことを指しています。相対的にリスクの高い株式のリターンがMMFの利回りを上回れば、必ずこの巨額のマネーは株式市場に流入するというロジックです。


Market had a very simple framework ahead, which is as soon as the inflation accelerates, Fed switches from dove to hawk, and tries to crash the economy. And Powell is very clear in all these recent statements that the inflation is not just as a core headline number, and not just as services number. He sees three moving pieces, housing, auto insurance and everything else. And We've been playing a waiting game. We are seeing that even in the recent article Powell talked about and a lot of folks talked auto insurance. I think once that turns possibly, I think, if you looked at the PPI, insurance actually rolled over pretty hard. I think it is going to make a clear to market that it is not just that, hey inflation stubborn. It's really this inflation is now normalizing, the economy is in a good shape, and rates are so restrictive, Fed actually needs to cut rates. That is actually quite good for stocks. If its pause is good for stocks, then cut is even better.

Interview on CNBC television @5/14/2024



本日は、次の記事でインタビュー後半のTom Leeの発言について紹介したいと思います。
