
[Hawaiian life]ハワイ移住で起きたハプニングその1!

Title: The Customs Check at Honolulu Airport: My Arrival in Hawaii

Aloha, everyone!

This is my first article for the blog, where I aim to enhance my English writing skills by sharing my experiences in an easy-to-understand language.

☆ Opened All My Boxes at Customs ☆

When I arrived in Hawaii, I had four boxes and two suitcases. The weight was quite a challenge, but luckily, my mom was there to help me carry them. After landing at HNL, we collected all my check-in baggage. However, our journey hit a small snag at customs.

The officer stopped us and requested that we open all the boxes for a content check. He repeatedly asked, "Do you have any meat, sausage, or meat products?" There was a declaration about the prohibition of bringing meat products to Honolulu, and signing it meant I'd have to pay a fine if any meat products were found.

Honesty was my policy, and I assured the officer that I had no meat products. Despite having nothing illegal, I couldn't shake the jitters. It took about 30 minutes, but the officer was kind. Once he confirmed our innocence, we were free to go. It was my first time having to open boxes like that, a new experience for me. The rules have changed since then, with chicken products and eggs now included.


The nervous start to my life in Hawaii didn't dampen my spirits. These things happen, and it's important to keep moving forward. Facing unexpected situations is part of life, and staying informed helps handle them better.

When traveling abroad, it's crucial to gather information about what you can bring, the customs duties, and more. This knowledge can prevent unnecessary trouble. I'll share another incident in my next article.

To be continued...
