Love your fate, become great

 I watched a video about Nietzsche, which was talking about his formula of him for becoming great. I want to share my idea with you. It is Love your fate. He said idealism is untruthfulness.   However, I should define what great is, which means becoming nothing other than what you are. It is that you accept your current situation and try to grow to your potential level. I think it means you should grow as much as possible and you can grow to the point where you can reach. If you go for it, you can achieve what you can do in your life. It is your fate in your life. To do so, you need to know your potential and that you can do it that you can do.
 In accordance with the definition of great, I need to explain fate and love. Fate is followed by everything. It is the outcome of what you did, not what you think it should be. It must be the way it is. 
 Love begins with acceptance as it is. When you give something your attention, you see it as it is, not through the distorting lens of what you think it should be. Also, when you see something as it is, you understand it. Then you can help it remain as it is, or better yet, to become fully what it is. Since then, you will have remained your greatness forever. If you reject your fate, you will lose yourself and your greatness, which leads to horrible life.
 All you can do is to see your fate and life and then accept it and yourself as it is. After that, you can imagine how you will get better in any field, remaining as you are.
