
The Greatest Comedian "Shimura Ken"

【Current Topics Vol.3】The Greatest Comedian "Shimura Ken"

I think the all Japan people were surprised by the sudden news. Comedian Ken Shimura has passed away due to coronavirus pneumonia on 25th Mar.

He has been the greatest comedian since my parents were kid. **He always showing to make us laugh and entertain us for many years on TV. **
I remember when I was teenager, eating dinner with my family, watching and laughing what he did sketches on TV.
I feel so sorry and sad cuz he vividly appeared on TV just before. My thoughts and prayers are with him.

The most impressive of the news stories was the interview with Mr. Shimura's older brother. "I can't go to the hospital, nor go to the crematorium."
This is a shocking fact.** It seems that most people cannot say the last goodbye to those who died due to the coronavirus. **What if that happened to someone close to you ...?

Everyone, this is not another person. Take thoughtful actions before sorrow spreads. And Mr. Shimura, thank you very much for giving us a smile.

(Written By SACCI & MINO)








