
ippuku Plug-in みんなでつくる新しいコミュニケーションツール PRD


  • ippuku Plug-inという音楽コミュニケーションツールの説明、ビジョンの共有。

  • 開発チームに対しての詳細の提供。機能、要件についてすべての関係者が共有の理解を持てるようにする。

  • このプロダクトの開発、運営、その他サポートなど仲間の募集。


0. 共感しよう!分かち合おう!生きている喜びを歌おう!




ippuku Plug-inを使うとアラ不思議!


そう、ippuku Plug-inならね。



1. 概要

1.1. 目的

  • あらゆる形での表現(テキスト、画像、イラスト、動画)を音楽に変換し、感覚的なコミュニケーションを可能にする。

  • Discord、Twitter、InstagramなどのSNSにippuku Plug-inを導入し、ユーザーの自己表現を音楽によってサポートする。

  • 声の出ない人が、感情を爆発させて熱唱できるようにする。

1.2. 理念

  • 私たちの理念は、相手の側に立ってコミュニケーションを図ることです。

  • 私たちのツールを活用することで円滑なコミュニケーションを実現し、相手との共感や協力を促進します。

  • 音楽によって個人の自己表現をサポートし、コミュニティの繋がりを強化します。

  • 私たちは個々の声や意見を尊重し、多様性を重視します。

2. 機能概要

2.1. 音楽生成機能


2.2. プラットフォームに組み込む


2.3. ユーザーインターフェイス

ippuku Plug-inは対応プラットフォームの下部に表示され、音楽生成ボタンが配置されます。


ありがとうございます<(_ _)>


2.4. 音楽に音楽を返すという体験


2.5. ブロックチェーン技術の活用

ippuku Plug-inはユーザーに対してトークンを配布します。ブロックチェーン技術を活用することで、トークンの取引や所持の透明性、セキュリティが確保されます。

2.6. トークンと報酬


  • コミュニティ参加のNFTの獲得

  • コミュニティ内での意思決定の際に使用する投票権の獲得

  • その他、何かいい案があれば随時募集しています。お気軽にどうぞ!


  • ユーザーとして、ippuku Plug-inを使用して自分のテキストや画像を音楽に変換し、豊かな自己表現をすることができる。自分の感覚や感情、バイブスを音楽に乗せて、より深いコミュニケーションを実現したい。

  • ユーザーとして、ippuku Plug-inを使用して他のユーザーの投稿を音楽に変換し、共感や感動を表現したい。音楽を通じて他のユーザーとつながりを深め、共通の興味や感情を共有したい。

  • ユーザーとして、ippuku Plug-inを利用して自分の投稿を独自の音楽スタイルに変換し、オリジナリティ溢れる作品を作りたい。他の人と差別化された音楽的な表現を通じて、自分の個性や才能をアピールしたい。

  • ユーザーとして、ippuku Plug-inを使用して他のユーザーと音楽を共有したり、相互にインスピレーションを受けたりしたい。音楽を通じた交流やコミュニティを形成し、互いに刺激し合いながら成長したい。

  • ユーザーとして、トークンを通じてコミュニティ内のガバナンスや意思決定に参加したい。トークンの所有者として、プロジェクトの方向性やルールの決定に参加し、文化の発展に貢献したい。

  • ユーザーとして、ippuku Plug-inを使用してSNS上で音楽を共有し、他のユーザーからトークンを獲得したい。自分の音楽が他のユーザーに価値を提供し、その対価としてトークンを受け取ることで、コミュニケーションや文化の発展を支えたい。

  • ユーザーとして、ippuku Plug-inを使って他のユーザーの音楽に感銘を受け、トークンを贈りたい。自分のトークンを通じて他のユーザーを応援し、彼らの創造力や努力を報いたい。

4. ビジョン

  • ippukuプラグインは、これまでより共感性の高いコミュニケーションを実現します。

  • 異なる言語や表現形式を持つ人々が、音楽を通して理解しあう機会を提供し、なめらかなコラボレーションを可能にします。

  • 自己表現と創造性を最大化するコミュニケーションのあり方を示します。

  • ユーザーは独自のトークンを獲得し、報酬や特典を受け取ることで、新しい形でのコミュニケーションや、文化の発展を支えることができます。

5. ippukuプラグインの未来

5.1. コラボレーションアルゴリズムの取得


5.2. 良いコラボレーションの知見を深める


5.3. オフラインでの共同作業、共働をサポートする


6. 付録

6.1. 用語集


6.2. 参考文献


6.3. 連絡先情報


・Tsubasa Hagihara



・ippuku beats

Hi everyone, I am writing to you from the United States of America, where I have been working for the past several years! The purpose of this document is to

To explain the music communication tool called ippuku Plug-in and provide details to the vision and development team. To ensure that all parties have a shared understanding of the functionality and requirements. Recruitment of people to develop, manage, and support this product.

I'm sorry if this is hard to read, I'm not used to writing this kind of hard text.

0.let's empathize! Let's share! Let's sing about the joy of being alive!

We are alive. We live day by day. We have fun, we feel sad, we get upset, we laugh, and so on. Do we speak because we want to share, exchange, and communicate these little bits of feeling? How much can we understand each other by exchanging words? What words can express the miracle that I am alive here and now?

