




In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.

■ Part1(Q1-6)

Directions : For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.


Statement (C), “They’re sitting at a table,” is the best description of the picture, so you should select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.







■ Part2(Q7-31)

Directions : You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.





■ Part3(Q32-70)

Directions : You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.


32. What is the main topic of the conversation?
(A) A new product launch
(B) Website technical issues
(C) Monthly sales performance
(D) Customer complaints

33. What does the woman suggest doing to address the problem?
(A) Hiring more sales staff
(B) Increasing advertising budget
(C) Offering a discount to affected customers
(D) Changing their product lineup

34. What will the woman do next?
(A) Prepare a new sales report
(B) Meet with the IT department
(C) Start offering discounts immediately
(D) Cancel the team meeting


35. What is the main purpose of the customer's call?
(A) To make a hotel reservation
(B) To inquire about spa services
(C) To complain about a previous stay
(D) To apply for a job at the resort

36. What does the receptionist offer to send to the customer?
(A) A room service menu
(B) A list of local attractions
(C) A spa treatment menu
(D) A hotel brochure

37. When does the spa offer special deals?
(A) On weekdays only
(B) For treatments after 8 PM
(C) For late-night appointments
(D) For early morning bookings


38. What is the main purpose of the man's call?
(A) To place a new order
(B) To inquire about a delayed shipment
(C) To cancel an existing order
(D) To complain about product quality

39. When is the shipment now expected to arrive?
(A) Yesterday
(B) This morning
(C) This afternoon
(D) Tomorrow

40. What does the woman offer to do?
(A) Refund the shipping cost
(B) Send a replacement order
(C) Provide a discount on future orders
(D) Try to expedite the delivery


41. What problem does the man encounter?
(A) The restaurant is fully booked.
(B) His reservation is not in the system.
(C) He arrived at the wrong time.
(D) The restaurant is about to close.

42. Who did the man speak with when making the reservation?
(A) The woman
(B) The manager
(C) Someone named Mark
(D) Another customer

43. What does the woman suggest the man do while waiting?
(A) Leave and come back later
(B) Sit at the bar
(C) Call the manager
(D) Make a new reservation


44: What is the main topic of the conversation?
(A) A new office location
(B) A change in management
(C) New project management software
(D) Budget cuts in the IT department

45: What is the man's initial reaction to the news?
(A) Excitement
(B) Anger
(C) Indifference
(D) Concern

46: What is happening this Friday?
(A) The software will be fully implemented
(B) A trial run of the new software
(C) The first training workshop
(D) A meeting with the IT department


47.What is the main topic of the conversation?
(A) A recent email from the marketing team
(B) The kickoff meeting for a new project
(C) The booking of a conference room
(D) The preparation of a financial report

48.What is Emily responsible for?
(A) Booking the conference room
(B) Preparing the presentation materials
(C) Finalizing the project plan
(D) Sending the latest data

49.When will the team have a check-in meeting?
(A) Monday morning
(B) Monday afternoon
(C) Tuesday morning
(D) Tuesday afternoon


50.What problem does the man encounter?
(A) The restaurant is closed
(B) His reservation is not in the system
(C) He arrived at the wrong time
(D) The restaurant changed its menu

51.What caused the issue with the man's reservation?
(A) The man forgot to make a reservation
(B) The woman made a mistake entering the reservation
(C) There was a problem with the online booking system
(D) The man made the reservation for the wrong day

52.What does the woman offer to do for the man?
(A) Refund his deposit
(B) Provide a discount on the meal
(C) Give complimentary drinks while he waits
(D) Arrange a table at another restaurant


53. What is the main topic of the conversation?
A) Hiring new staff
B) A new marketing campaign
C) Budget cuts
D) Product development

54. What does the woman suggest for the campaign?
A) Television commercials
B) Print advertisements
C) Social media videos
D) Radio spots

55. When will the next meeting take place?
A) Tomorrow
B) Next Monday
C) Next Wednesday
D) Next Friday


56: What is the main topic of the conversation?
A) Scheduling a client meeting
B) Preparing for a client presentation
C) Hiring a new team member
D) Discussing a project deadline

57: What problem does the woman mention?
A) The client canceled the meeting
B) The presentation is too short
C) The presentation is too long
D) There's not enough data for the presentation

58: What solution do they agree on?
A) Extending the presentation time
B) Rescheduling the presentation
C) Creating a handout with additional information
D) Asking another colleague to help


59. When is the quarterly sales meeting now scheduled?
A) Thursday at 2 PM
B) Wednesday at 10 AM
C) Wednesday afternoon
D) Thursday morning

60. What problem does the man mention?
A) He's on vacation next week
B) He has a scheduling conflict
C) He hasn't received the meeting invitation
D) He doesn't want to attend the meeting

61. What does the woman offer to do?
A) Reschedule the man's client presentation
B) Excuse the man from the meeting
C) Provide meeting materials in advance
D) Change the meeting time again


62. What is the main topic of the conversation?
(A) A new product launch
(B) The company's quarterly sales performance
(C) Marketing strategies for the clothing line
(D) Scheduling a meeting with department heads

63. According to the chart, which product category showed the largest percentage increase?
(A) Electronics
(B) Clothing
(C) Home Goods
(D) Accessories

64. What does the man suggest doing next?
(A) Focusing on electronics sales
(B) Improving the clothing line
(C) Maintaining home goods sales
(D) Meeting with department heads to discuss the data


65. What is the main purpose of the event being discussed?
A) Annual performance review
B) Product launch preparation
C) Team-building retreat
D) Client appreciation weekend

66. What change does the man suggest making to the schedule?
A) Starting the retreat later on Friday
B) Adding free time on Saturday
C) Extending the Sunday morning session
D) Cancelling the outdoor activities

67. When is the event scheduled to end?
A) Friday evening
B) Saturday night
C) Sunday at noon
D) Sunday evening


68. What is the main topic of the conversation?
A) Comparing different smartphone models
B) Discussing the latest technology trends
C) Negotiating the price of a phone
D) Explaining a phone's warranty policy

69. According to the display, which phone has the longest battery life?
A) TechPro X1
B) GalaxyS22
C) iPhoneXR
D) None of the above

70. Which phone does the salesperson recommend to the customer?
A) TechPro X1
B) GalaxyS22
C) iPhoneXR
D) The salesperson doesn't make a recommendation

■ Part4(Q71-100)

Directions : You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time.


