

セルフソロアルバム10作目となる"Condition". アンビエントとダンスを行き来するような気持ちがきっかけとなりかたちになりました.

今作は, 主に"Wandering Wonder with Wall"(2020)と"Even Weather"(2021)の二作を「対」として視てみたところから着想を得た作品です.


アルバムタイトルは2度変わり, 3つ目にこのタイトルとなりました. 洋名として"Condition", 邦名は定めておりません. 状態, 体調, 事情, 条件などいずれも当てはまります.

各曲, 紫色の花の名前がつけられています. アルバムに着手する時から紫色の花の名前をつけようと決めていました.

紫であるのは赤と青の中間色であること. 自身の境遇/内情をそのままに顕せる色だと感じたからです.

それぞれのタイトルと楽曲にリンクしている側面があります. 花言葉を引用すると「よい便り」から始まり,「互いに忘れないように」と終わります.

2024年5月20日より, 各ストリーミングサービス等にて配信開始です. ぜひ, 聴いていただけたら嬉しいです.

また, この作品を以って現名義での音楽作品の発表/活動を一時休止することとなりました.

2023年が始まった頃から繰り返し考えを重ねた末, 昨年12月に意思が固まりました.

各ストリーミングサービス等から作品が消えたり, 再リリースなどが今後あったりしますが引き続きお聴きできます.

改めまして, 今作 "Condition" 聴いていただけたら幸いです.


[New album announcement and important report]

"Condition" is my 10th self-solo album. The idea of ​​going back and forth between ambient and dance led to it taking shape.

This work was mainly inspired by looking at the two works ''Wandering Wonder with Wall'' (2020) and ''Even Weather'' (2021) as a pair.

The three feelings I felt through this pair and my past works were ''tracing and traveling,'' ''from the atmosphere to the ground,'' and ''stillness and fetal movement.''

The album title has changed twice, and this is the third one. The English name is "Condition", but the Japanese name has not been decided. It can be anything such as conditions, physical condition, circumstances, etc.

Each song is named after a purple flower. I had decided to name the album after a purple flower since I started working on the album.

The reason I choose purple is because it is a color between red and blue. I feel that it is a color that can reveal my inner situation/inner feelings.

Each title has an aspect that is linked to the song. To quote the language of flowers, it begins with ''good news'' and ends with ''lest we forget each other.''

Distribution will start on various streaming services from May 20, 2024. We would be happy if you could listen to it.

Additionally, with this work, I have decided to temporarily suspend my music works/activities under my current name.

After thinking about this over and over again since the beginning of 2023, I finally made up my mind in December of last year.

The works may disappear from various streaming services, etc., or may be re-released in the future, but you can still listen to them.

Once again, I would appreciate it if you could listen to my new work "Condition".


Souma Nakanome - "Condition"
10th Album 2024.05.20


©︎ 2024 Souma Nakanome
