








寺田 昌嗣「絵日記と作文から見えてくる小学校の宿題の大問題」ことのば、2019年8月13日







An irreplaceable stereotype that a picture diary is a summer vacation homework

I will pick up Tensei Jingo from the Asahi Shimbun for the first time in a while. As always, not to praise.

Let's say you are an elementary schoolteacher and your students are back from summer vacation.
When the children hand in their "enikki" (illustrated diary) homework, you conclude that one of your students must have frequently shirked their daily assignment of writing a diary entry and recording the weather for each day.
The dead giveaway is the child just wrote "sunny" for the weather throughout the holidays.
You wouldn't overlook this anomaly and give the student a "hanamaru" stamp of excellence for the work, would you?
Of course not. You would obviously ask the child to explain what the problem was.

"VOX POPULI: Ministry failings helped lead to the tour boat sinking one month ago" Asahi Shimbun, May 24, 2022

Will many elementary school students be given a picture diary as one of their summer vacation homework this summer?

I don't think there are any elementary school students among the readers of this article, but did your teacher teach you how to write a picture diary?

I don't think most teachers teach students how to write, as in this article. I don't think I learned it either. But isn't this the same as being suddenly pushed into the water and told to swim?

Now, my son is in the first grade of elementary school, but he has a "picture diary" for his homework. However, unfortunately, it seems that elementary school does not teach how to write a picture diary. In sports, it is impossible to challenge a match without practicing. Whether it's writing, reading aloud, or doing any homework, I feel that there are too many homework assignments even though the teacher hasn't taught the students how to do it properly.

Masatsugu Terada "The big problem of elementary school homework that can be seen from the picture diary and composition", August 13, 2019

If you search for "how to write a picture diary" on the Internet, you will find many articles like this. But why do students or parents have to search? Is it homework, including searching?

Many adults quickly forget about their childhood hardships and doubts. That's why Tensei Jingo writer profusely says that children are reluctant to write, and it's normal for teachers who don't teach how to write to blame it.

In the past, at the end of summer vacation, some children asked the weather station about their summer weather performance. Now, if you can use the internet, you can easily find out. What is the educational effect of a picture diary? Is it the main purpose to silently obey orders?

By the way, this article in Tensei Jingo follows the picture diary of elementary school students, saying, "The sunken Shiretoko tour boat had two accidents last year and submitted an improvement report to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. The same wave height and wind speed were listed for 15 days. "

As pointed out earlier, Tensei Jingo writer tries to earn more characters by linking things that have nothing to do with each other. It's annoying for children. Students, don't become an adult who can only write such sentences.

The title photo is taken from Microsoft's picture diary template.
