
I don't give up to it.

 2024/06/23 sunday cloudy rain

in bed 0:30

out bed 6:00

sleep 5:30

push-up 15

Also Last night, neighbor's ene-farm keeps me Frustrate.
Neibor came there 1month ago.
when he keeps this 1 or 2 month more, I will act something.
At first, I will request to a company which builded the house. because, neighbor only bought a house completed. It is builder that Installed  Uncomfortable box facing our bedroom.
The builder doesn't follow an install guideline.
If the builder ignores me, I do owner directly.
I hope the neighbor feels it is loud, himself.

Last dinner, Eggplant pasta. Tomato and bacon have a rich taste.
And bread and bread.


My wife began to get angry to me to  park at a far from a shop entrance. It is a few maters far. 
I cannot understand her.

Today's dinner is Crispy fried chicken.
Before, I could fri it oily. After I bought a thermometer, I can do it crispy. I can keep oil 170 degrees.