71. What is the main purpose of the announcement?
A) To introduce a new employee
B) To announce a company relocation
C) To launch a wellness program
D) To change work schedules

72. What is NOT mentioned as part of the new program?
A) Yoga classes
B) Gym membership discounts
C) Health seminars
D) Nutrition counseling

73. When will the yoga classes be held?
A) Every weekday morning
B) On Mondays and Wednesdays
C) On Tuesdays and Thursdays
D) In the evenings after work


Q74. What is the main topic of this meeting?
A) Employee training schedules
B) Customer feedback analysis
C) A new customer support system
D) Reducing staff workload

Q75. When will the new system be implemented?
A) May 10th
B) May 15th
C) Next week
D) In 3 hours

Q76. What does the speaker imply about the new system?
A) It will completely replace phone support
B) It will handle all customer inquiries
C) It will complement existing support channels
D) It will increase response times


Q77: What is the main purpose of this meeting?
(A) To introduce a new product line
(B) To review the Q2 sales performance
(C) To set individual sales targets
(D) To discuss a marketing campaign

Q78: How much revenue did the MT-500 model generate?
(A) $500,000
(B) $1 million
(C) $1.5 million
(D) $2 million

Q79: What action is the company planning for Q3?
(A) Discontinuing the LT-100 series
(B) Reducing production of the XR-2000
(C) Increasing production of the MT-500
(D) Launching a new accessory line


Q80: What is the main purpose of this announcement?
(A) To introduce a new CEO
(B) To inform about a product launch
(C) To notify employees about an office relocation
(D) To announce a company merger

Q81: When are employees expected to work remotely?
(A) July 19th
(B) July 20th and 21st
(C) The entire month of July
(D) Starting next week

Q82: What does the speaker suggest employees should do by July 19th?
(A) Submit vacation requests
(B) Complete a training program
(C) Pack and label personal items
(D) Update their computer software


Q83: What is the main purpose of this meeting?
A) To introduce a new product line
B) To review the Q2 sales performance
C) To discuss employee performance
D) To plan the Q4 marketing strategy

Q84: How much revenue did the MZ100 series generate?
A) $750,000
B) $1,000,000
C) $1,250,000
D) $2,000,000

Q85: What does the manager suggest for the next quarter?
A) Discontinue the PL200 line
B) Increase accessories sales by 15%
C) Boost XR5000 sales by 10%
D) Launch a new product series


Q86: What is the main topic of this broadcast?
A) A new agricultural policy
B) The impact of a severe drought
C) Changes in weather forecasting methods
D) A government financial scandal

Q87: What percentage of crop loss is mentioned for corn yields?
A) 50%
B) 60%
C) 40%
D) 30%

Q88: According to the broadcast, what are residents being asked to do?
A) Donate to a relief fund
B) Protest against the government
C) Conserve water
D) Relocate to other regions


Q89: What is the main purpose of this advertisement?
A) To sell pet supplies
B) To promote a new pet care service
C) To offer pet training classes
D) To advertise a veterinary clinic

Q90: What special offer is mentioned in the advertisement?
A) A free pet
B) A 20% discount on the first month
C) A lifetime membership
D) A free pet toy

Q91: What is NOT mentioned as a service provided by PawTime?
A) Dog walking
B) Playtime for pets
C) Overnight pet sitting
D) Companionship for pets


Q92: What is the main purpose of the event being discussed?
A) To introduce new company policies
B) To enhance team collaboration and innovation
C) To celebrate the company's achievements
D) To train employees on new software

Q93: What are participants advised to bring?
A) Formal attire and business cards
B) Laptops and presentation materials
C) Casual clothes and swimwear
D) Camping gear and outdoor equipment

Q94: When will employees receive more detailed information about the retreat?
A) By the end of the week
B) During the welcome dinner
C) In the coming week
D) On the first day of the retreat


Q95: What is the main purpose of the speech?
A) To introduce a new product line
B) To announce a company merger
C) To present a sustainability initiative
D) To discuss financial results

Q96: How long will it take to implement the project?
A) One year
B) Three years
C) Five years
D) Ten years

Q97: What does the speaker suggest about the initiative?
A) It will be easy to implement
B) It will lead to immediate profits
C) It may face resistance from employees
D) It will have multiple benefits for the company


Q98: What is the main purpose of this statement?
A) To announce a city-wide celebration
B) To inform residents about water conservation measures
C) To recruit volunteers for a community project
D) To warn about an incoming storm

Q99: How long is the repair work expected to take?
A) 24 to 48 hours
B) 48 to 72 hours
C) 72 to 96 hours
D) More than a week

Q100: What does the statement suggest residents should do?
A) Stock up on bottled water from local stores
B) Volunteer to help with repair work
C) Limit their water usage to essential needs
D) Relocate to a different area temporarily


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.

