Tokyo Biennale 2023 "OSHIBORI Linkage" Open Call for Oshibori Embroidery Projects 東京ビエンナーレ2023「おしぼりリンケージ」海外参加アーティスト募集!
※英文の後に和文が続きます。 *Japanese text is followed by English text.
*This application has been closed. Thank you very much for the many applications. The results of the selection will be announced later on the Tokyo Biennale 2023 website.
Tokyo Biennale 2023
"OSHIBORI Linkage"
International Open Call for Artists
Tokyo Biennale 2023 now invites artists based overseas to create an original artwork to be embroidered on oshibori for “OSHIBORI Linkage,” one of this year’s projects. We look forward to receiving your submissions.
About “OSHIBORI Linkage”
There are probably few people living in Japan who have never used an oshibori, a small, moderately moistened towel served in restaurants for guests to wipe their hands. The origin of this practice is said to date back to the Heian or Edo period, according to one theory. Despite its humble existence, oshibori have the power to relieve tension, soothe fatigue, and invigorate the spirit of guests. It is not only a traditional tool for hand hygiene; offering a source of coolness in the summer and warmth in the winter, it is also filled with the spirit of Japanese hospitality. But its existence is still unknown outside of Japan.
“OSHIBORI Linkage” is an attempt to bring the intimate experience of diverse expressions that transcend national borders to the capital city of Tokyo by using oshibori as a small canvas. The embroidered oshibori, based on original artworks by selected artists, will be served in restaurants and other establishments mixed in with plain hand towels. Customers visiting the venues will surely enjoy chance encounters with these small works of art. Since the oshibori are also reusable items that are environmentally friendly, people will encounter these works repeatedly throughout the exhibition period, which will conclude with an exhibition that brings them together in a special venue.
“Linkage” is both the theme of Tokyo Biennale 2023 and the generic name for the projects that will be developed for the Biennale. “OSHIBORI Linkage” will connect the expressions of artists from around the world to Tokyo and explore new forms of connection between food culture and art, which has long been nurtured in Japan. Furthermore, by transforming oshibori into works of art, this project aims to draw attention to the Japanese culture of oshibori and to promote the spirit of oshibori hospitality around the world, establishing oshibori as an internationally recognized term.
Oshibori culture, which has taken root in Japan since ancient times, is steeped in the spirit of hospitality that seeks to cleanse the body of guests and relieve fatigue. Thus far, we have expanded the benefits of oshibori by adding value according to TPO (time, place, occasion), such as fragrance, temperature, and antiviral function.
Now, a completely new value will be added to oshibori: art. We are excited to see what kind of chemical reaction will take place. We are confident that OSHIBORI Linkage will be the first step toward fulfilling our long-held vision of opening the door to the world for oshibori. We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing your wonderful works of art.
Executive Committee of the “Project to Make OSHIBORI an Internationally Recognized Term
(committee chairman: Katsuyuki Fujinami[President & CEO, FSX, Inc.])
Maximum Number of Participating Artists
15 artists
Selection Committee
Masato Nakamura
Artist. General Director of Tokyo Biennale 2023. Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Painting.
Min Nishihara
Independent Curator. Mental Health Therapist. General Director of Tokyo Biennale 2023. Professor at Akita University of Art.
Application Conditions
Open to all artists living overseas, regardless of nationality.
Applicants must agree with the significance of Tokyo Biennale and be able to create an original artwork to be embroidered on oshibori.
*In addition, each participating artist will be presented with two oshibori embroidered with their original artwork.
*Photo data of the exhibition sent by e-mail.
*Listing in the official Tokyo Biennale catalog and website. Each artist will be presented with a copy of the catalog.
Summer Period: August - September 2023
Fall Period: Saturday, September 23 – Sunday, November 5, 2023 (TBD)
During Summer Period, oshibori will be offered to visitors at affiliated stores in Tokyo. Each oshibori will be collected after use by visitors, washed, and served repeatedly. Approximately 20 partner stores (as of May 2023) will serve oshibori across the four wards—Chiyoda-ku, Chuo-ku, Bunkyo-ku, and Taito-ku—of the Northeastern area of central Tokyo.
In the Fall Period, an exhibition combining oshibori served to visitors during the Summer Period and unused oshibori embroidered with the artworks will be held. Special venue to be determined (gallery in Tokyo area).
Submission Materials
Please submit the following documents via the application form
Applicant’s Basic Information
Image data of the original artwork
The file name should include the name of the applicant.
Example)originaldrawing_[YourName].jpgData format: jpg, png, heic, or PDF
The file name should include the name of the applicant.
Example) portfolio_[YourName].pdfOnly PDF format is accepted. Please use no more than 3 pages, A4 size (5MB or less).
About Original Artworks
Original artworks must be unpublished.
Please make the artwork 22×22 cm.
Since the image will be reproduced as embroidery, there is a limit to the kind of artwork that is suitable. Complex artworks or ones that employ many colors are not recommended. Also, oshibori are folded in half and then rolled up, and so embroidery in the middle of the oshibori is not suitable.
Please ensure that the embroidered area is less than 50% of the oshibori. If it exceeds 50%, it will be difficult to use as an oshibori.

Please refer to the following samples as a guide to artworks that can be made with embroidery.

