
ロンドン大学三年生の1日(4/25 2024)

4/25 (水) 2024

7:30  起きる

7:30 - 8:00   目を覚ます

8:00 - 9:00  朝の準備

9:00 - 13:00  経済学の勉強

13:00 - 14:00  お昼ご飯と教授にする質問の整理

14:00 - 15:00  教授とミーティング

15:00 - 19:00  試験勉強

19:00 - 20:00  帰る食べる

20:00 - 24:00  試験勉強

24:00 - 25:30  親と経済学の話になる

ワカリマセン🤷‍♀️ No research paper can address such a broad question so I of course have no answer to this but according to the Solow model, GDP long-run per capita growth fundamentally comes from technological advancement derived from human capital in the economy. The important factors would be education, institutional support for research and innovation (government investment towards such activities and strong sense of individual rights). Also to pursue a continuous growth, the country needs to be resilient against external shocks. Obviously there are benefits from having access to global goods and capital markets but the more integrated you are, the more exposed to you are to such shocks. Those Nordic countries might have a good level of international exposure allowing them to maximize benefits (Japan could be beyond the optimal exposure level both politically and economically). Or it could be just the political positioning against international counterparties.

or the political structure, Labour Union, gender inequality, history, ethnicities, culture, geography, social trust…. Etc. or everything
