三菱UFJ銀行、中小向けネット融資3倍に AI活用し裾野拡大(日本経済新聞)





Title: The Transformation of Corporate Lending: Navigating Change in the Digital Era

In recent years, major banks, including Mitsubishi UFJ Bank, have been redefining their approach to corporate lending by harnessing the power of digital technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI). This shift is motivated by two primary factors: the restructuring of branch networks and profitability concerns, leading to a decline in traditional methods of corporate lending through bank branches; and the recognition that utilizing digital technologies can establish connections with underserved small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) while simultaneously ensuring profitability.

As part of this initiative, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank aims to triple its online-based lending for SMEs by the fiscal year 2026, a significant leap from the current annual disbursement of approximately 10 billion yen. Leveraging AI and digital technologies, the bank intends to enhance its engagement with SMEs that have traditionally been underrepresented. The target demographic comprises companies with annual revenues below 3 billion yen and lacking dedicated sales representatives.

The introduction of an AI-driven assessment system is a key component of this strategy. AI will analyze factors such as account transactions, revenue trends, and other relevant data, facilitating the completion of loan applications and fund transfers as quickly as the next business day. The goal is to streamline and expedite the lending process, providing a more efficient and accessible financial solution for smaller businesses.

This shift in focus from traditional in-person interactions to a digitally-driven lending model has potential implications for the employment landscape of bank personnel who have historically been involved in conventional corporate lending practices.

Two main scenarios may unfold:
Firstly, there is the possibility of a reduction in the number of personnel involved in traditional corporate lending. The automation of certain tasks through AI-driven systems, such as loan approval processes, may lead to a decrease in the workload traditionally handled by bank employees. This could result in a diminished need for a large workforce dedicated to these specific functions.
Conversely, there is the potential for a shift in responsibilities towards new tasks and roles. The implementation of AI systems might create opportunities for bank employees to engage in more specialized, high-level tasks. These could include managing cases where AI determines a loan application is not viable, or taking on new roles related to the development of innovative lending products and services.
In adapting to these changes, the emphasis on customer interaction becomes crucial. While technology streamlines processes, the human touch in customer service, relationship-building, and the ethical considerations surrounding lending decisions remains paramount. Additionally, a transformation in organizational culture, ongoing training programs, and a commitment to security and privacy are essential to navigate this digital transition successfully.

In conclusion, the integration of digital technologies and AI into corporate lending signifies a transformative era for financial institutions. While it may impact the traditional roles of bank employees, it also presents opportunities for growth, specialization, and improved customer service. Striking a balance between technological innovation and human-centric values will be the key to success in this evolving landscape.
