
Stay Healthy


A hippo made it a rule to take a cold shower every morning regardless of the freezing winter.


”Oh!How awesome it is! It wakes me up! “

The hippo believed that why he could keep his health better was because of this habit to take the icy shower so he recommended the routine to some of his friends.


“Hi, Hippo. You look always healthy. Actually, I come to be fine thanks to your habit to take a cold shower in the morning.”

“I also appreciate you! I owe my health to your advice!”

The hippo said,

“Yeah! You know, this routine makes us health and strong! It is essential to be fine! Hahaha!”


One day, the medical checkup was conducted in the city hospital.

In the waiting room, a chipmunk was overwhelmed by his result.

“Oh, my gosh! I may be sick if I cannot change my daily habit. I have been eating fast-food or even skipping meal due to my hectic schedule….”


The hippo came to be worry about and close in the Chipmunk.

“Good afternoon, Chipmunk. How are you going?”

“Oh, hi Hippo. I wish I would said I am fine. I should have considered my health.”

“Poor you. I feel sorry for you. And I suggest that you should take a freezing shower every morning! You had better do this habit at any rate! Please do ! Everyone became healthy thanks to this!!”

“Oh, really? It seems to be tough… I see….”

The next morning, the chipmunk tried to take a chilly shower.



“Oh! Brrrrr! It’s quite freezing!”


After that, the chipmunk became sick and went to a hospital.


When the hippo heard about the chipmunk came to be ill, he immediately visited the chipmunk.


“Oh dear! I am sorry about that I imposed on you my habit without considering your health. It was my huge mistake.” 


“Oh, don’t worry about that. I will start learning about how to be healthy.”

After that , the chipmunk and the hippo became the good friends to study the health.


The hippo concluded that the habit to take a cold shower every morning is essential by the few results came from himself and his friends, which applied to the “Fallacy of Composition”. This fallacy is that people think the partial result will be the same to the whole one. (In contrast, if people suppose the whole result will be equal to the partial one, it is called “Fallacy of Division”. 

Moreover, the hippo assumed to gain the regulation from the small number of data that the habit to take a chilly shower every morning will be likable for the maintenance of health. This is the “Clustering Illusion” which is the phenomenon to try to capture a rule from the few results which seems to be appeared on the certain regulation which actually happens at random. Indeed, there are surveys shown to be good for the health to take a cold shower every morning. However, if this result is gained by the number of samples which is insufficient in terms of statistics, it has no meaning. Thus, it is important to ponder the research. 

Moreover, the hippo imposed on the chipmunk his habit, thinking that it must be good for the chipmunk. Even though, the hippo considerate the chipmunk, if he imposed on chipmunk something, it is no more than the behavior which oppressed the chipmunk with his values. It is called “Naive Realism “which is that people assume to capture things from objective standpoint. As a result, they end up with thinking in a subjective or selfish way.


“Clustering Illusion”

“Naive Realism “