How to Apply
Please use the application form link below to (1) fill out the applicant’s basic information, (2) upload the image data of the original artwork, and (3) upload the artist’s portfolio.
Application form
Applications are now closed
Application Period
Monday, June 5 - Sunday, June 25, 2023, 23:59 (Japan time zone)
Selection Results
The results of the selection process will be announced on the Tokyo Biennale website by July 7. Selected artists will be contacted individually.
June 5 - June 25 Applications accepted
July 7 Artists selected and notified
July 21 Images of embroidered artworks sent via email and finished products confirmed (modifications are permitted only once)
August 3 Embroidered oshibori completed
August 31 Payment of the reward
August 7 - November 5 Summer Period: Oshibori available at partner venues
September 23 - November 5 Fall Period: Exhibition of oshibori at a special venue
November 6 - November 30 Embroidered oshibori and catalog (one copy) sent to artists
Important Notes
This program is for artists who submit their original artwork in data format to be embroidered directly onto oshibori. Please note that while participating artists are welcome to attend the exhibition scheduled between September and November, we do not provide any financial support for travel to or stay in Japan.
If an e-mail address or cell phone e-mail address is used as the method of contact, please ensure you can receive e-mails sent to your address from a PC. If we are unable to contact you, your application may be deemed invalid.
The selection process, evaluation and results of the selection are based on a comprehensive and relative judgment of all applicants’ submissions, which include copyrights and personal information. For this reason, details regarding the selection process cannot be disclosed to protect applicants’ personal information. We ask for your understanding and cooperation before submitting your application.
We promise that the submitted documents will be used only for the purpose of screening and not for any other purpose.
A contract will be exchanged with all selected artists.
About Oshibori
Oshibori is a “moistened towel” used to wipe hands, and is one of the items offered to customers mainly of restaurants that symbolize the spirit of hospitality unique to Japan.
Oshibori are not only used to wipe hands and remove dirt, but also have a relaxing psychological effect. A cold oshibori on a hot day or a warm oshibori on a cold day, in particular, has the power to relieve tension and soothe fatigue. Simultaneously providing hygiene and hospitality, oshibori are a uniquely Japanese tool of omotenashi, the philosophy of Japanese hospitality.
Oshibori are often served to customers by an attendant as they begin to say the word irasshaimase (welcome), and are an important item that creates the first contact with the customer.

History of Oshibori
The predecessor of oshibori, which is understood to have originated in Japan, is said to have started in the Heian period (794-1185) when court nobles offered “moistened cloths” to their guests when inviting them into their homes. In the Edo period (1603-1867), travelers soaked a tenugui cloth in a tub provided by the innkeeper and squeezed it to wipe their dirty hands and feet at the entrance to the inn. This is said to be the origin of today’s oshibori. (The action of shiboru, or squeezing, is the origin of the word oshibori.) Oshibori was born as an expression of the spirit of hospitality, where guests were not only provided lodging but also offered a comfortable and relaxing stay to ease their fatigue.
The hospitality shown to guests later became firmly established as oshibori culture. Although oshibori culture once faded away along with the escalation of war, the custom of serving oshibori was revived in the postwar period of development as a uniquely Japanese culture of hospitality and has continued to the present day.
About Tokyo Biennale 2023
Held every two years, the Tokyo Biennale is an international art festival that sets the city of Tokyo as its main stage. The festival is a new type of event that aims to dig deep into the city, as it is created together with the area’s local citizens, as well as a wide variety of artists and creators from around the world.
The theme of the second Tokyo Biennale 2023 is “Create Linkage.” Linkage is a “relationships” that is found not only in human relations, but also in the ever-changing physical world we live in, in which all kinds of entities, including places, time, people, organisms, plants, events, things, and information, are intricately related to each other.
One of the social roles of art today may be its ability to relate to changes in the social environment due to the Corona pandemic from a free perspective. Based on this trust in the “power of connection” through art, the Tokyo Biennale 2023 will be a place where artists, companies, communities, participants and visitors become aware of the “linkages” that surround them and create new connections to join in.
The Tokyo Biennale aims to become the foundation of activities to create linkages that will last for the next 100 years, as these linkages through art shed light on the formation process of the underlying culture of Edo Tokyo and the local communities.
(委員長:藤波克之[FSX株式会社 代表取締役社長])
西原 珉(にしはら・みん)
サイズは、22 x 22 cm でご作成ください。


6月5日(月)〜6月25日(日) 公募受付
7月7日(金) 参加アーティストの決定、通知
7月21日(金) 刺繍した画像のメール送付、仕上がりの確認
8月3日(木) 刺繍したおしぼりの完成
8月31日(木) 謝金のお支払い
8月7日(月)〜11月5日(日) 夏会期:提携店舗でのおしぼりのご提供
9月23日(土)〜11月5日(日) 秋会期:特設会場でのおしぼりの展示
11月6日(月)〜11月30日(木) 刺繍したおしぼり、公式カタログのご送付

日本発祥と言われるおしぼりの前身は、平安時代に公家衆が客人を家に招く際に、「濡れた布」を提供したことに始まるとされています。 江戸時代には旅籠屋の玄関先で、旅人は旅籠が用意した桶に手ぬぐいを浸して絞り、汚れた手足をぬぐいました。それが、今日のおしぼりの始まりと云われています(「しぼる」動作が「おしぼり」の語源となった)。客人に対して、ただ宿を提供するだけでなく、疲れを癒し、気持ちよく過ごしてもらいたい、心地よさも提供したいというホスピタリティ精神の表れとして、おしぼりは誕生しました。
2回目となる東京ビエンナーレ2023は、「リンケージ つながりをつくる」がテーマです。リンケージとは、人間関係だけではなく、場所、時間、人、生物、植物、できごと、モノ、情報などあらゆる存在が複雑に関係しながら、刻々と変容していく世界に生きているからこそ見いだされていく「関係性=つながり」です。