Hello,Study Fan here!
Today it was the first day for the 学年末試験(English Communication,Chemistry,Biology,World History).
Here is what I thought:
English Communication:It was easier than I expected.It cost 60 minutes to finish all the questions(80 min. is the time),so I created a Mind Map(←説明しよう:マインドマップというのは、知識と知識をつなぎ合わせることで、その知識を塊として覚える方法です。デメリットは時間がかかってしまうことだけど、少し暇な時間があれば、結構効果はでる。以上でーす)for the next test(World History).
World History:World History didn't change so much,so the Mind Map that I made in the last test was very effective(laugh).
Biology・Chemistry: I was afraid that maybe my Biology scores could drop down,because I didn't have enough time to memorize all the names of the hormones, but I was lucky,because I remember that many of the name of them is from English,so I was able to solve all the questions(for example:チロキシン→Thyroxineですが、このなかのThyroというのは甲状腺のことをさしている)
Chemistry was not as difficult as the last test(個人の感想です).So fortunatelly(for the second time),I was able to solve all the questions,except two(I forgot how to solve these).
See U!