■ Part5(Q101-130)

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

The company's new policy ______ employees to take at least one week of vacation per quarter.
A) requires
B) requiring
C) requirement
D) required

Despite the economic downturn, our sales figures have remained ______ over the past year.
A) stable
B) stability
C) stabilize
D) stably

The marketing team is working on a campaign to ______ brand awareness among younger consumers.
A) increase
B) increasing
C) increased
D) increases

The conference room is ______ booked for the next two weeks due to annual performance reviews.
A) fully
B) full
C) fuller
D) fullest

Ms. Johnson ______ the quarterly report to the board of directors next Monday.
A) presents
B) will present
C) presenting
D) presented

The quarterly report ______ several recommendations for improving customer satisfaction.
A) includes
B) including
C) included
D) to include

Employees are encouraged to participate in the company's ______ training programs.
A) ongoing
B) go on
C) went on
D) goes on

The new software has significantly ______ the efficiency of our data processing.
A) enhance
B) enhances
C) enhanced
D) enhancing

Due to the unexpected delay, the project deadline has been ______ by two weeks.
A) extended
B) extending
C) extension
D) extensively

The company is looking for candidates who are ______ in at least two languages.
A) fluently
B) fluent
C) fluency
D) fluentness

The marketing department ______ a comprehensive analysis of consumer behavior last month.
A) conduct
B) conducted
C) conducts
D) conducting

All employees must adhere ______ the new safety regulations implemented last week.
A) with
B) to
C) for
D) by

The CEO ______ to address the concerns raised by shareholders at next week's meeting.
A) expect
B) expects
C) expected
D) expecting

The company's profits have ______ steadily over the past five years.
A) increased
B) increasing
C) increase
D) increases

The new office building is equipped with ______ technology to reduce energy consumption.
A) state-of-the-art
B) state-of-the-arts
C) stated-of-the-art
D) state-for-the-art

The company's decision to expand internationally was ______ by thorough market research.
A) informed
B) informing
C) informs
D) information

Despite the economic challenges, our company remains ______ to its core values and mission.
A) commit
B) commits
C) committed
D) committing

The new product line is expected to ______ a wider range of customers.
A) appeal to
B) appeal for
C) appeal with
D) appeal by

Employees are reminded to ______ all security protocols when accessing sensitive data.
A) adheres to
B) adhering to
C) adhere to
D) adhered to

The conference room booking system has been ______ to accommodate the increasing demand.
A) upgrade
B) upgrading
C) upgrades
D) upgraded

The company newsletter is distributed ______ to keep employees informed about recent developments.
A) monthly
B) month
C) months
D) monthlies

Our customer service team is dedicated to ______ client inquiries in a timely manner.
A) respond
B) responds
C) responded
D) responding to

The annual report ______ the company's financial performance and future prospects.
A) outlining
B) outlines
C) outlined
D) outline

Employees are encouraged to take advantage of the company's ______ reimbursement program.
A) tuition
B) tuitions
C) tuitioned
D) tuitioning

The new office layout is designed to promote ______ among team members.
A) collaborative
B) collaboration
C) collaboratively
D) collaborating

The company's new sustainability initiative aims to ______ its carbon footprint by 30% within five years.
A) reduce
B) reduces
C) reduced
D) reducing

All employees are required to complete the online training course ______ the end of this month.
A) by
B) until
C) for
D) since

The IT department is currently working on ______ the company's cybersecurity measures.
A) strengthen
B) strengthens
C) strengthened
D) strengthening

The sales team exceeded their targets, ______ in a significant increase in revenue for the quarter.
A) result
B) resulting
C) resulted
D) results

The company's board of directors meets ______ to discuss long-term strategic plans.
A) quarter
B) quarterly
C) quarters
D) quartered

■ Part6(Q131-146)

Directions : Read the texts that follow. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of each text. Four answer choices for each question are given below the text. Select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 131-134 refer to the following notice.
Annual Company Picnic Announcement
The annual company picnic will be held on Saturday, July 15, at Greenwood Park. All employees and their families are invited to attend this fun-filled event. The picnic will begin at 11:00 AM and (131)____ until 4:00 PM.
We will provide a variety of food options, including vegetarian and gluten-free choices. There will also be games and activities for children of all ages. Please remember to (132)____ comfortable clothes and sunscreen.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP by July 8 to ensure we have an accurate headcount for food and supplies. We look forward to seeing everyone there and (133)____ a great day together!
In case of inclement weather, the event will be (134)____ to the following Saturday, July 22. We will notify all employees via email by 7:00 PM on Friday, July 14, if there are any changes to the schedule.

(A) continue
(B) continuing
(C) continued
(D) to continue

(A) wear
(B) wearing
(C) worn
(D) to wear

(A) having
(B) have
(C) had
(D) to have

(A) postponed
(B) postpone
(C) postponing
(D) to postpone

Questions 135-138 refer to the following email.
From: HR Department
To: All Employees
Subject: Updated Employee Handbook

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the Employee Handbook has been updated for the new fiscal year. The revised version (135)____ several important changes to company policies and procedures.
Key updates include:

A new section on remote work guidelines
Revised vacation and sick leave policies
Updated information on professional development opportunities

Please take the time to (136)____ the new handbook carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to (137)____ the HR department.
All employees are required to sign an acknowledgment form stating that they have read and understood the updated handbook. Please complete this form and (138)____ it to your immediate supervisor by Friday, August 4.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
HR Department

(A) includes
(B) including
(C) included
(D) to include

(A) read
(B) reading
(C) reads
(D) to reading

(A) contact
(B) contacts
(C) contacting
(D) to contact

(A) return
(B) returning
(C) returned
(D) to return

Questions 139-142 refer to the following article.

Tech Innovations Reshape Workplace Communication

In recent years, the landscape of workplace communication has undergone significant changes. With the rise of remote work and global teams, companies are increasingly (139)____ innovative technologies to facilitate collaboration and information sharing.

One such technology that has gained widespread adoption is cloud-based project management tools. These platforms allow team members to (140)____ tasks, share files, and communicate in real-time, regardless of their physical location. This has led to increased productivity and improved coordination among distributed teams.

Another trend is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into communication tools. AI-powered chatbots, for example, are being used to (141)____ routine inquiries, freeing up human resources for more complex tasks. Additionally, natural language processing is enhancing the accuracy of translation services, making it easier for multinational teams to collaborate effectively.

As these technologies continue to evolve, it's clear that the future of workplace communication will be increasingly digital and (142)____. Companies that adapt to these changes are likely to gain a competitive edge in the global marketplace.

