
革命の四原則とエネルギー The four principles of revolution


This week, I’m in Georgia.


This week has been a time of deep reflection on what I want to devote my life to. The catalyst for this introspection was a reunion with a friend who lives in Georgia. He dropped out of university in his fourth year, worked at a foreign advertising company, and moved to Georgia three years ago. Talking to him made me realize the importance of "living" and "pouring all my energy into what I truly enjoy." In Georgia, he teaches Japanese and has just started his first manga series. The underlying motivation for his various challenges is likely driven by the immediate need to live another day and pay rent.


Mao Zedong identified "being young," "being poor," and "being unknown" as the three principles of revolution. Toru Kenjo of Gentosha adds "being ignorant" to this list, calling them the four principles of revolution. As I approach the three-month mark, I took a moment to review my finances. Most of my money is invested in the U.S. stock market, and thanks to the depreciation of the yen, my total assets have increased compared to three months ago. While this might seem positive, it also brings a sense of security that I can continue new challenges, yet I've felt a certain lack over the past week.


Money contributes to mental stability, but without the feeling of deprivation or urgency, it seems the inner energy is lacking. The four principles of revolution that Mao Zedong spoke of can be seen as conditions that reveal the true human nature, the raw essence of a new person. It is in such situations that the energy bubbling up from the depths of the heart becomes abundant.


Reflecting on these thoughts, I recalled last week's events in Tbilisi. In Georgia's capital, large-scale protests led by young people continue against what is known as the "Russian law." The word "protest" originates from the Latin "protestari" (to declare, to protest), which means an act of demonstration. There is a certain atmosphere and energy in protests and demonstrations.


Traveling through various countries and cities, I notice that each city has a different vibrancy and energy. For instance, in New York's Times Square, you can feel a positive energy from street performances and advertisements. I felt something similar in Ho Chi Minh City. At night, young people gather to skateboard, chat, and express positive emotions towards the future.


On the other hand, Japan seems to lack cities with such high energy. The crowd at Shibuya's scramble crossing might be overwhelming, but it feels devoid of energy, with a heavy atmosphere. The packed trains during the morning rush hour are enveloped in a lifeless air.


The energy I sense from the protests in Tbilisi is not entirely positive; it seems more about "protecting the status quo" than "creating the future." Influenced by the war in Ukraine, people are raising their voices to protect their daily lives.


The difference in the vibrancy of cities is also evident in the atmosphere of their downtown areas. In Tokyo and Ho Chi Minh City, the downtown areas blend into the city, while in Tbilisi, an underground culture is growing. Clubs exist in seemingly ordinary buildings. Tokyo still has potential, and with enough energy, new challenges can be undertaken.



