Why are humans getting weaker than ever?

 Humans have been getting weaker than ever. They have become weak and vulnerable to snacks, anime, movies, porn, and SNS. In particular, SNS is getting strong to gather their attention. They have become addicted to it. It has a detrimental effect on their life because SNS like Instagram or Youtube make them waste their time even unconsciously. The power of SNS is so strong that people could not resist it. However, I think it is not a good idea to let the beast, SNS consume time but how? I thought of some tips to decrease your screen time as much as possible. 

 First, do not look at the home page of Youtube. Opening up Youtube, you will see the home page of it but do not do that. Go to the channel page where there are some channels you subscribe to. Here is one reason. Youtube recommends a lot of videos related to your interest on the home page so you will be intrigued by the recommendation from Youtube AI. It really understands your interest so the recommended videos might be fascinating to you but you should not watch them, if you watch a video, you will go to another one after watching a video. By the way, please think about the rate of satisfaction after consuming lots of time on Youtube or Instagram, I guess it is not really high, right? Then you might even think that you are obsessed with those contents and they make you watch videos or scroll your screen, wasting your time. Once you reach the point where you think like that, you can keep your distance from Youtube or Instagram, limiting the channels or stories on Instagram for instance.

Okay. It's 10:45 pm so I need to go to bed. I will continue this habit of writing an essay every single day. See you, next day friends.
