
首都圏のNHKで放送されている「STOP詐欺被害! 私たちはだまされない」という番組は役立っているのか


このような特殊詐欺を防ぐため、首都圏のNHKで平日夕方に、「STOP詐欺被害! 私たちはだまされない」という番組を流している。番組と言っても数分程度だが、実際にあった例として、最初に詐欺師が電話をかけてきて、被害者が騙されるというパターンが、ほぼ毎回繰り返される。















ということで、「STOP詐欺被害! 私たちはだまされない」という番組は役立っているのか、という問いに対しては、放送しないよりはましかもしれない、ということしか言えない。



尺八の愛好者から抗議が来たのかどうかはわからないが、今は尺八の音色は流さなくなった。そして番組名が、「STOP詐欺被害! 私はだまされない」から「STOP詐欺被害! 私たちはだまされない」に変わって続いている。


Is the program "STOP fraud damage! We will not be deceived" broadcast on NHK in the metropolitan area useful?

According to Wikipedia, in 2004, the National Police Agency named bank transfer fraud as "a criminal act of deceiving a person by telephone, postcard, or other documents and demanding money transfer" . Since then, the techniques of such crimes have diversified, and the National Police Agency has named the term "special fraud" to refer to "crimes of defrauding an unspecified number of persons of cash or other amounts (including extortion and cash card fraud) by calling the victim to make them trust the offender without meeting the offender face-to-face and then transferring the money to a designated savings account or by other means".

 In order to prevent such special fraud, NHK in the Tokyo metropolitan area is broadcasting a program on weekday evenings saying "STOP fraud damage! We will not be deceived". The program is only a few minutes long, but as an actual example, the pattern of a fraudster calling first and the victim being deceived is repeated almost every time.

You may be wondering, "Is there anyone who is deceived by such a technique?", But according to the report of the National Police Agency, the number of special frauds in 2021 was 14,498, so about 40 cases occur a day.  The amount of damage was 28.2 billion yen. In other words, the amount of damage per day is about 77.3 million yen.

With such a fortune being deceived on a daily basis, the case of this show is really happening. But can we prevent special fraud by just showing past examples in a few minutes? Viewers of the show may not be able to remember all the cases that are being broadcast.

In addition, in my community, sometimes a disaster prevention speaker installed by the city hall announces in a laid-back tone, as if telling an old person with poor hearing, "A scam call has been made to a neighbor's house. Please be careful".

What is the effect of these public relations efforts? After all, what they are trying to say is nothing more than "When you see a person, think of him/her  as a thief".

I don't think it's something everyone can do, and if it goes too far, it also avoids the necessary engagement with others.

The best thing is to reduce fraud.

There is no point in preaching morality to those who are trying to commit special fraud, so I would like to raise the arrest rate and make them think that it is not worth it. However, according to the 2021 White Paper on Crime, the rate of arrest for special fraud in 2020 was 54.8%. The arrest rate for all criminal offenses is 45.5%, which is higher than that, but it may not be sufficient as a deterrent.

The second response would be to prevent deceived people from withdrawing or transferring cash by bank clerk or convenience store clerk.

In fact, we sometimes hear the news that such people have prevented fraudulent damage. It has been a long time since it was recognized as a "transfer fraud" in 2004, so it seems that banks and convenience stores are also taking measures such as education. Even so, about 40 special frauds occur a day, and about 77.3 million yen is stolen.

Thirdly, if new benefits or refunds are started, it is expected that they will be abused, so should we warn people in advance? But this is unlikely to be very promising

The scammers' tricks are evolving. They try to deceive one person in a group. According to a report by the Police Agency, 88% of the victims are elderly. There is a limit to telling an old person with weak thinking not to be deceived.

Then, I think it would be good to have this kind of technological response. If the caller's information is suspicious, the AI will disconnect the caller, and if there is no problem, it will connect the caller to the person who made the call. This is a matter of freedom of communication, but it seems possible, with the advancement of technology, for AI to respond as if it were a secretary. The accumulation of information on suspicious phone numbers would also reduce the danger.

Searching on the Internet, it seems that fraud cases are increasing not only in Japan but also in other countries. Criminals in any country may think that they can easily make a lot of money just by deceiving people without spending money. This is a problem common to all countries, not just Japan, so I would like each country to cooperate in what can be done at the technical level.

So, when it comes to the question of whether the program "STOP fraud damage! We will not be deceived" is useful, I can only say that it may be better than not broadcasting.

By the way, before "That Disease" became popular, this program used to introduce fraud cases, followed by the sound of shakuhachi (bamboo flute) played by a konmuso monk, and the female announcer would speak, "This is a request to everyone," and "Please be careful of this kind of trick".

Did the creators of the program at that time think that the konmuso monk's shakuhachi, which often appears in historical dramas, was suitable for this scene? Is a konmuso monk a suspicious profession?

I don't know if there was a protest from a shakuhachi enthusiast, but now the shakuhachi tone is no longer played. And the program name has changed from "STOP fraud damage! I will not be deceived" to "STOP fraud damage! We will not be deceived".

The title photo is taken from the article "Special Fraud in 2021: 14,461 Cases Recognized, First Increase in Four Years; 'Refund Fraud' Doubles," Nippon.com, February 21, 2022.