(A) adopt (B) adopting (C) adopted (D) to adopt

(A) assign (B) assigning (C) assigned (D) to assign

(A) handle (B) handling (C) handled (D) to handle

(A) interconnect (B) interconnecting (C) interconnected (D) to interconnect

Questions 143-146 refer to the following memo.

To: All Department Heads From: CEO Subject: Quarterly Performance Review

Dear Team Leaders,

As we approach the end of the second quarter, it's time to (143)____ our company's performance and set goals for the upcoming months. I'd like to schedule individual meetings with each department head to discuss your team's achievements and challenges.

During these meetings, please be prepared to:

  1. Present a summary of your department's key performance indicators (KPIs).

  2. (144)____ any significant projects or initiatives completed this quarter.

  3. Identify areas where your team has excelled and areas that need improvement.

  4. Propose strategies to address any challenges or obstacles you've encountered.

These reviews are crucial for ensuring that we're aligned with our annual objectives and (145)____ effectively to market changes. They also provide an opportunity for us to recognize outstanding performances and address any concerns proactively.

Please contact my assistant to (146)____ a meeting time that works best for you. I look forward to our discussions and working together to drive our company's continued success.

Best regards, [CEO's Name]

(A) review (B) reviewing (C) reviewed (D) to review

(A) Highlight (B) Highlighting (C) Highlighted (D) To highlight

(A) adapt (B) adapting (C) adapted (D) to adapt

(A) schedule (B) scheduling (C) scheduled (D) to schedule

■ Part7(Q147-200)

Questions 147-148 refer to the following email.

Dear Valued Employee,

We are pleased to announce that Green Tech Solutions will be implementing a new flexible work arrangement policy starting next month. This initiative aims to improve work-life balance and increase overall productivity.

Key points of the new policy:
1. Employees may choose to work from home up to two days per week.
2. Core office hours will be from 10 AM to 3 PM, during which all employees must be available.
3. Employees can adjust their start and end times between 7 AM and 7 PM, as long as they complete their required hours.
4. All flexible arrangements must be approved by your direct supervisor.
5. This policy will be reviewed after a six-month trial period.

To participate in this program, please submit a flexible work proposal to HR by the 15th of this month. The proposal should outline your preferred schedule and how you plan to maintain your productivity.

We believe this new policy will contribute to a more positive work environment and look forward to your participation.

Best regards,
Samantha Chen
Human Resources Director

147.What is the main purpose of this announcement?
A) To introduce a new company policy
B) To announce changes in office hours
C) To request feedback on work arrangements
D) To promote remote work for all employees

148.According to the announcement, which of the following is NOT correct?
A) Employees can work from home every day of the week
B) There is a core period when all employees must be available
C) Work hours can be adjusted within a 12-hour window
D) The new policy will be evaluated after six months

Questions 149-150 refer to the following advertisement.

Introducing the EcoWave X2000 Dishwasher

Experience the future of dish cleaning with the EcoWave X2000! This state-of-the-art dishwasher combines cutting-edge technology with eco-friendly features to deliver sparkling clean dishes while minimizing environmental impact.

Key Features:

  • Ultra-efficient water usage: Uses 30% less water than standard models

  • Energy Star certified: Reduces energy consumption by up to 25%

  • Smart sensors: Adjusts cycle time and water usage based on load size and soil level

  • Whisper-quiet operation: Only 42 dB noise level

  • Large capacity: Fits up to 16 place settings

  • Quick wash cycle: Clean lightly soiled dishes in just 30 minutes

Limited Time Offer:
Purchase the EcoWave X2000 before June 30th and receive:

  • Free installation ($150 value)

  • 5-year extended warranty (normally $99)

  • Eco-friendly detergent starter pack

Available at all major appliance retailers. Visit www.ecowave.com for more information.

149.What is being advertised in this text?

A) A new type of dishwashing liquid
B) An energy-efficient dishwasher
C) A water conservation program
D) A dish cleaning service

150.According to the advertisement, which of the following is NOT offered as part of the limited time offer?

A) Complimentary setup of the appliance
B) Additional guarantee period
C) A set of eco-friendly cleaning products
D) A discount on the purchase price

Questions 151-152 refer to the following chat discussion.

Jane: Hey team, just got an email about the company picnic. Sounds fun! Mark: Oh, I haven't checked my inbox yet. What's it about? Jane: It's on August 10th at Greenwood Park. The theme is sustainability. Mark: Cool! Any special activities planned? Jane: Yeah, quite a few actually. There'll be eco-friendly games, organic food trucks, and even a tree-planting ceremony. Mark: Wow, that's great! Is there anything we need to do? Jane: We need to RSVP by July 31st and mention any dietary restrictions. Oh, and they're encouraging carpooling. Mark: Got it. Thanks for the info, Jane! Jane: No problem! Looking forward to it.

[151] What event are Jane and Mark discussing?
(A) A team-building workshop
(B) The annual company picnic
(C) An environmental conference
(D) A new product launch

[152] Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of the event?
(A) Tree-planting ceremony
(B) Eco-friendly games
(C) Organic food trucks
(D) Guest speaker presentation

Questions 153-154 refer to the following notice.

Notice to All Employees
Due to the upcoming office renovation, we will be temporarily relocating our operations from July 15th to August 31st. During this period, all departments will be working from the Riverside Business Center, located at 456 River Street.
Please note the following:

  1. Your access cards will be updated to grant entry to the temporary location.

  2. Parking will be available in the underground garage at no additional cost.

  3. The cafeteria services will be limited, so we recommend bringing your own lunch.

  4. All client meetings scheduled during this period will be held in the Riverside Business Center's conference rooms.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Facilities Management team at ext. 5678.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this transition.

Sincerely, Management

[153] What is the main purpose of this notice?
(A) To announce a company-wide vacation
(B) To inform employees about a temporary relocation
(C) To introduce new office policies
(D) To advertise job openings in a new location

[154] According to the notice, what will NOT be provided at the temporary location?
(A) Access card updates
(B) Free parking
(C) Full cafeteria services
(D) Conference rooms for client meetings

Questions 155-157 refer to the following article and chart.

