











これは3月23日付の記事である。今はもっとたくさんの軍事費がつぎ込まれ、消費されているのだろう。そしてそれは、軍需企業の株価を急上昇させている。つまり、戦争が起きれば彼らは儲かるのだ。古い漫画の「サイボーグ009」の黒い幽霊団 を思い出させる。



軍と軍需産業、および政府は、その利益が強固に結びついていて、容易に引きはがすことはできない。それは、軍産複合体(Military-industrial complex)と呼ばれる。これもまた、私が高校生のころから聞く言葉だ。

タイトル写真は、小泉悠「手持ち兵器「ジャベリン」に苦戦、抵抗を甘く見たロシア」朝日新聞、2022年3月25日 から引用

Who is "getting rich" from the war?

Shortly after the war began, I watched on TV a video of an Ukrainian soldier using anti-tank gun to destroy a Russian tank.

I thought it was a video game for a moment, but this probably happened. But if so, I think the soldiers in the tank were killed or injured.

Is it permissible to play such a video on a TV that everyone sees?

Do the people in charge of the TV stations think that they can just broadcast the footage they have obtained without thinking about what is happening?

I will write more about the behavior of the TV stations, but today I will write about the cost of weapons and the military industries

According to this article, the "Javelin" anti-tank missile costs about 20 million yen each. According to this article, the cost of one tank is several hundred million yen.

For every tank destroyed by a missile, such expensive items are lost. And of course various facilities and assets, as well as the lives of soldiers and civilians and the natural environment.

Who benefits from it? Without a doubt, it is the military industries.

The munitions industry is supplying both camps with about $ 500 billion in weapons and is trying to make a significant profit. Defense spending in this war is already enormous. The EU purchased 450 million euros of weapons and shipped them to Ukraine. The United States has promised more than 90 tonnes of munitions, $ 650 million in aid last year alone, and an additional $ 350 million in military aid.


This is an article dated March 23. Perhaps more military spending is being spent and consumed now. And it is causing the stock prices of munitions companies to skyrocket. In other words, if a war breaks out, they will make a profit. It reminds me of the black ghost group of the old Manga "Cyborg 009".

According to a Forbes article, sales of the top 100 companies in 2017 increased 2.5% year-on-year to a total of $ 388.2 billion. Forty-two of the 100 companies are American companies, and Russia has become the second largest weapons manufacturer in the world after the United States. Russia is currently trying to modernize its armaments and has grown significantly since 2011.

It is futile to even try to say, "If you have such money, why can't you send it to UNICEF?

The military, the munitions industry, and the government have strong interests that cannot be easily torn apart. It is called the Military-industrial complex. This is another word I've heard since I was in high school.

The title photo is taken from Yu Koizumi, "Russia struggled with the hand-held weapon" Javelin " ,which underestimated resistance" Asahi Shimbun, March 25, 2022.
