
Journal / 日記を英語で書いてみた

きょうだいのことはジェンダーを限定しないためにSibling, 代名詞はtheyをつかっています。

6:30am. I woke up, but I'm still sleepy. I fell asleep again.
It was 7:40 when i woke up from a dream.
It's time time to get up!

I went to my sibling's room.
I asked if they were off today.
They said ''I have to go to work at noon.''
They still wanted to sleep so i closed the door and went out of the room.

Then i go to the kitchen.
As usual, i made my egg and toasted a bread.
After i finished the breakfast, i washed dishes.
Nobody's gonna wash large amount of dishes but i do.
My mom wasn't feeling good because of shingles, so i wanted to help her.

After that, i read some posts on note.
I found that exercise was important for my mental health.
I should take a walk.

around 10:30, Lulu, one of my siblings, was taking shower.
I asked if they would like to eat breakfast.
They said yes.
I made scrambeld egg (they don't like sunny side up) and toast.
I added yogurt and some chips.
Too much suger XD.
As usual, I brought them to Lulu's room.
They only ate half of them. as usaul.
I was a littel sad.
I don't wanna make breakfast for them anymore lol.

I ate lunch.
Me and my mum went to a library.
I borrowed some books.
a book by Hitomi Kanehara and ''Everything Everything'' by Nicola Yoon.
I've read it once and I have its english version.
I tried to read in english, but it was too difficult for me.
So I read in Japanese, and after that I'll try english.

I went to a supermarket.
I wanted to eat chocolate so bad, so i bought a lot.
When I'm on my period, I always take lots of suger and chocolate.
I don't know why.

I came home.
It was cold.
I drunk hot milk with marshmallow.
It was so sweet and warm myself.

I washed buthtub and took a bath.

After that, I read a university guide.
I am considering transferring to a online university.
The university has various kind of course.
I want to study english and linguistics.
I'm also considering becomig a certified Librarian.
The collge has high graduation rate.
I think graduation rate is the most important thing for me.

I lazily surfed the internet and went to bed early.
My day was over.

Thank you for reading! Luenna