Eco-Friendly Transportation: A Growing Trend in Urban Areas

As cities worldwide grapple with increasing pollution and traffic congestion, many are turning to eco-friendly transportation solutions. A recent survey conducted across 10 major cities reveals a significant shift in commuting habits over the past five years.

According to the data, the use of personal cars for daily commutes has decreased by 15% since 2019. This decline corresponds with a notable increase in the use of public transportation, cycling, and walking. The most dramatic change has been in the adoption of electric scooters and bikes, which have seen a 200% increase in usage.

City planners attribute this shift to improved infrastructure for alternative transportation methods, including dedicated bike lanes, expanded public transit networks, and the introduction of bike and scooter-sharing programs. Additionally, many cities have implemented congestion pricing in downtown areas, further discouraging personal car use.

Environmental experts praise these changes, noting that the reduction in car usage has led to a measurable improvement in air quality in participating cities. However, they caution that continued efforts are needed to meet long-term sustainability goals.

[Chart showing transportation mode usage in 2019 vs. 2024] 

155.What is the main focus of the article?
(A) The decline of the automotive industry
(B) Changes in urban transportation habits
(C) The health benefits of walking and cycling
(D) New technologies in public transportation

156.According to the chart, which mode of transportation saw the largest percentage increase between 2019 and 2024?
(A) Personal Car
(B) Public Transit
(C) Cycling
(D) E-scooters/bikes

157.What reason does the article give for the decrease in personal car usage?
(A) Rising fuel costs
(B) Improved public transportation infrastructure
(C) A global economic recession
(D) Increased traffic accidents

Questions 158-160 refer to the following memo and schedule.

To: All Marketing Department Staff
From: Sarah Thompson, Marketing Director
Date: June 15, 2024
Subject: Quarterly Strategy Meeting and Team Building Event

I'm writing to inform you about our upcoming Quarterly Strategy Meeting and Team Building Event scheduled for next week. This combined event aims to review our performance, set goals for the next quarter, and strengthen our team's cohesion.

The strategy meeting will take place in the morning, followed by a team-building activity in the afternoon. Please review the attached schedule and come prepared with your ideas and questions. Don't forget to bring comfortable clothes and shoes for the afternoon activities.

If you have any dietary restrictions or special requirements, please inform HR by Friday.

I look forward to a productive and enjoyable day with all of you.

Quarterly Strategy Meeting and Team Building
Event Date: June 22, 2024
Location: Sunrise Conference Center

08:30 - 09:00: Arrival and Registration
09:00 - 10:30: Q2 Performance Review
10:30 - 10:45: Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15: Q3 Goal Setting and Strategy Discussion
12:15 - 13:15: Lunch
13:30 - 16:30: Team Building Activities (Outdoor)
16:30 - 17:00: Closing Remarks and Feedback

[158]When is the deadline for informing HR about dietary restrictions?
(A) June 15
(B) June 21
(C) June 22
(D) It is not mentioned

[159]What is the primary purpose of the afternoon session?
(A) Performance review
(B) Goal setting
(C) Team building
(D) Strategy discussion

[160]According to the schedule, how long is the lunch break?
(A) 45 minutes
(B) 60 minutes
(C) 75 minutes
(D) 90 minutes

Questions 161-163 refer to the following advertisement and online shopping cart.

Eco-Friendly Home Essentials Sale at GreenLife! Transform your living space with our sustainable products. Shop now and save big!

Featured Items:

  1. Bamboo Bed Sheets Set (Queen) - $59.99 (Regular $79.99)

  2. Recycled Glass Tumblers (Set of 4) - $24.99 (Regular $34.99)

  3. Organic Cotton Bath Towels (Set of 2) - $39.99 (Regular $49.99)

  4. Solar-Powered LED Garden Lights (Pack of 6) - $45.99 (Regular $59.99)

Use code ECO25 for an extra 25% off your entire purchase! Free shipping on orders over $100. Offer valid until June 30, 2024.

[Online Shopping Cart]

[161]What is the minimum purchase amount required for free shipping?
(A) $50
(B) $75
(C) $100
(D) $150

[162]How much money did the customer save by using the discount code?
(A) $25.00
(B) $37.49
(C) $49.98
(D) $112.47

[163]Which item in the shopping cart was purchased in the largest quantity?
(A) Bamboo Bed Sheets Set
(B) Recycled Glass Tumblers
(C) Organic Cotton Bath Towels
(D) Solar-Powered LED Garden Lights

Questions 164-167 refer to the following e-mail and report.

From: Maria Rodriguez, HR Director
To: All Employees
Subject: Annual Employee Satisfaction Survey Results
Date: July 15, 2024

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to share the results of our Annual Employee Satisfaction Survey. We had an impressive 92% participation rate this year, which provides us with valuable insights into our workplace environment.

The attached report summarizes the key findings. Overall, we've seen improvements in several areas, particularly in work-life balance and professional development opportunities. However, there are also areas where we need to focus our efforts for improvement.

We will be organizing department-specific meetings over the next month to discuss these results in more detail and develop action plans. Your input during these sessions will be crucial in shaping our workplace initiatives for the coming year.

Thank you for your honesty and commitment to making our company a great place to work.

Best regards, Maria Rodriguez

[Report Excerpt] Annual Employee Satisfaction Survey Results - 2024

[164]What was the participation rate for the survey?
(A) 65%
(B) 78%
(C) 85%
(D) 92%

[165]Which area showed the most significant improvement from the previous year?
(A) Team collaboration
(B) Work-life balance
(C) Professional development opportunities
(D) Recognition and rewards

[166]What is the overall employee satisfaction rate according to the report? (A) 72%
(B) 75%
(C) 78%
(D) 80%

[167]What does the report suggest as a follow-up to track progress?
(A) Monthly team meetings
(B) Bi-annual surveys
(C) Quarterly pulse surveys
(D) Annual performance reviews

Questions 168-171 refer to the following article and graph.