I don't know! Yes, I don't know! I don't know!

For those of you who specialize in such non-verbal communication, here's some good news for you.

When you use the ippuku Plug-in, you will be amazed! You can express your feelings and vibes that would spill out in words as music.

You can communicate with anyone, anywhere, without language barriers. Even those who cannot speak can sing with all their might. We can share the joy of living in this world. We can empathize with each other.

Yes, with the ippuku Plug-in.

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to get down to the meat of the story.

This PRD was created as an assignment for the Introduction to Web3 class. I would like to thank all my friends and family for their support, everyone in Kyotango and Kinosaki for their inspiration, my teachers, friends and seniors I have met so far, and everyone who has supported me in the creation of this project! Thank you!

1. Outline

1.1. Purpose

To enable sensory communication by converting all forms of expression (text, images, illustrations, videos) into music.
Enable people who have no voice to sing with passion and emotion.

1.2. Philosophy

Our philosophy is to communicate from the other person's side. Our tools facilitate smooth communication and promote empathy and cooperation with others. Music also supports individual self-expression and strengthens community connections. We respect individual voices and opinions and value diversity.

2. Functional Overview

2.1. Music generation function

We provide a function that allows users to convert text, image, video, and other data into music. For the AI model and music generation algorithm to be used, the best method should be selected with the support of experts. Sorry, we are still learning about the technical aspects. We are looking for colleagues who can help us!

2.2. Incorporate into the platform

More users will be able to use sensory communication through music by being integrated into Twitter, Instagram, Discord, etc.

2.3. User interface

The ippuku Plug-in will be displayed at the bottom of the supported platforms, where the music generation button will be placed.

(Example of integration into Twitter)

We borrowed this tweet from Joi.
Thank you <(_ _)>.

By pressing the play button embedded on the screen, users can listen to the music generated based on the text. Users can continue to use SNS as before, and through the generated music, they will be able to share more than ever before. 2.4.

2.4. The experience of returning music for music

Users can reply to others' music (posts) in their own language as music. How will the melody you play and the rhythm of the other person's music change in the course of the conversation? If they are blended together into one wonderful music, it will surely be an unforgettable experience.

2.5. Use of blockchain technology

The ippuku Plug-in distributes tokens to users. By utilizing blockchain technology, transparency and security of token transactions and possession are ensured. It also allows users' information to be shared transparently and securely. If you have other good blockchain uses, please share them with us. Onesias!!!

2.6. Tokens and rewards

Users can earn their own tokens by using the plugin. The following are ways to use the tokens earned: - Earning NFTs for community participation - Earning voting rights to be used for decision making in the community - We are always looking for any other good ideas. Please feel free to do so.

3. User Requirements (User Story)

  • As a user, you can use the ippuku Plug-in to convert your text and images into music and rich self-expression. I want to put my senses, feelings and vibes to music to achieve deeper communication.

  • As a user, you want to express your empathy and emotion by converting other users' posts into music using the ippuku Plug-in. You want to connect with other users through music and share common interests and emotions.

  • As a user, you want to use the ippuku Plug-in to convert your own contributions into a unique musical style and create a work full of originality. You want to showcase your individuality and talent through musical expression that differentiates you from others.

  • As a user, you want to use the ippuku Plug-in to share your music with other users and be mutually inspired. As a user, you want to interact and form a community through music, inspiring and growing with each other.

  • As a user, you want to participate in governance and decision-making within the community through tokens. As a token owner, I want to participate in determining the direction and rules of the project and contribute to the development of the culture.

  • As a user, you want to share your music on social networking sites using the ippuku Plug-in and earn tokens from other users. As a user, I would like to support communication and cultural development by providing value to other users through my music and receiving tokens in return.

  • As a user, you are impressed by other users' music using the ippuku Plug-in and want to give them tokens. I want to support other users through my tokens and reward their creativity and efforts.

4. Vision

  • ippuku plug-in enables more empathetic communication than ever before.

  • It provides an opportunity for people with different languages and forms of expression to understand each other through music, enabling smooth collaboration.

  • It represents a way of communication that maximizes self-expression and creativity.

  • Users can earn their own tokens and receive rewards and privileges to support new forms of communication and cultural development.

5. The future of ippuku plug-in

5.1. Collaboration algorithm acquisition

By analyzing the data collected by the ippuku plugin, we can obtain an algorithm for non-verbal, sensory collaboration.

5.2. Deepen our knowledge of good collaboration

By accumulating data on the communication that generates pleasant music, answers to what good collaboration looks like can be found. As a result, a template for good collaboration can be created.

5.3. Support offline collaboration and co-collaboration

Society will change dramatically if we can develop tools to enable offline communication that generates pleasant music. Humanity will gain the ability to communicate in such a way that anyone can help and cooperate with each other.

6. Appendix

6.1. Glossary

List of terms and definitions used in the document.

6.2. References

Links to referenced documents, such as white papers and ERC standards.

6.3. Contact information

・Shun Hagihara

・Tsubasa Hagihara



・ippuku beats
