
Tom Leeから注意警報が発せられました。


先月頭の”トーキョーブラックマンデー”の記憶も新しい中、9月相場が明けましたが、本日のマーケットオープン直前にTom LeeがCNBCで注目の発言をしていましたので、ここで紹介したいと思います。



I think there's probably more growth worries in people's minds these days, so the jobs reports and claims seem to have more market reaction, and I think that will be the case in September as well. We have the Fed meeting sort of in the middle of the month, but this week is the jobs reports, and I am sure there will be a lot of focus on that.

Interview on CNBC television@9/3/2024


I think the growth scare is what everyone is worried about, because the July jobs reports was a shock to markets and that's part of how we had that black Tokyo Monday. I think the reports for August will show a nice rebound for growth and jobs. Hopefully it's not too strong, because of course you know if it's too strong, people are going to worry that the Fed might backpedal on a September cut.

Interview on CNBC television@9/3/2024



AAII Sentiment data plotted with S$P500 weekly close
(Datasource; American Association of Individual Investors)


続いて、9月以降の株式市場の動向に対して、Tom Leeは次のように注意を促しています。

I think investors should be cautious for the next eight weeks.
The markets have been up 7 of the 8 months this year, you know it's been incredible strong market. But we also have the September cuts, and we have the election, things that will get people nervous. I think in the next eight weeks people get a chance to buy, so I think it's good to be cautious but ready to buy that, too.

Interview on CNBC television@9/3/2024

和訳(意訳含む)「投資家の皆さんはこれから8週間は注意を払う必要があります。----- マーケットは今年に入って8か月のうち7か月で上昇を見せてきました。ここまでとても好調な相場といえるでしょう。ただし、9月はFedの利下げや11月の大統領選挙が控えており、ここからは神経質な相場になると思います。ですから、今後8週間は慎重になるべきですが、同時に買いの機会にもなり得るでしょう。」

つまり大統領選を控え、9月と10月は様子見相場になるという見立ては、Tom Leeにしては”普通の”もしくは”常識的な”スタンスだといえますね。


次に今年後半の一大イベントである大統領選挙に対する市場の折り込みについて、Tom Leeが現在の状況を解説しています。

Bitcoin hasn't acted well and two things we are watching, energy, sort of to look how the election probabilities are weight is Bitcoin and energy. And the fact that oil is being weak even with some geopolitical risks tells me I think the market is starting to bet more on a Trump election.

Interview on CNBC television@9/3/2024



Bitcoin price action since September 2023
Crude Oil price action since September 2023


最後に別の番組アンカーが、株価が下落した際、どのタイミングでBuy-the-dipすれば良いのかとTom Leeにアドバイスを求めています。

I think 7 to 10 is a possibility. We already had two 7% corrections this year, so it's kind of -- it has been testing investors' patients, but I think we should expect there's turbulence.
And then question is of course, when the turbulence comes, is it a buy-the-dip always? By the way, buy-the-dip when it goes down by 2 or 3% or you have to wait for 5, 6, 7% pullback?
Well, 1 or 2 is almost like daily noise this market has shown. I think something like a 5% pullback is very likely but we ---
You know what, we will find out in the jobs report. If it's too strong and investors worry and so the stock market is down Friday, I would be buying the dip. There's a chance that we get a good jobs report and the market-- I hate to sound so binary. But I think I would just say that the bottom line is just a strong market, so I don't think this is what we hit in top of 2024. It is just that the next few weeks are tough.

Interview on CNBC television@9/3/2024


番組アンカー「ここで当然問題となるのは、ではどのタイミングで買いに入るべきか、という点です。2~3%の下落で買いですか?それとも5%, 6%
, 7%の下落を待つべきなのですか?」



Wall Street界隈でも超強気といわれるTom Leeが、このような注意喚起のメッセージを発するのは極めて稀な状況です。米国株のアノマリーと認識されている9月の軟調な株式相場予想に加えて、今年はそこにFedの利下げという大きなターニングポイントとなるイベントがある上に、大統領選をも控えた神経戦が展開されるとみるTom Leeの展望、心しておくべきかもしれませんが、長期投資家にとっては絶好の買い入れチャンスとなる可能性もあります。