Tech Innovation Drives Economic Growth in Silicona Valley

Silicona Valley, known for its thriving tech ecosystem, has once again proven its resilience and innovation prowess. Despite global economic challenges, the region has shown remarkable growth over the past five years, primarily driven by advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and sustainable technologies.

According to the Silicona Valley Economic Report, the tech sector has been the primary contributor to the region's GDP growth. "We've seen a surge in AI-related startups and significant investments in green tech," says Dr. Emily Chen, chief economist at the Silicona Valley Economic Institute. "These sectors have not only created high-paying jobs but have also attracted global talent and investment."

The report highlights that AI-focused companies have seen an average annual growth rate of 15% since 2020, while sustainable tech firms have grown at a rate of 12% per year. Traditional software and hardware companies have maintained steady growth at 5% annually.

However, the rapid growth has also brought challenges. "We're seeing increased pressure on housing and infrastructure," notes Dr. Chen. "The local government is working on solutions, but it's a complex issue that requires careful planning and significant investment."

Despite these challenges, the outlook for Silicona Valley remains positive. Experts predict continued growth, albeit at a more moderate pace, as the region adapts to new economic realities and technological shifts.

Graph showing GDP Growth by Sector in Silicona Valley from 2020 to 2025

(Note: Values are indexed, with 2020 as the base year (100))

[168]What is the main focus of the article?
(A) The challenges of rapid economic growth in Silicona Valley
(B) The impact of AI and sustainable tech on Silicona Valley's economy
(C) The housing crisis in Silicona Valley
(D) The decline of traditional tech companies in Silicona Valley

[169]According to the graph, which sector showed the highest growth rate between 2020 and 2025?
(A) AI
(B) Sustainable Tech
(C) Traditional Tech
(D) All sectors grew at the same rate

[170]What challenge does Dr. Chen mention as a result of the region's growth?
(A) Lack of qualified workers
(B) Decreasing investment in the region
(C) Pressure on housing and infrastructure
(D) Decline in traditional tech companies

[171]Based on the article and graph, what can be inferred about the Traditional Tech sector?
(A) It is growing faster than other sectors
(B) It is declining rapidly
(C) It is growing steadily but slower than AI and Sustainable Tech
(D) It has stopped growing entirely

Questions 172-175 refer to the following e-mail and invoice.

From: sales@greentechsolutions.com
To: john.smith@abccompany.com
Subject: Your GreenTech Solutions Order Confirmation
Date: August 15, 2024

Dear John Smith,

Thank you for your order with GreenTech Solutions. We're pleased to confirm that your order has been processed and is being prepared for shipment. Please find the details of your purchase in the attached invoice.

As a valued customer, we'd like to inform you about our new loyalty program. For every $500 spent, you'll receive a $25 credit towards your next purchase. Based on this order, you've earned 2 credits, totaling $50 for your next order.

Additionally, we're excited to announce our upcoming Eco-Innovation Webinar on September 5th, 2024. As a customer, you're invited to join for free. Please RSVP by August 25th if you'd like to attend.

If you have any questions about your order or our services, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team.

Best regards,
Emma Johnson
Customer Relations Manager
GreenTech Solutions

GreenTech Solutions Inc.
Invoice #: GT5789
Date: August 15, 2024

Bill To:
John Smith
ABC Company
123 Business St., Anytown, AN 12345

Payment Method: Credit Card (last four digits: 1234)
Order Status: Processing

172. How much credit has John Smith earned from this purchase?
(A) $25
(B) $50
(C) $75
(D) $100

173. What is the total cost of John Smith's order including tax and shipping?
(A) $2,499.93
(B) $2,699.92
(C) $2,774.92
(D) $2,824.92

174. By when should John Smith RSVP for the webinar?
(A) August 15th
(B) August 25th
(C) September 5th
(D) It is not mentioned

175. Which of the following items did John Smith order the most of?
(A) Solar Panel Kit
(B) Wind Turbine
(C) Energy Storage Battery
(D) All were ordered in equal quantities

Questions 176-180 refer to the following advertisement, online registration form, and e-mail.

Join Us for the 10th Annual Global Business Forum!
Date: September 15-17, 2024
Venue: Crystal Convention Center, New York City

Explore the future of international commerce with world-renowned speakers and industry leaders. This year's theme: "Sustainable Innovation in a Digital Age"

Key Features:
- Keynote speeches by Fortune 500 CEOs
- Interactive workshops on emerging technologies
- Networking sessions with global business leaders
- Exhibition showcasing cutting-edge products and services

Early Bird Registration: $799 (until July 31, 2024)
Regular Registration: $999

Register now at www.globalbusinessforum.com

[Online Registration Form]
Global Business Forum Registration

Personal Information:
Full Name: [                    ]
Company: [                    ]
Job Title: [                    ]
Email: [                    ]
Phone: [                    ]

Registration Type:
[  ] Early Bird ($799)
[  ] Regular ($999)

Workshop Selection (choose two):
[  ] Artificial Intelligence in Business
[  ] Sustainable Supply Chain Management
[  ] Digital Marketing Strategies
[  ] Blockchain for Global Trade

Payment Method:
[  ] Credit Card
[  ] Bank Transfer
[  ] PayPal

Special Requests:
[  ] Vegetarian Meal
[  ] Accessibility Accommodations

Terms and Conditions:
[  ] I agree to the terms and conditions


From: registration@globalbusinessforum.com
To: emily.chen@techcorp.com
Subject: Confirmation of Your Global Business Forum Registration
Date: July 25, 2024

Dear Emily Chen,

Thank you for registering for the 10th Annual Global Business Forum. We're excited to have you join us! Below are the details of your registration:

Name: Emily Chen
Company: TechCorp
Registration Type: Early Bird
Workshops: 1. Artificial Intelligence in Business
           2. Digital Marketing Strategies
Special Requests: Vegetarian Meal

Your total payment of $799 has been processed successfully.

