
「にんげんご学」を提唱    'To Propose "Ningengo-Gaku"'

I have been progressing research about ‘language’ along the lines of ‘Transformational Generative Grammar,’ which was advocated by an American linguist Noam Chomsky. It had been not so small a task for me by what name I should call my own research. Until very recently,, I had defined myself as a ‘Chomskian linguist.’ However, at the end of July 2020, I recalled that I had already coin much better name. It is ‘Nin-gen-go Gaku.’ ‘Nin-gen-go’ can be decomposed not only as ‘Ningen-go’(人間語)but also as ‘Nin-gengo’(人言語). To take these two fields characterized just above as my research interest target, I think, succeeds to Chomsky’s philosophy.
          Nevertheless, I would like to contain what Chomsky seemed to exclude from his research target in my own target: there are two such fields. One is ‘the art of language,’ which can be restated as literature. The other is language education.
          Since the above proposal is very ambitious, I have decided to keep saying to myself that I should not be too ambitious to continue the research, and that I proceed my research step by step even though it seems to the others to be too slow.


