
English diaries

English diaries for English learning. 英語学習のための日記。


#62 13.Sep.2021

#62 13.Sep.2021

It is a blue Monday. I was trying my best, and exhausted and sad.
On top of this, I made a big mistake of the judge because I thought the situation would have improved, so I decided to take a day off

#61 12. Sep. 2021

#61 12. Sep. 2021

the weather forecast said it would be sunny Sunday, but it became rather cloudy day.
I felt exhausted because of the hard work, so I decided to go to a hot spring.
I don't know how many people still r

#60 11.09.2021

#60 11.09.2021

Today is the 20th memorial day for the American people. For me… I know there are so many countries where people cannot sleep peacefully, and people live in the face of unprovoked violence.
So, I feel

#59 10.Sep.2021

#59 10.Sep.2021

I don’t know why I can’t finish writing before falling asleep with such a short text every day.
But in reality, I can’t. lol
Yesterday I finished a task which made me really mixed feelings. I relieve

#58 9. Sep. 2021

#58 9. Sep. 2021

I had really important meeting with board member today.
I exhausted actually.
Since I have got some homework, I should have worked on them immidiately, but I need to have relaxing time first.

I wish,

#57 8. Sep. 2021

#57 8. Sep. 2021

We had rain for 2days.
I’m worried about one of my cats.
Her name is Tsuki, she hates the person who make a noise loudly. So, she hates my father.
She only comes out of our bedroom when my father asle

#56 7. Sep. 2021

#56 7. Sep. 2021

We could have seen the sunshine for 3 days. Wow.

My ideal timetable of a day;
6:00 wake up
6:30 take a walk, domestic work
7:30 start working
11:30 prepare lunch
12:15- 12:45 exercise (ab roller), do

#55 6. Sep. 2021

#55 6. Sep. 2021

It's a very cold day. We started using heater in short time.
I went to take a walk after work, but I noticed that it is too dark to walk home. I should give up if I couldn’t go out during lunchtime.

#54 5.Sep.2021

#54 5.Sep.2021

I was able to go hiking today. My favourite course is going up in the mountain till the end of a forest road. That’s the actual trekking course starting point, and there’s a gazebo having an excellent

#53 4. Sep. 2021

#53 4. Sep. 2021

Heavy rain again.
It’s obviously strange weather this summer. We had so much rain, and now the land in the mountain cannot hold the waters, so they flood out and make streams everywhere. Sometimes I a

#52 3. Sep. 2021

#52 3. Sep. 2021

Now I have a very tight project. It is hard to realise, but boring.
I’m thinking what the purpose of improving myself. I want to do something exciting or challenging or exciting all the time. In the

#51 2. Sep. 2021

#51 2. Sep. 2021

Can you believe we have only four months in 2021? Time fries…

I was wondering if I’m a lonely person or not. I think I’m quite an individual type, at least. I like my friends, and yes, I want to meet

#50 1. sep. 2021

#50 1. sep. 2021

In the morning, I drove to the garbage station bringing bottles. I wanted to take a walk but two packs of empty bottles were too heavy to go down the 5 minutes road.

In this prefecture, we have stri