Please note that the forum schedule and additional information will be sent to you via email two weeks before the event. If you have any questions or need to make changes to your registration, please contact us at support@globalbusinessforum.com.

We look forward to seeing you in September!

Best regards,
Global Business Forum Team

176. What is the theme of this year's Global Business Forum?
(A) Digital Transformation in Global Markets
(B) Sustainable Innovation in a Digital Age
(C) The Future of International Commerce
(D) Emerging Technologies in Business

177. How much did Emily Chen pay for her registration?
(A) $799
(B) $999
(C) $1,598
(D) The amount is not specified

178. Which of the following is NOT offered as a workshop option?
(A) Artificial Intelligence in Business
(B) Sustainable Supply Chain Management
(C) Digital Marketing Strategies
(D) Global Economic Trends

179. When will Emily Chen receive the forum schedule?
(A) July 25, 2024
(B) July 31, 2024
(C) September 1, 2024
(D) September 15, 2024

180. What special request did Emily make in her registration?
(A) Accessibility accommodations
(B) Vegetarian meal
(C) Hotel reservation
(D) Transportation assistance

Questions 181-185 refer to the following article and online survey.

Green City Initiative Launches Citywide Recycling Program

The Green City Council has announced the launch of a comprehensive recycling program aimed at reducing waste and promoting environmental sustainability. Starting next month, all residents will receive color-coded recycling bins for different types of recyclable materials.

"Our goal is to increase our recycling rate from 30% to 60% within the next two years," said Mayor Sarah Johnson. "This program will make it easier for residents to participate in our sustainability efforts."

The program includes:
- Blue bins for paper and cardboard
- Green bins for glass and metal
- Yellow bins for plastics

Educational workshops will be held at community centers throughout the city to help residents understand the new system. The city has also launched a website, www.greencityrecycles.com, with detailed information about the program and recycling guidelines.

Local businesses are encouraged to participate in the program, with special collection services available for commercial properties. The city estimates that the new program will create approximately 100 new jobs in waste management and recycling sectors.

For more information or to provide feedback on the program, residents can complete an online survey at www.greencitysurvey.com.

[Online Survey]
Green City Recycling Program Feedback

1. How often do you currently recycle?
   [  ] Daily
   [  ] Weekly
   [  ] Monthly
   [  ] Never

2. Which materials do you most commonly recycle? (Select all that apply)
   [  ] Paper
   [  ] Cardboard
   [  ] Glass
   [  ] Metal
   [  ] Plastic

3. How likely are you to participate in the new recycling program?
   [  ] Very likely
   [  ] Somewhat likely
   [  ] Somewhat unlikely
   [  ] Very unlikely

4. What challenges do you anticipate in using the new color-coded bin system?
   [                                                  ]

5. Would you be interested in attending a recycling education workshop?
   [  ] Yes
   [  ] No
   [  ] Maybe

6. Any additional comments or suggestions?
   [                                                  ]

Submit Your Feedback

181. What is the main purpose of the new recycling program?
(A) To create new jobs in the city
(B) To reduce waste and promote sustainability
(C) To introduce a new tax on waste collection
(D) To compete with private recycling companies

182. According to the article, what percentage does the city aim to reach in terms of recycling rate?
(A) 30%
(B) 40%
(C) 50%
(D) 60%

183. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as part of the new recycling program?
(A) Color-coded bins for different materials
(B) Educational workshops for residents
(C) A new website with program information
(D) A mobile app for tracking recycling habits

184. How can residents provide feedback on the new program?
(A) By attending city council meetings
(B) By calling a dedicated hotline
(C) By completing an online survey
(D) By writing letters to the mayor

185. Based on the survey, which of the following is NOT a response option for how often people currently recycle?
(A) Daily
(B) Weekly
(C) Bi-weekly
(D) Monthly

Questions 186-190 refer to the following e-mail chain and chart.

[E-mail Chain]

From: Lisa Chen <lisa.chen@techinnovate.com>
To: Michael Rodriguez <michael.rodriguez@techinnovate.com>
Subject: Q3 Sales Report
Date: October 2, 2024

Hi Michael,

I hope this email finds you well. I've just finished compiling the Q3 sales report for our software products. The numbers are quite interesting, and I think we need to discuss them in our next team meeting.

Could you please review the attached chart and let me know your thoughts? I'm particularly concerned about the declining sales of TechPro 3.0.



From: Michael Rodriguez <michael.rodriguez@techinnovate.com>
To: Lisa Chen <lisa.chen@techinnovate.com>
Subject: Re: Q3 Sales Report
Date: October 3, 2024

Hi Lisa,

Thanks for sending this over. I've reviewed the chart, and I agree that we need to address the TechPro 3.0 situation. However, I'm encouraged by the strong performance of CloudSync.

Let's schedule a meeting for next Tuesday at 2 PM to discuss strategies for boosting TechPro 3.0 sales. Could you also prepare a brief analysis of why you think CloudSync is outperforming our other products?



From: Lisa Chen <lisa.chen@techinnovate.com>
To: Michael Rodriguez <michael.rodriguez@techinnovate.com>
Subject: Re: Q3 Sales Report
Date: October 3, 2024

Certainly, Michael. I'll book the conference room for Tuesday at 2 PM and prepare the CloudSync analysis.

One quick question: Should we invite the marketing team to this meeting? They might have some insights on how to reposition TechPro 3.0.



From: Michael Rodriguez <michael.rodriguez@techinnovate.com>
To: Lisa Chen <lisa.chen@techinnovate.com>
Subject: Re: Q3 Sales Report
Date: October 4, 2024

Good thinking, Lisa. Yes, please invite Sarah from marketing. Her input would be valuable.

See you on Tuesday.


[Chart: Q3 Software Sales]

186. What is the main concern expressed in the initial email?
(A) The overall Q3 sales performance
(B) The declining sales of TechPro 3.0
(C) The strong performance of CloudSync
(D) The need for a team meeting

187. According to the chart, which product generated the most revenue in Q3?
(A) TechPro 3.0
(B) CloudSync
(C) DataGuard
(D) AI Assistant

188. When is the team meeting scheduled to discuss the sales report?
(A) October 2, 2024
(B) October 3, 2024
(C) October 4, 2024
(D) October 8, 2024

189. What additional task does Michael ask Lisa to prepare for the meeting?
(A) A marketing strategy for TechPro 3.0
(B) An analysis of CloudSync's performance
(C) A comparison of all product sales
(D) A presentation on Q4 projections

190. Who is invited to join the meeting in addition to Lisa and Michael?
(A) The entire marketing team
(B) Sarah from marketing
(C) The software development team
(D) The company's CEO

Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-mail chain and invoice.

[E-mail Chain]

From: sarah.johnson@techinnovate.com
To: accounts@officeplus.com
Subject: Order Inquiry - Standing Desks
Date: June 15, 2024

Dear Office Plus Team,

I'm writing to inquire about bulk ordering standing desks for our office. We're looking to purchase approximately 50 units. Could you please provide information on available models, pricing, and any discounts for bulk orders?

Also, what is your typical lead time for such an order?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,
Sarah Johnson
HR Manager, TechInnovate Inc.


From: accounts@officeplus.com
To: sarah.johnson@techinnovate.com
Subject: Re: Order Inquiry - Standing Desks
Date: June 16, 2024

Dear Sarah Johnson,

Thank you for your inquiry. We're pleased to offer you our premium line of adjustable standing desks. For bulk orders of 50 or more, we offer a 15% discount on our regular prices.

Our most popular model is the ErgoFlex 3000, priced at $600 per unit. With the bulk discount, the price would be $510 per desk.

The typical lead time for an order of this size is 3-4 weeks. However, we currently have a promotion where we guarantee delivery within 2 weeks for orders placed before June 30th.

I've attached an invoice for 50 ErgoFlex 3000 desks to this email. If you'd like to proceed with the order or have any questions, please let me know.

Best regards,
Mark Thompson
Sales Representative, Office Plus


Office Plus Inc.
123 Business Lane, Metropolis, NY 10001


Bill To:
TechInnovate Inc.
456 Innovation Drive
Silicon Valley, CA 94000

Invoice Number: INV-2024-0616
Date: June 16, 2024

Payment Terms: Net 30
Please remit payment to: Office Plus Inc., 123 Business Lane, Metropolis, NY 10001

Thank you for your business!

191. What is the main purpose of Sarah Johnson's email?
(A) To complain about a previous order
(B) To inquire about purchasing standing desks
(C) To cancel an existing order
(D) To request a product catalog

192. How many standing desks is TechInnovate Inc. considering purchasing?
(A) 15
(B) 30
(C) 50
(D) 100

193. What is the discounted unit price of the ErgoFlex 3000 desk?
(A) $510
(B) $600
(C) $25,500
(D) $28,620

194. According to the email, what is the advantage of ordering before June 30th?
(A) An additional 5% discount
(B) Free shipping
(C) Extended warranty
(D) Faster delivery

195. What is the total cost of the order including tax and shipping?
(A) $25,500
(B) $26,500
(C) $28,620
(D) $30,000

Questions 196-200 refer to the following advertisement, online booking form, and confirmation email.


Discover the Beauty of Maple Valley!
Maple Valley Eco-Resort

Experience nature like never before at our sustainable luxury resort.

Special Summer Package:
- 3 nights in a treehouse suite
- Daily farm-to-table breakfast
- Guided nature walks
- Complimentary spa treatment

Only $899 per person (double occupancy)
Valid from June 1 to August 31, 2024

Book now at www.maplevalleyresort.com
Use code SUMMER24 for an additional 10% off!

[Online Booking Form]

Maple Valley Eco-Resort Reservation

Check-in Date: [          ]
Check-out Date: [          ]

Number of Guests: [  ] Adults  [  ] Children

Room Type:
[  ] Treehouse Suite
[  ] Lakeside Cabin
[  ] Forest View Room

[  ] Summer Special ($899/person)
[  ] Standard Room Only

Additional Services:
[  ] Airport Transfer ($50)
[  ] Kayak Rental ($30/day)

Promo Code: [          ]

Total: $[          ]

[  ] I agree to the terms and conditions

[Book Now]

[Confirmation Email]

From: reservations@maplevalleyresort.com
To: john.smith@email.com
Subject: Maple Valley Eco-Resort Booking Confirmation
Date: May 15, 2024

Dear John Smith,

Thank you for choosing Maple Valley Eco-Resort. Your reservation is confirmed as follows:

Booking Reference: MV24051501
Check-in: July 10, 2024
Check-out: July 13, 2024
Guests: 2 Adults
Room: Treehouse Suite
Package: Summer Special

Additional Services:
- Airport Transfer

Your total comes to $1,718.10, including the 10% discount applied with promo code SUMMER24.

Please note that check-in time is 3:00 PM and check-out time is 11:00 AM. For the airport transfer, please send your flight details to transport@maplevalleyresort.com at least 48 hours before your arrival.

We look forward to welcoming you to Maple Valley!

Best regards,
Maple Valley Eco-Resort Team

196. What is the primary attraction of the Maple Valley Eco-Resort?
(A) Its proximity to the city
(B) Its sustainable luxury experience
(C) Its low prices
(D) Its historical significance

197. How much does the Summer Package cost per person before any discount?
(A) $799
(B) $849
(C) $899
(D) $999

198. Which of the following is NOT included in the Summer Package?
(A) Accommodation in a treehouse suite
(B) Daily breakfast
(C) Guided nature walks
(D) Kayak rental

199. How long will John Smith stay at the resort?
(A) 2 nights
(B) 3 nights
(C) 4 nights
(D) 5 nights

200. What is the total cost of John Smith's reservation after the discount?
(A) $1,618.10
(B) $1,718.10
(C) $1,798.00
(D) $1,908.00


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